Package laplace



The laplace package facilitates the application of Laplace approximations for entire neural networks, subnetworks of neural networks, or just their last layer. The package enables posterior approximations, marginal-likelihood estimation, and various posterior predictive computations. The library documentation is available at

There is also a corresponding paper, Laplace Redux — Effortless Bayesian Deep Learning, which introduces the library, provides an introduction to the Laplace approximation, reviews its use in deep learning, and empirically demonstrates its versatility and competitiveness. Please consider referring to the paper when using our library:

  title={Laplace Redux--Effortless {B}ayesian Deep Learning},
  author={Erik Daxberger and Agustinus Kristiadi and Alexander Immer
          and Runa Eschenhagen and Matthias Bauer and Philipp Hennig},

The code to reproduce the experiments in the paper is also publicly available; it provides examples of how to use our library for predictive uncertainty quantification, model selection, and continual learning.


For full compatibility, install this package in a fresh virtual env. We assume Python >= 3.8 (last tested on Python 3.10.12). PyTorch version 2.0 and up is also required for full compatibility. To install laplace with pip, run the following:

pip install laplace-torch

For development purposes, clone the repository and then install:

# or after cloning the repository for development
pip install -e .
# run tests
pip install -e .[tests]
pytest tests/

Example usage

Post-hoc prior precision tuning of diagonal LA

In the following example, a pre-trained model is loaded, then the Laplace approximation is fit to the training data (using a diagonal Hessian approximation over all parameters), and the prior precision is optimized with cross-validation 'gridsearch'. After that, the resulting LA is used for prediction with the 'probit' predictive for classification.

from laplace import Laplace

# Pre-trained model
model = load_map_model()

# User-specified LA flavor
la = Laplace(model, 'classification',
la.optimize_prior_precision(method='gridsearch', val_loader=val_loader)

# User-specified predictive approx.
pred = la(x, link_approx='probit')

Differentiating the log marginal likelihood w.r.t. hyperparameters

The marginal likelihood can be used for model selection [10] and is differentiable for continuous hyperparameters like the prior precision or observation noise. Here, we fit the library default, KFAC last-layer LA and differentiate the log marginal likelihood.

from laplace import Laplace

# Un- or pre-trained model
model = load_model()

# Default to recommended last-layer KFAC LA:
la = Laplace(model, likelihood='regression')

# ML w.r.t. prior precision and observation noise
ml = la.log_marginal_likelihood(prior_prec, obs_noise)

Laplace on foundation models like LLMs

This library also supports Huggingface models and parameter-efficient fine-tuning. See examples/ for a runnable example.

class MyGPT2(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer) -> None:
        config = GPT2Config.from_pretrained('gpt2')
        config.pad_token_id = tokenizer.pad_token_id
        config.num_labels = 2
        self.hf_model = GPT2ForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
            'gpt2', config=config

    def forward(self, data: MutableMapping) -> torch.Tensor:
        Custom forward function. Handles things like moving the
        input tensor to the correct device inside.

            data: A dict-like data structure with `input_ids` inside.
                This is the default data structure assumed by Huggingface

            logits: An `(batch_size, n_classes)`-sized tensor of logits.
        device = next(self.parameters()).device
        input_ids = data['input_ids'].to(device)
        attn_mask = data['attention_mask'].to(device)
        output_dict = self.hf_model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask)
        return output_dict.logits

# Last-layer Laplace on the foundation model itself
# -------------------------------------------------
model = MyGPT2(tokenizer)

# Enable grad only for the last layer
for p in model.hf_model.parameters():
    p.requires_grad = False
for p in model.hf_model.score.parameters():
    p.requires_grad = True

la = Laplace(
    # Will only hit the last-layer since it's the only one that is grad-enabled

pred = la(next(iter(dataloader))

# Laplace on the LoRA-attached LLM
# --------------------------------
def get_lora_model():
    model = MyGPT2(tokenizer)  # Note we don't disable grad
    config = LoraConfig(
        target_modules=['c_attn'],  # LoRA on the attention weights
    lora_model = get_peft_model(model, config)
    return lora_model

lora_model = get_lora_model()
# Train it as usual here...

lora_la = Laplace(

lora_pred = lora_la(next(iter(dataloader)))

Applying the LA over only a subset of the model parameters

This example shows how to fit the Laplace approximation over only a subnetwork within a neural network (while keeping all other parameters fixed at their MAP estimates), as proposed in [11]. It also exemplifies different ways to specify the subnetwork to perform inference over.

from laplace import Laplace

# Pre-trained model
model = load_model()

# Examples of different ways to specify the subnetwork
# via indices of the vectorized model parameters
# Example 1: select the 128 parameters with the largest magnitude
from laplace.utils import LargestMagnitudeSubnetMask
subnetwork_mask = LargestMagnitudeSubnetMask(model, n_params_subnet=128)
subnetwork_indices =

# Example 2: specify the layers that define the subnetwork
from laplace.utils import ModuleNameSubnetMask
subnetwork_mask = ModuleNameSubnetMask(model, module_names=['layer.1', 'layer.3'])
subnetwork_indices = subnetwork_mask.indices

# Example 3: manually define the subnetwork via custom subnetwork indices
import torch
subnetwork_indices = torch.tensor([0, 4, 11, 42, 123, 2021])

# Define and fit subnetwork LA using the specified subnetwork indices
la = Laplace(model, 'classification',


As with plain torch, we support to ways to serialize data.

One is the familiar state_dict approach. Here you need to save and re-create both model and Laplace(). Use this for long-term storage of models and sharing of a fitted Laplace() instance.

# Save model and Laplace instance, 'model_state_dict.bin'), 'la_state_dict.bin')

# Load serialized data
model2 = MyModel(...)
la2 = Laplace(model2, 'classification',

The second approach is to save the whole Laplace() object, including self.model. This is less verbose and more convenient since you have the trained model and the fitted Laplace() data stored in one place, but also comes with some drawbacks. Use this for quick save-load cycles during experiments, say.

# Save Laplace, including la.model, '')

# Load both

Some Laplace variants such as LLLaplace might have trouble being serialized using the default pickle module, which and torch.load() use (AttributeError: Can't pickle local object ...). In this case, the dill package will come in handy.

import dill, '', pickle_module=dill)

With both methods, you are free to switch devices, for instance when you trained on a GPU but want to run predictions on CPU. In this case, use

torch.load(..., map_location='cpu')


The laplace package consists of two main components:

  1. The subclasses of laplace.BaseLaplace that implement different sparsity structures: different subsets of weights ('all', 'subnetwork' and 'last_layer') and different structures of the Hessian approximation ('full', 'kron', 'lowrank' and 'diag'). This results in nine currently available options: FullLaplace, KronLaplace, DiagLaplace, the corresponding last-layer variations FullLLLaplace, KronLLLaplace, and DiagLLLaplace (which are all subclasses of laplace.LLLaplace), laplace.SubnetLaplace (which only supports 'full' and 'diag' Hessian approximations) and LowRankLaplace (which only supports inference over 'all' weights). All of these can be conveniently accessed via the laplace.Laplace function.
  2. The backends in laplace.curvature which provide access to Hessian approximations of the corresponding sparsity structures, for example, the diagonal GGN.

Additionally, the package provides utilities for decomposing a neural network into feature extractor and last layer for LLLaplace subclasses (laplace.utils.feature_extractor) and effectively dealing with Kronecker factors (laplace.utils.matrix).

Finally, the package implements several options to select/specify a subnetwork for SubnetLaplace (as subclasses of laplace.utils.subnetmask.SubnetMask). Automatic subnetwork selection strategies include: uniformly at random (RandomSubnetMask), by largest parameter magnitudes (LargestMagnitudeSubnetMask), and by largest marginal parameter variances (LargestVarianceDiagLaplaceSubnetMask and LargestVarianceSWAGSubnetMask). In addition to that, subnetworks can also be specified manually, by listing the names of either the model parameters (ParamNameSubnetMask) or modules (ModuleNameSubnetMask) to perform Laplace inference over.


To extend the laplace package, new BaseLaplace subclasses can be designed, for example, Laplace with a block-diagonal Hessian structure. One can also implement custom subnetwork selection strategies as new subclasses of SubnetMask.

Alternatively, extending or integrating backends (subclasses of curvature.curvature) allows to provide different Hessian approximations to the Laplace approximations. For example, currently the curvature.CurvlinopsInterface based on Curvlinops and the native torch.func (previously known as functorch), curvature.BackPackInterface based on BackPACK and curvature.AsdlInterface based on ASDL are available.

The CurvlinopsInterface backend is the default and provides all Hessian approximation variants except the low-rank Hessian. For the latter, AsdlInterface can be used. Note that AsdlInterface and BackPackInterface are less complete and less compatible than CurvlinopsInterface. So, we recommend to stick with CurvlinopsInterface unless you have a specific need of ASDL or BackPACK.


The documentation is available here or can be generated and/or viewed locally:

# assuming the repository was cloned
pip install -e .[docs]
# create docs and write to html
# .. or serve the docs directly
pdoc --http laplace --template-dir template


This package relies on various improvements to the Laplace approximation for neural networks, which was originally due to MacKay [1]. Please consider citing the respective papers if you use any of their proposed methods via our laplace library.

Full example: Optimization of the marginal likelihood and prediction

Sinusoidal toy data

We show how the marginal likelihood can be used after training a MAP network on a simple sinusoidal regression task. Subsequently, we use the optimized LA to predict which provides uncertainty on top of the MAP prediction. We also show how the marglik_training() utility method can be used to jointly train the MAP and hyperparameters. First, we set up the training data for the problem with observation noise \(\sigma=0.3\):

from laplace.baselaplace import FullLaplace
from laplace.curvature.backpack import BackPackGGN
import numpy as np
import torch

from laplace import Laplace, marglik_training

from helper.dataloaders import get_sinusoid_example
from helper.util import plot_regression

n_epochs = 1000
# sample toy data example
X_train, y_train, train_loader, X_test = get_sinusoid_example(sigma_noise=0.3)

Training a MAP

We now use pytorch to train a neural network with single hidden layer and Tanh activation. The trained neural network will be our MAP estimate. This is standard so nothing new here, yet:

# create and train MAP model
def get_model():
    return torch.nn.Sequential(
        torch.nn.Linear(1, 50), torch.nn.Tanh(), torch.nn.Linear(50, 1)
model = get_model()

criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2)
for i in range(n_epochs):
    for X, y in train_loader:
        loss = criterion(model(X), y)

Fitting and optimizing the Laplace approximation using empirical Bayes

With the MAP-trained model at hand, we can estimate the prior precision and observation noise using empirical Bayes after training. The Laplace() method is called to construct a LA for 'regression' with 'all' weights. As default Laplace() returns a Kronecker factored LA, we use 'full' instead on this small example. We fit the LA to the training data and initialize log_prior and log_sigma. Using Adam, we minimize the negative log marginal likelihood for n_epochs.

la = Laplace(model, 'regression', subset_of_weights='all', hessian_structure='full')
log_prior, log_sigma = torch.ones(1, requires_grad=True), torch.ones(1, requires_grad=True)
hyper_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([log_prior, log_sigma], lr=1e-1)
for i in range(n_epochs):
    neg_marglik = - la.log_marginal_likelihood(log_prior.exp(), log_sigma.exp())

The obtained observation noise is close to the ground truth with a value of \(\sigma \approx 0.28\) without the need for any validation data. The resulting prior precision is \(\delta \approx 0.10\).

Bayesian predictive

Here, we compare the MAP prediction to the obtained LA prediction. For LA, we have a closed-form predictive distribution on the output \(f\) which is a Gaussian \(\mathcal{N}(f(x;\theta_{MAP}), \mathbb{V}[f] + \sigma^2)\):

x = X_test.flatten().cpu().numpy()
f_mu, f_var = la(X_test)
f_mu = f_mu.squeeze().detach().cpu().numpy()
f_sigma = f_var.squeeze().sqrt().cpu().numpy()
pred_std = np.sqrt(f_sigma**2 + la.sigma_noise.item()**2)

plot_regression(X_train, y_train, x, f_mu, pred_std)

:align: center

In comparison to the MAP, the predictive shows useful uncertainties. When our MAP is over or underfit, the Laplace approximation cannot fix this anymore. In this case, joint optimization of MAP and marginal likelihood can be useful.

Jointly optimize MAP and hyperparameters using online empirical Bayes

We provide a utility method marglik_training() that implements the algorithm proposed in [1]. The method optimizes the neural network and the hyperparameters in an interleaved way and returns an optimally regularized LA. Below, we use this method and plot the corresponding predictive uncertainties again:

model = get_model()
la, model, margliks, losses = marglik_training(
    model=model, train_loader=train_loader, likelihood='regression',
    hessian_structure='full', backend=BackPackGGN, n_epochs=n_epochs, 
    optimizer_kwargs={'lr': 1e-2}, prior_structure='scalar'

f_mu, f_var = la(X_test)
f_mu = f_mu.squeeze().detach().cpu().numpy()
f_sigma = f_var.squeeze().sqrt().cpu().numpy()
pred_std = np.sqrt(f_sigma**2 + la.sigma_noise.item()**2)

plot_regression(X_train, y_train, x, f_mu, pred_std)

:align: center

Full example: post-hoc Laplace on a large image classifier

An advantage of the Laplace approximation over variational Bayes and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods is its post-hoc nature. That means we can apply LA on (almost) any pre-trained neural network. In this example, we will see how we can apply the last-layer LA on a deep WideResNet model, trained on CIFAR-10.

Data loading

First, let us load the CIFAR-10 dataset. The helper scripts for CIFAR-10 and WideResNet are available in the examples/helper directory in the main repository.

import torch
import torch.distributions as dists
import numpy as np
import helper.wideresnet as wrn
import helper.dataloaders as dl
from helper import util
from netcal.metrics import ECE

from laplace import Laplace

torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

train_loader = dl.CIFAR10(train=True)
test_loader = dl.CIFAR10(train=False)
targets =[y for x, y in test_loader], dim=0).numpy()

Load a pre-trained model

Next, we will load a pre-trained WideResNet-16-4 model. Note that a GPU with CUDA support is needed for this example.

# The model is a standard WideResNet 16-4
# Taken as is from
model = wrn.WideResNet(16, 4, num_classes=10).cuda().eval()


To simplify the downstream tasks, we will use the following helper function to make predictions. It simply iterates through all minibatches and obtains the predictive probabilities of the CIFAR-10 classes.

def predict(dataloader, model, laplace=False):
    py = []

    for x, _ in dataloader:
        if laplace:
            py.append(torch.softmax(model(x.cuda()), dim=-1))


The calibration of MAP

We are now ready to see how calibrated is the model. The metrics we use are the expected calibration error (ECE, Naeni et al., AAAI 2015) and the negative (Categorical) log-likelihood. Note that lower values are better for both these metrics.

First, let us inspect the MAP model. We shall use the netcal library to easily compute the ECE.

probs_map = predict(test_loader, model, laplace=False)
acc_map = (probs_map.argmax(-1) == targets).float().mean()
ece_map = ECE(bins=15).measure(probs_map.numpy(), targets.numpy())
nll_map = -dists.Categorical(probs_map).log_prob(targets).mean()

print(f'[MAP] Acc.: {acc_map:.1%}; ECE: {ece_map:.1%}; NLL: {nll_map:.3}')

Running this snippet, we would get:

[MAP] Acc.: 94.8%; ECE: 2.0%; NLL: 0.172

The calibration of Laplace

Now we inspect the benefit of the LA. Let us apply the simple last-layer LA model, and optimize the prior precision hyperparameter using a post-hoc marginal likelihood maximization.

# Laplace
la = Laplace(model, 'classification',

Then, we are ready to see how well does LA improves the calibration of the MAP model:

probs_laplace = predict(test_loader, la, laplace=True)
acc_laplace = (probs_laplace.argmax(-1) == targets).float().mean()
ece_laplace = ECE(bins=15).measure(probs_laplace.numpy(), targets.numpy())
nll_laplace = -dists.Categorical(probs_laplace).log_prob(targets).mean()

print(f'[Laplace] Acc.: {acc_laplace:.1%}; ECE: {ece_laplace:.1%}; NLL: {nll_laplace:.3}')

Running this snippet, we obtain:

[Laplace] Acc.: 94.8%; ECE: 0.8%; NLL: 0.157

Notice that the last-layer LA does not do any harm to the accuracy, yet it improves the calibration of the MAP model substantially.




def Laplace(model, likelihood, subset_of_weights='last_layer', hessian_structure='kron', *args, **kwargs)

Simplified Laplace access using strings instead of different classes.


model : torch.nn.Module
likelihood : {'classification', 'regression'}
subset_of_weights : {'last_layer', 'subnetwork', 'all'}, default='last_layer'
subset of weights to consider for inference
hessian_structure : {'diag', 'kron', 'full', 'lowrank'}, default='kron'
structure of the Hessian approximation


laplace : ParametricLaplace
chosen subclass of ParametricLaplace instantiated with additional arguments
def marglik_training(model, train_loader, likelihood='classification', hessian_structure='kron', backend=laplace.curvature.asdl.AsdlGGN, optimizer_cls=torch.optim.adam.Adam, optimizer_kwargs=None, scheduler_cls=None, scheduler_kwargs=None, n_epochs=300, lr_hyp=0.1, prior_structure='layerwise', n_epochs_burnin=0, n_hypersteps=10, marglik_frequency=1, prior_prec_init=1.0, sigma_noise_init=1.0, temperature=1.0, fix_sigma_noise=False, progress_bar=False, enable_backprop=False)

Marginal-likelihood based training (Algorithm 1 in [1]). Optimize model parameters and hyperparameters jointly. Model parameters are optimized to minimize negative log joint (train loss) while hyperparameters minimize negative log marginal likelihood.

This method replaces standard neural network training and adds hyperparameter optimization to the procedure.

The settings of standard training can be controlled by passing train_loader, optimizer_cls, optimizer_kwargs, scheduler_cls, scheduler_kwargs, and n_epochs. The model should return logits, i.e., no softmax should be applied. With likelihood='classification' or 'regression', one can choose between categorical likelihood (CrossEntropyLoss) and Gaussian likelihood (MSELoss).

As in [1], we optimize prior precision and, for regression, observation noise using the marginal likelihood. The prior precision structure can be chosen as 'scalar', 'layerwise', or 'diagonal'. 'layerwise' is a good default and available to all Laplace approximations. lr_hyp is the step size of the Adam hyperparameter optimizer, n_hypersteps controls the number of steps for each estimated marginal likelihood, n_epochs_burnin controls how many epochs to skip marginal likelihood estimation, marglik_frequency controls how often to estimate the marginal likelihood (default of 1 re-estimates after every epoch, 5 would estimate every 5-th epoch).


[1] Immer, A., Bauer, M., Fortuin, V., Rätsch, G., Khan, EM. Scalable Marginal Likelihood Estimation for Model Selection in Deep Learning. ICML 2021.


model : torch.nn.Module
torch neural network model (needs to comply with Backend choice)
train_loader : DataLoader
pytorch dataloader that implements len(train_loader.dataset) to obtain number of data points
likelihood : str, default='classification'
'classification' or 'regression'
hessian_structure : {'diag', 'kron', 'full'}, default='kron'
structure of the Hessian approximation
backend : Backend, default=AsdlGGN
Curvature subclass, e.g. AsdlGGN/AsdlEF or BackPackGGN/BackPackEF
optimizer_cls : torch.optim.Optimizer, default=Adam
optimizer to use for optimizing the neural network parameters togeth with train_loader
optimizer_kwargs : dict, default=None
keyword arguments for optimizer_cls, for example to change learning rate or momentum
scheduler_cls : torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler, default=None
optionally, a scheduler to use on the learning rate of the optimizer. scheduler.step() is called after every batch of the standard training.
scheduler_kwargs : dict, default=None
keyword arguments for scheduler_cls, e.g. lr_min for CosineAnnealingLR
n_epochs : int, default=300
number of epochs to train for
lr_hyp : float, default=0.1
Adam learning rate for hyperparameters
prior_structure : str, default='layerwise'
structure of the prior. one of ['scalar', 'layerwise', 'diag']
n_epochs_burnin : int default=0
how many epochs to train without estimating and differentiating marglik
n_hypersteps : int, default=10
how many steps to take on the hyperparameters when marglik is estimated
marglik_frequency : int
how often to estimate (and differentiate) the marginal likelihood marglik_frequency=1 would be every epoch, marglik_frequency=5 would be every 5 epochs.
prior_prec_init : float, default=1.0
initial prior precision
sigma_noise_init : float, default=1.0
initial observation noise (for regression only)
temperature : float, default=1.0
factor for the likelihood for 'overcounting' data. Might be required for data augmentation.
fix_sigma_noise : bool, default=False
if False, optimize observation noise via marglik otherwise use sigma_noise_init throughout. Only works for regression.
progress_bar : bool, default=False
whether to show a progress bar (updated per epoch) or not
enable_backprop : bool, default=False
make the returned Laplace instance backpropable—useful for e.g. Bayesian optimization.


lap : laplace.laplace
fit Laplace approximation with the best obtained marginal likelihood during training
model : torch.nn.Module
corresponding model with the MAP parameters
margliks : list
list of marginal likelihoods obtained during training (to monitor convergence)
losses : list
list of losses (log joints) obtained during training (to monitor convergence)


class BaseLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Baseclass for all Laplace approximations in this library.


model : torch.nn.Module
likelihood : {'classification', 'regression', 'reward_modeling'}
determines the log likelihood Hessian approximation. In the case of 'reward_modeling', it fits Laplace in using the classification likelihood, then do prediction as in regression likelihood. The model needs to be defined accordingly: The forward pass during training takes x.shape == (batch_size, 2, dim) with y.shape = (batch_size,). Meanwhile, during evaluation x.shape == (batch_size, dim). Note that 'reward_modeling' only supports KronLaplace and DiagLaplace.
sigma_noise : torch.Tensor or float, default=1
observation noise for the regression setting; must be 1 for classification
prior_precision : torch.Tensor or float, default=1
prior precision of a Gaussian prior (= weight decay); can be scalar, per-layer, or diagonal in the most general case
prior_mean : torch.Tensor or float, default=0
prior mean of a Gaussian prior, useful for continual learning
temperature : float, default=1
temperature of the likelihood; lower temperature leads to more concentrated posterior and vice versa.
enable_backprop : bool, default=False
whether to enable backprop to the input x through the Laplace predictive. Useful for e.g. Bayesian optimization.
backend : subclasses of CurvatureInterface
backend for access to curvature/Hessian approximations. Defaults to CurvlinopsGGN if None.
backend_kwargs : dict, default=None
arguments passed to the backend on initialization, for example to set the number of MC samples for stochastic approximations.
asdl_fisher_kwargs : dict, default=None
arguments passed to the ASDL backend specifically on initialization.


Instance variables

var backend
var log_likelihood

Compute log likelihood on the training data after .fit() has been called. The log likelihood is computed on-demand based on the loss and, for example, the observation noise which makes it differentiable in the latter for iterative updates.


log_likelihood : torch.Tensor
var prior_precision_diag

Obtain the diagonal prior precision p_0 constructed from either a scalar, layer-wise, or diagonal prior precision.


prior_precision_diag : torch.Tensor
var prior_mean
var prior_precision
var sigma_noise


def fit(self, train_loader)
def log_marginal_likelihood(self, prior_precision=None, sigma_noise=None)
def predictive(self, x, pred_type, link_approx, n_samples)
def optimize_prior_precision_base(self, pred_type, method='marglik', n_steps=100, lr=0.1, init_prior_prec=1.0, prior_structure='scalar', val_loader=None, loss=None, log_prior_prec_min=-4, log_prior_prec_max=4, grid_size=100, link_approx='probit', n_samples=100, verbose=False, cv_loss_with_var=False, progress_bar=False)

Optimize the prior precision post-hoc using the method specified by the user.


pred_type : {'glm', 'nn', 'gp'}, default='glm'
type of posterior predictive, linearized GLM predictive or neural network sampling predictive or Gaussian Process (GP) inference. The GLM predictive is consistent with the curvature approximations used here.
method : {'marglik', 'gridsearch'}, default='marglik'
specifies how the prior precision should be optimized.
n_steps : int, default=100
the number of gradient descent steps to take.
lr : float, default=1e-1
the learning rate to use for gradient descent.
init_prior_prec : float or tensor, default=1.0
initial prior precision before the first optimization step.
prior_structure : {'scalar', 'layerwise', 'diag'}, default='scalar'
if init_prior_prec is scalar, the prior precision is optimized with this structure. otherwise, the structure of init_prior_prec is maintained.
val_loader :, default=None
DataLoader for the validation set; each iterate is a training batch (X, y).
loss : callable or torchmetrics.Metric, default=None
loss function to use for CV. If callable, the loss is computed offline (memory intensive). If torchmetrics.Metric, running loss is computed (efficient). The default depends on the likelihood: RunningNLLMetric() for classification and reward modeling, running MeanSquaredError() for regression.
cv_loss_with_var : bool, default=False
if true, loss takes three arguments loss(output_mean, output_var, target), otherwise, loss takes two arguments loss(output_mean, target)
log_prior_prec_min : float, default=-4
lower bound of gridsearch interval.
log_prior_prec_max : float, default=4
upper bound of gridsearch interval.
grid_size : int, default=100
number of values to consider inside the gridsearch interval.
link_approx : {'mc', 'probit', 'bridge'}, default='probit'
how to approximate the classification link function for the 'glm'. For pred_type='nn', only 'mc' is possible.
n_samples : int, default=100
number of samples for link_approx='mc'.
verbose : bool, default=False
if true, the optimized prior precision will be printed (can be a large tensor if the prior has a diagonal covariance).
progress_bar : bool, default=False
whether to show a progress bar; updated at every batch-Hessian computation. Useful for very large model and large amount of data, esp. when subset_of_weights='all'.
class ParametricLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Parametric Laplace class.

Subclasses need to specify how the Hessian approximation is initialized, how to add up curvature over training data, how to sample from the Laplace approximation, and how to compute the functional variance.

A Laplace approximation is represented by a MAP which is given by the model parameter and a posterior precision or covariance specifying a Gaussian distribution \mathcal{N}(\theta_{MAP}, P^{-1}). The goal of this class is to compute the posterior precision P which sums as P = \sum_{n=1}^N \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\mathcal{D}_n \mid \theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}} + \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}}. Every subclass implements different approximations to the log likelihood Hessians, for example, a diagonal one. The prior is assumed to be Gaussian and therefore we have a simple form for \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}} = P_0 . In particular, we assume a scalar, layer-wise, or diagonal prior precision so that in all cases P_0 = \textrm{diag}(p_0) and the structure of p_0 can be varied.



Instance variables

var scatter

Computes the scatter, a term of the log marginal likelihood that corresponds to L-2 regularization: scatter = (\theta_{MAP} - \mu_0)^{T} P_0 (\theta_{MAP} - \mu_0) .


[type] [description]

var log_det_prior_precision

Compute log determinant of the prior precision \log \det P_0


log_det : torch.Tensor
var log_det_posterior_precision

Compute log determinant of the posterior precision \log \det P which depends on the subclasses structure used for the Hessian approximation.


log_det : torch.Tensor
var log_det_ratio

Compute the log determinant ratio, a part of the log marginal likelihood. \log \frac{\det P}{\det P_0} = \log \det P - \log \det P_0


log_det_ratio : torch.Tensor
var posterior_precision

Compute or return the posterior precision P.


posterior_prec : torch.Tensor


def fit(self, train_loader, override=True, progress_bar=False)

Fit the local Laplace approximation at the parameters of the model.


train_loader :
each iterate is a training batch (X, y); train_loader.dataset needs to be set to access N, size of the data set
override : bool, default=True
whether to initialize H, loss, and n_data again; setting to False is useful for online learning settings to accumulate a sequential posterior approximation.
progress_bar : bool, default=False
whether to show a progress bar; updated at every batch-Hessian computation. Useful for very large model and large amount of data, esp. when subset_of_weights='all'.
def square_norm(self, value)

Compute the square norm under post. Precision with value-self.mean as 𝛥: \Delta^ op P \Delta Returns

def log_prob(self, value, normalized=True)

Compute the log probability under the (current) Laplace approximation.


normalized : bool, default=True
whether to return log of a properly normalized Gaussian or just the terms that depend on value.


log_prob : torch.Tensor
def log_marginal_likelihood(self, prior_precision=None, sigma_noise=None)

Compute the Laplace approximation to the log marginal likelihood subject to specific Hessian approximations that subclasses implement. Requires that the Laplace approximation has been fit before. The resulting torch.Tensor is differentiable in prior_precision and sigma_noise if these have gradients enabled. By passing prior_precision or sigma_noise, the current value is overwritten. This is useful for iterating on the log marginal likelihood.


prior_precision : torch.Tensor, optional
prior precision if should be changed from current prior_precision value
sigma_noise : [type], optional
observation noise standard deviation if should be changed


log_marglik : torch.Tensor
def predictive_samples(self, x, pred_type='glm', n_samples=100, diagonal_output=False, generator=None)

Sample from the posterior predictive on input data x. Can be used, for example, for Thompson sampling.


x : torch.Tensor
input data (batch_size, input_shape)
pred_type : {'glm', 'nn'}, default='glm'
type of posterior predictive, linearized GLM predictive or neural network sampling predictive. The GLM predictive is consistent with the curvature approximations used here.
n_samples : int
number of samples
diagonal_output : bool
whether to use a diagonalized glm posterior predictive on the outputs. Only applies when pred_type='glm'.
generator : torch.Generator, optional
random number generator to control the samples (if sampling used)


samples : torch.Tensor
samples (n_samples, batch_size, output_shape)
def functional_variance(self, Jacs)

Compute functional variance for the 'glm' predictive: f_var[i] = Jacs[i] @ P.inv() @ Jacs[i].T, which is a output x output predictive covariance matrix. Mathematically, we have for a single Jacobian \mathcal{J} = \nabla_\theta f(x;\theta)\vert_{\theta_{MAP}} the output covariance matrix \mathcal{J} P^{-1} \mathcal{J}^T .


Jacs : torch.Tensor
Jacobians of model output wrt parameters (batch, outputs, parameters)


f_var : torch.Tensor
output covariance (batch, outputs, outputs)
def functional_covariance(self, Jacs)

Compute functional covariance for the 'glm' predictive: f_cov = Jacs @ P.inv() @ Jacs.T, which is a batchoutput x batchoutput predictive covariance matrix.

This emulates the GP posterior covariance N([f(x1), …,f(xm)], Cov[f(x1), …, f(xm)]). Useful for joint predictions, such as in batched Bayesian optimization.


Jacs : torch.Tensor
Jacobians of model output wrt parameters (batch*outputs, parameters)


f_cov : torch.Tensor
output covariance (batch*outputs, batch*outputs)
def sample(self, n_samples=100, generator=None)

Sample from the Laplace posterior approximation, i.e., \theta \sim \mathcal{N}(\theta_{MAP}, P^{-1}).


n_samples : int, default=100
number of samples
generator : torch.Generator, optional
random number generator to control the samples
def optimize_prior_precision(self, method='marglik', pred_type='glm', n_steps=100, lr=0.1, init_prior_prec=1.0, prior_structure='scalar', val_loader=None, loss=None, log_prior_prec_min=-4, log_prior_prec_max=4, grid_size=100, link_approx='probit', n_samples=100, verbose=False, cv_loss_with_var=False, progress_bar=False)
def state_dict(self) ‑> dict
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict)

Inherited members

class FullLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None)

Laplace approximation with full, i.e., dense, log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Based on the chosen backend parameter, the full approximation can be, for example, a generalized Gauss-Newton matrix. Mathematically, we have P \in \mathbb{R}^{P \times P}. See BaseLaplace for the full interface.



Instance variables

var posterior_scale

Posterior scale (square root of the covariance), i.e., P^{-\frac{1}{2}}.


scale : torch.tensor
(parameters, parameters)
var posterior_covariance

Posterior covariance, i.e., P^{-1}.


covariance : torch.tensor
(parameters, parameters)
var posterior_precision

Posterior precision P.


precision : torch.tensor
(parameters, parameters)

Inherited members

class KronLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, damping=False, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Laplace approximation with Kronecker factored log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Mathematically, we have for each parameter group, e.g., torch.nn.Module, that \P\approx Q \otimes H. See BaseLaplace for the full interface and see Kron and KronDecomposed for the structure of the Kronecker factors. Kron is used to aggregate factors by summing up and KronDecomposed is used to add the prior, a Hessian factor (e.g. temperature), and computing posterior covariances, marginal likelihood, etc. Damping can be enabled by setting damping=True.



Instance variables

var posterior_precision

Kronecker factored Posterior precision P.


precision : KronDecomposed
var prior_precision


def state_dict(self) ‑> dict
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict)

Inherited members

class DiagLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Laplace approximation with diagonal log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Mathematically, we have P \approx \textrm{diag}(P). See BaseLaplace for the full interface.



Instance variables

var posterior_precision

Diagonal posterior precision p.


precision : torch.tensor
var posterior_scale

Diagonal posterior scale \sqrt{p^{-1}}.


precision : torch.tensor
var posterior_variance

Diagonal posterior variance p^{-1}.


precision : torch.tensor

Inherited members

class LowRankLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1, prior_precision=1, prior_mean=0, temperature=1, enable_backprop=False, backend=laplace.curvature.asdfghjkl.AsdfghjklHessian, backend_kwargs=None)

Laplace approximation with low-rank log likelihood Hessian (approximation). The low-rank matrix is represented by an eigendecomposition (vecs, values). Based on the chosen backend, either a true Hessian or, for example, GGN approximation could be used. The posterior precision is computed as P = V diag(l) V^T + P_0. To sample, compute the functional variance, and log determinant, algebraic tricks are usedto reduce the costs of inversion to the that of a K imes K matrix if we have a rank of K.

See BaseLaplace for the full interface.


Instance variables

var V
var Kinv
var posterior_precision

Return correctly scaled posterior precision that would be constructed as H[0] @ diag(H[1]) @ H[0].T + self.prior_precision_diag.


H : tuple(eigenvectors, eigenvalues)
scaled self.H with temperature and loss factors.
prior_precision_diag : torch.Tensor
diagonal prior precision shape parameters to be added to H.

Inherited members

class LLLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, last_layer_name=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Baseclass for all last-layer Laplace approximations in this library. Subclasses specify the structure of the Hessian approximation. See BaseLaplace for the full interface.

A Laplace approximation is represented by a MAP which is given by the model parameter and a posterior precision or covariance specifying a Gaussian distribution \mathcal{N}(\theta_{MAP}, P^{-1}). Here, only the parameters of the last layer of the neural network are treated probabilistically. The goal of this class is to compute the posterior precision P which sums as P = \sum_{n=1}^N \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\mathcal{D}_n \mid \theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}} + \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}}. Every subclass implements different approximations to the log likelihood Hessians, for example, a diagonal one. The prior is assumed to be Gaussian and therefore we have a simple form for \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}} = P_0 . In particular, we assume a scalar or diagonal prior precision so that in all cases P_0 = \textrm{diag}(p_0) and the structure of p_0 can be varied.


model : torch.nn.Module or FeatureExtractor
likelihood : {'classification', 'regression'}
determines the log likelihood Hessian approximation
sigma_noise : torch.Tensor or float, default=1
observation noise for the regression setting; must be 1 for classification
prior_precision : torch.Tensor or float, default=1
prior precision of a Gaussian prior (= weight decay); can be scalar, per-layer, or diagonal in the most general case
prior_mean : torch.Tensor or float, default=0
prior mean of a Gaussian prior, useful for continual learning
temperature : float, default=1
temperature of the likelihood; lower temperature leads to more concentrated posterior and vice versa.
enable_backprop : bool, default=False
whether to enable backprop to the input x through the Laplace predictive. Useful for e.g. Bayesian optimization.
backend : subclasses of CurvatureInterface
backend for access to curvature/Hessian approximations
last_layer_name : str, default=None
name of the model's last layer, if None it will be determined automatically
backend_kwargs : dict, default=None
arguments passed to the backend on initialization, for example to set the number of MC samples for stochastic approximations.



Instance variables

var prior_precision_diag

Obtain the diagonal prior precision p_0 constructed from either a scalar or diagonal prior precision.


prior_precision_diag : torch.Tensor


def fit(self, train_loader, override=True)

Fit the local Laplace approximation at the parameters of the model.


train_loader :
each iterate is a training batch (X, y); train_loader.dataset needs to be set to access N, size of the data set
override : bool, default=True
whether to initialize H, loss, and n_data again; setting to False is useful for online learning settings to accumulate a sequential posterior approximation.
def state_dict(self) ‑> dict
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict)

Inherited members

class FullLLLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, last_layer_name=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Last-layer Laplace approximation with full, i.e., dense, log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Based on the chosen backend parameter, the full approximation can be, for example, a generalized Gauss-Newton matrix. Mathematically, we have P \in \mathbb{R}^{P \times P}. See FullLaplace, LLLaplace, and BaseLaplace for the full interface.


Inherited members

class KronLLLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, last_layer_name=None, damping=False, **backend_kwargs)

Last-layer Laplace approximation with Kronecker factored log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Mathematically, we have for the last parameter group, i.e., torch.nn.Linear, that \P\approx Q \otimes H. See KronLaplace, LLLaplace, and BaseLaplace for the full interface and see Kron and KronDecomposed for the structure of the Kronecker factors. Kron is used to aggregate factors by summing up and KronDecomposed is used to add the prior, a Hessian factor (e.g. temperature), and computing posterior covariances, marginal likelihood, etc. Use of damping is possible by initializing or setting damping=True.


Inherited members

class DiagLLLaplace (model, likelihood, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, enable_backprop=False, backend=None, last_layer_name=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Last-layer Laplace approximation with diagonal log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Mathematically, we have P \approx \textrm{diag}(P). See DiagLaplace, LLLaplace, and BaseLaplace for the full interface.


Inherited members

class SubnetLaplace (model, likelihood, subnetwork_indices, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Class for subnetwork Laplace, which computes the Laplace approximation over just a subset of the model parameters (i.e. a subnetwork within the neural network), as proposed in [1]. Subnetwork Laplace can only be used with either a full or a diagonal Hessian approximation.

A Laplace approximation is represented by a MAP which is given by the model parameter and a posterior precision or covariance specifying a Gaussian distribution \mathcal{N}(\theta_{MAP}, P^{-1}). Here, only a subset of the model parameters (i.e. a subnetwork of the neural network) are treated probabilistically. The goal of this class is to compute the posterior precision P which sums as P = \sum_{n=1}^N \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\mathcal{D}_n \mid \theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}} + \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}}. The prior is assumed to be Gaussian and therefore we have a simple form for \nabla^2_\theta \log p(\theta) \vert_{\theta_{MAP}} = P_0 . In particular, we assume a scalar or diagonal prior precision so that in all cases P_0 = \textrm{diag}(p_0) and the structure of p_0 can be varied.

The subnetwork Laplace approximation only supports a full, i.e., dense, log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Based on the chosen backend parameter, the full approximation can be, for example, a generalized Gauss-Newton matrix. Mathematically, we have P \in \mathbb{R}^{P \times P}. See FullLaplace and BaseLaplace for the full interface.


[1] Daxberger, E., Nalisnick, E., Allingham, JU., Antorán, J., Hernández-Lobato, JM. Bayesian Deep Learning via Subnetwork Inference. ICML 2021.


model : torch.nn.Module or FeatureExtractor
likelihood : {'classification', 'regression'}
determines the log likelihood Hessian approximation
subnetwork_indices : torch.LongTensor
indices of the vectorized model parameters (i.e. torch.nn.utils.parameters_to_vector(model.parameters())) that define the subnetwork to apply the Laplace approximation over
sigma_noise : torch.Tensor or float, default=1
observation noise for the regression setting; must be 1 for classification
prior_precision : torch.Tensor or float, default=1
prior precision of a Gaussian prior (= weight decay); can be scalar, per-layer, or diagonal in the most general case
prior_mean : torch.Tensor or float, default=0
prior mean of a Gaussian prior, useful for continual learning
temperature : float, default=1
temperature of the likelihood; lower temperature leads to more concentrated posterior and vice versa.
backend : subclasses of CurvatureInterface
backend for access to curvature/Hessian approximations
backend_kwargs : dict, default=None
arguments passed to the backend on initialization, for example to set the number of MC samples for stochastic approximations.



Instance variables

var prior_precision_diag

Obtain the diagonal prior precision p_0 constructed from either a scalar or diagonal prior precision.


prior_precision_diag : torch.Tensor
var mean_subnet


def assemble_full_samples(self, subnet_samples)

Inherited members

class FullSubnetLaplace (model, likelihood, subnetwork_indices, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Subnetwork Laplace approximation with full, i.e., dense, log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Based on the chosen backend parameter, the full approximation can be, for example, a generalized Gauss-Newton matrix. Mathematically, we have P \in \mathbb{R}^{P \times P}. See FullLaplace, SubnetLaplace, and BaseLaplace for the full interface.


Inherited members

class DiagSubnetLaplace (model, likelihood, subnetwork_indices, sigma_noise=1.0, prior_precision=1.0, prior_mean=0.0, temperature=1.0, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None, asdl_fisher_kwargs=None)

Subnetwork Laplace approximation with diagonal log likelihood Hessian approximation and hence posterior precision. Mathematically, we have P \approx \textrm{diag}(P). See DiagLaplace, SubnetLaplace, and BaseLaplace for the full interface.


Inherited members