Everything is ready for Barcelona Festival: La Mercè 2018

Everything is ready for Barcelona Festival: La Mercè 2018

festes merce barcelona

For almost all locals in Barcelona, the end of summer does not just mean the arrival of better temperatures and the return to work, the end of the summer period is synonymous with the Barcelona Festival: La Mercè. The official celebration is on the 24th September, but the celebrations last over several days, specifically, from 21st to 24th September.

merce festival barcelona 2018

La Verge de la Mare de Déu de la Mercè (the Virgin of Mercy) has a basilica dedicated to her in the Gothic Quarter and she has been the patron saint of the city of Barcelona since 1687.

During these days, the main stars of the festival will be live music, with open air concerts, human towers and “diables” (devils) with “correfocs” (fire runs), giants and “capgrossos” (large heads), ligth and visual shows on the streets and fireworks, with pyrotechnic shows on Barceloneta beach and the final event, the highly anticipated musical-fireworks display next to the Montjïc Magic Fountains.

festes merce

Some museums in Barcelona as CCCB, Picasso Museum or MACBA take part in the Mercè festival by scheduling a day of open doors on the 24th of September.

MACBA Barcelona

The Paseo de Gracia will be a meeting point for those who want to enjoy the festivities during these days. It has a privileged location close to all the points where activities will be held. If you want a moment of rest during the festivities of La Mercè, do not hesitate to walk the Paseo de Gracia to eat, visit its shops or stroll leisurely.
