
Libera te tutumet ex inferis

Video games, I guess? Mostly video games. A bunch of video game stuff // Spam acc: @Daav

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I don't often think about Sega Saturn games, mostly because it's a console I only saw in stores, but I think about Die Hard Arcade a lot.

Everything about this game just looks awesome. The camera angles, the exaggerated animation and even the wild box art are instantly memorable.

The game is a.. loose adaptation of the movie, moreso using it as reference material. In Japan, the title is known as Dynamite Deka. This release was deep into the height of Quick Time Event mania, so it has a lot of sudden button prompts.

Additionally, it's the first polygonal beat 'em up with texture mapping. A pioneer in a multitude of ways and wacky as hell.

Good job, Sega Saturn.


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