What is Synchronicity?

Is it the same thing as a coincidence?

Synchronicity was first explained by a badass named Carl Jung, who also pioneered the widely known concept of the collective unconscious. It basically says that that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related.

Out about in life synchronicity can look like thinking about a song and then hearing it. Or it can look like forgiving someone you haven’t talked to in too long, then them calling. It can look like wanting to go to a concert, then some rando winds up paying you to go. It can look like a city coming up everywhere you look, deciding to move there, and then a best friend calling you to say she’s moving there. (Hi Greta!)

At it’s most awesome synchronicity can clarify decisions, leading to choices that feel aligned with the best version of yourself—and at it’s most random, it’s damn amusing. I notice more synchronicity when I’m feeling the flow—when I’m in the groove, going with the flow, being the green reed, as it were—when I’m naturally moving towards whatever feels right to you in that particular moment. (Meditate to figure out what the heck that is!)

Rather you think they’re just coincidences or if you think that they’re a cosmic wink, synchronistic moments are definitely fun. In a world where Donald Trump can almost be president and shows like Freaks and Geeks are killed long before their time, and you know, the truly fucked up shit out there—why not enjoy a magic moment?


One thought on “What is Synchronicity?

  1. I love your writings, I love your site, I would probably love you too and we would be good friends. Thanks for the inspiration! In love, a New Thought Ministerial student (who says FUCK a lot).

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