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Alicia Torra de Larrocha: “My Father Was My Mother’s Greatest Admirer and Supported Her to Become a Concert Pianist”


Alicia Torra de Larrocha, daughter of the renowned pianist Alicia de Larrocha, provides insights into her mother’s life, career, and legacy.

Alicia de Larrocha’s connection to Enrique Granados stemmed from her mother and aunt, who were students of Granados. Despite not having known him personally, Granados played a significant role in Larrocha’s family discussions, contributing to her early exposure to his work.

Frank Marshall, Larrocha’s sole teacher and mentor, played a crucial role in her life. Described as her tutor and spiritual father, Marshall’s influence lasted throughout Larrocha’s career, even after his death in 1959. Following Marshall’s passing, Larrocha, along with her husband Joan Torra, took over the direction of the Academy, continuing Marshall’s legacy.

Larrocha’s international recognition occurred at a time when female visibility in the music industry was limited. Despite the challenges faced by women during that era, Larrocha consistently asserted that her gender did not pose a significant obstacle to her success. She credited her husband, Joan Torra, for providing unwavering support and making sacrifices that allowed her to pursue a concert career.

The interview also touches upon Larrocha’s experiences touring the United States, her relationships with other composers, her versatility in playing different genres, and her extensive discography. It’s revealed that Larrocha’s extensive recording career was driven more by external factors, as she was not fond of the recording process, preferring the spontaneity of live performances.

The conversation delves into Alicia de Larrocha’s rituals before going on stage, her impact on future musicians, and the documentary legacy she left behind. The Alicia de Larrocha Archive, curated by her family, preserves an extensive collection of documents, recordings, and memorabilia. Alicia Torra de Larrocha emphasizes the importance of maintaining the archive’s personal touch, allowing insights into Alicia de Larrocha’s life beyond her public image.

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ISSN: 2792-8349

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International Journal of Music