D.C. student and Student LIFEforce Vice President

“The Same Mission as Me”

Olivia Porpora grew up in New Jersey near the Jersey Shore with her mom working as a teacher and her dad working as a UPS driver. She also has a sister who is currently pursuing her undergraduate degree.

Going into her collegiate years, Porpora’s initial plan was to continue on to medical school. She studied Exercise Science at the University of Delaware, and while completing her bachelor’s degree, Porpora decided that medical school was not the path she wanted to take because it didn’t align with her personal beliefs on what health care should look like.

She had been seeing a chiropractor and “always thought it was a really cool profession.” After conducting her own research, Chiropractic seemed like the right next steppingstone for her career journey. She spoke to several chiropractors, and Life University (Life U) was the school that professionals continually suggested she investigate.

When asked what she enjoys about her Doctor of Chiropractic program, Porpora had many examples to share.

“I just love everything about it. I love what we’re learning. I’m in seventh quarter now [as of May 2022], so I am getting into the hands-on stuff, which is super cool. What I really love about Life U and what I think sets it apart from other chiropractic programs is the focus on philosophy. I think it’s super important in this profession,” said Porpora.

Porpora also mentioned how much she appreciates all the opportunities to get involved on campus, and she has done so by taking on leadership positions in Student LIFEforce (SLF) and the Pediatric Experience Club. She first became aware of SLF when she connected to LIFEforce doctors and SLF students at LIFE Leadership Weekend (LLW).

“I just remember thinking ‘This is really cool; I want to do this,” said Porpora.

Attending SLF events and then joining and eventually becoming Vice President of SLF has made a lasting impact on Porpora.

“It’s honestly the best experience of my life. I have grown so much as a person since starting SLF, and look where I am now. It really helps you get out of your comfort zone, helps you have some personal growth,” said Porpora. “I love the aspect of it that’s all about spreading Chiropractic because that’s what I’m about. Not enough people see a chiropractor and know about Chiropractic.”

The Pediatric Experience club has also given Porpora added insight into all that Chiropractic can do, educating students on the practical aspects of how chiropractic care differs for babies, adolescents and pregnant mothers.

As someone who is at roughly the halfway point of her chiropractic program, Porpora had some insight to share with new students about what to expect and how to succeed.

“My biggest advice would be to get involved as much as you can. I think school can sometimes get overwhelming, and when you have that support system and that group of people that is your niche to go to every week, whether it’s a club or organization, I think that can be really special,” said Porpora. “Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who have the same mission as you; that will help you to be better.”



Faces of LIFE is a story campaign that showcases members of the dynamic Life U community, including faculty/staff, students, alumni and health science professionals. Interested in being featured or nominating a candidate? We want to hear from you! Email Marketing@life.eduRead more Faces of LIFE stories.