The Kaki Tree (Diospyros kaki)

The Kaki fruit (Diospyros Kaki, you might better know it as Persimmon) is commonly thought of as a fruit growing in China and other parts of eastern Asia. However, you can find Kaki trees also in California, and in Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Spain.

You can now find plenty of Kaki fruits in Mallorcan farmers’ markets, as well as your local supermarket, as this fruit does rather well in our Balearic climate.

The Kaki tree is a beaute with lush foliage.

Try this soft, moist, sweet fruit, but don’t overdo it. You might have stomach trouble if you overindulge. The fruit can be eaten fresh or dried, raw or cooked. A delight, whichever way.

Many see the Kaki tree as an all-in-one medicine chest. The leaf is antihemorrhagic and hypotensive and can be used to stop bleeding and reduce blood pressure.

If you have a garden, get a Kaki plant and soon you will have your own supply of fresh fruit. The larger garden centres in Mallorca will stock this plant. The Kaki tree is tall and deciduous with glossy, ovate leaves and makes for a nice garden ornament.


The fruit is an astringent, styptic, stomachic, and hypotensive agent. It is used to treat diarrhea, enterorrhagia, hemorrhoids, ulcers, and hypertension. The peduncle is seen as a bitter astringent and is used to treat cough, hiccough, and acid reflux. The extracted tannin is used for all of these purposes. Like other tannin containing plants, Kaki has the capacity to stop bleeding, to dry secretions of all sorts, and to reduce inflammation.

A Kaki tree was situated near the place of impact of the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, on August 9th, 1945, causing mass destruction. The city of Nagasaki was largely destroyed and vast numbers of people died. Miraculously, the Kaki tree survived. Japanese people now see the Kaki tree as a very special tree with very exceptional properties.

~ by plantarium on October 21, 2008.

11 Responses to “The Kaki Tree (Diospyros kaki)”

  1. looking to find seeding or planting material to sale on Romania market.

    • I am interested to plant some kaki trees somewhere close to Bucharest. Can I have some details about prices for plants, need also to know if the climate is proper, and, if possible, some more info about the culture itself. I have experience with apple, pears and plum trees, but this seems different. Much obliged.
      Regards, I. Spuze

      • DL.IULIAN ,am vazut interesul d-voastra pt acest pom fructifer.Asa cum am spus eu am cumparat unul de la o expozitie din Timisoara acum 2 ani cu 120 de eur .Pomul era intr-un vas mre cu pamint(acolo crescuse) si a fost usor sa-l plantez.Anul trecut a facut tarziu 4-5 fructe care n-au apucat sa se maturizeze caci a venit frigul si s-au inegrit.In primul an iarna l-am invelit cu ceva material special pentru protectie dar anul acesta l-am lasat neinvelit si daca scapa scapa, daca nu , asta e.In plus pe scoarta trunchiului au aparut crapaturi cam de 10-15 cm lungime si 4-5 cm largime a caror cauza nu o inteleg pt ca vara cind era foarte cald ,seara il udam din abundenta.I-am dat ingrasaminte cu azot si complexe(toamna complexe,primavara-vara azot).Sunt sceptic ca acest soi se poate adapta la noi in conditiile climatice care numai temperate nu mai sunt.Daca doriti sa va procurati copaci cred ca trebuie sa apelati la olandezi,cautati un site la ei pt gradinarit sau la firma Bakker care am inteles ca au locatie si in Romania.Cred ca prin seminte nu se pot inmulti pt ca eu pe unde am umblat prin Europa, seminte de Kaki n-am gasit.Am cultivat anul trecut insa din seminte Pepino sau Pepenele-Para tot din familia tomatelor dar cu gustul celor doua fructe din numele lui popular si anul acesta mi-am procurat seminte de Kivano sau castravetele- Kivi si rosii de ciocolata.Va doresc succes si va recomand sa incepeti doar cu 1-2 copaci de Kaki pt a vedea cum merg si daca se pot adapta.

  2. l serching to buy kaki seed or plants please l apreciate if you can help

  3. Hola Klaus, muchas gracias por el tip

  4. how to plant kaki trees, the distance between each tree, i have 1200 trees, to plant in land distance 24 m x 400 m.
    thank you.

  5. Hi, my name is Ianes and I’m from Romania and last year I bought one kaki tree (persimmon tree) 1,5 m tall and I planted it in the garden. In June it flowered 4 flowers but after 1-2 days all its felled down. I read that the trees are producing males or females flower. My question is possible to get fruits only from 1 kaki tree or I have to buy another one for pollination? It is necessary to treat the tree with some chemicals to protecting it?
    Thank you very much.

  6. nice picture ..

    thank you very much..

  7. I am terrified of eating fruit, as I get a nasty allergic reaction to many of them. Apart from tomatoes and cucumbers, the only other non-citrus fruit that I can eat is the kaki. I only sense a slight itching in my ears and on my lips, compared to the partial closing up of my throat whilst consuming cherries!!! Does anyone else experience this?

  8. I am from Bangladesh. I am interested to cultivate kaki fruits in my country.
    I eat many kaki fruits , but no seeds in side. So how can I collect plants or seeds? please advise me.

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