Retro Gathering VCE – The Loot!

It has taken some time to sort, clean and photograph all of the 138 games I bought at Retro Gathering Vintage Computer Edition last weekend, but finally, here they are! :D I will go through them system by system ^_^

Retro Gathering VCE 2016 loot

Atari ST

The first thing I bought at the convention was an Atari 1040 ST, I already had one game for it back home, and it was in nice condition, and cheap, so I couldn’t refuse ^_^ I also picked up a few games for it. I have never played on an Atari ST before, so I’m looking forward to trying it out! :D If anyone has any suggestions of exclusive games for the system that are a must have, then please let me know :) So far I only have 5 games for it, the ones I found this weekend were Deathbringer, Gauntlet III, Future Dreams and Captive.

Atari Lynx

To continue on the Atari trail, I also found a few additions to my Atari Lynx collection from Spel & SÃ¥nt :D Not particularly exciting titles, but they were in pretty nice condition :) I do however enjoy the game of Shanghai, and it’s gonna be interesting to see what the Slime World port on Lynx looks like! :D

Atari 2600

I’m always on the lookout for Atari 2600 games as well, but this year there were hardly any :/ I found one guy who had like 5 cartridges, crappy games in shitty condition, but he still wanted a lot for them! I bargained a bit and bought one, just to come home with at least one 2600 game >_> I got Super-Ferrari…

Atari 2600 Super-Ferrari

Commodore 64 – 5 1/4 Floppy disk games

Moving on to Commodore, I’ve had a 5 1/4 floppy disk game for the C64 for a while, and nothing to play it on :( But this weekend I found a new in box Ocean floppy disk drive for the C64! :D It was a bit pricey.. but I really needed one since I also bought even more floppy disk games this weekend ^__^ I got the classic text-based adventures of Zork 1-3, and at the very end of the day I got a good deal on a pretty cool adventure game called Infidel. The cool thing about it is the packaging and contents! Inside are handwritten letters and maps and stuff, it’s really well made ^_^ I have a friend that I think will really enjoy trying this game out ;D Apart from that I had bought a whole moving box full of old Amiga and Commodore games from my friend Likilato beforehand and I picked it up on this weekend since he was going to Retro Gathering too :) In this package were quite a lot of C64 floppy disk games as well ^_^ Some games that I’m quite happy with are T2 Terminator Judgement Day, Robocop, Space Harrier II and Weird Dreams, they all look pretty cool ^_^ Then there were also a few less fun games, I’m not quite sure what Operation Market Garden is, but it doesn’t sound fun, and the last three: Europe Ablaze, Russia The Great War in the East and Halls of Montezuma I’m pretty sure are some kind of edutainment games for learning history >_<

Commodore 64 – Cassette games

I found a few cassette games for the C64 as well. I got Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker from Japon, and Slap Fight for the ZX Spectrum. Pontus from Japon also tried to sell Last Ninja 2 to me, fortunately I didn’t buy it!! Because inside the big cardboard box of things I had bought from Likilato earlier contained not one but TWO copies of that exact game XD I had bought the package weeks before and didn’t remember everything that was in it.. but I’m just happy I’m not possessing three copies right now at least ;D The other C64 cassette games from Likilato were Last Ninja 3, Superman the Game, Ghostbusters II, Mr. Heli, Platoon, Speedball, Silent Service, Starglider and The Hunt for Red October.

Commodore VIC 20

Going back in time a bit we have the Commodore VIC 20, I got one of these last year and I’m still trying to expand my library of games for the system. I found a few VIC 20 cassettes on Retro Gathering this time on Mikael Holm’s table (he always has the coolest stuff!) ^_^ I know there’s two copies of Panic for VIC 20, but I couldn’t choose which one to go for, since they are DIFFERENT! It’s weird, since they are released by the same company, but one has a black spine, and the cassettes inside are different colors as well! O_o These were all dirt cheap though so I just picked them all up :) Except the two games called Vicolumn and Blue Star, these two were new releases for the system and cost a bit more, but it’s always interesting to see what people develop now for these old systems! Doodle Bug, Space Scramble, Cosmiads and Alpha Blaster all sound cool!

Sinclair ZX Spectrum, ZX81

Before moving on to consoles we have pickups from yet another old computer ^_^ I bought a few games for the ZX Spectrum, Pssst, Jet Pac and Cookie had such cool matching covers! Had to get them :) Then I also got Jet Pac with a different cover and 3D Starstrike, Split personalities, Pedro, Ghosts n’ Goblins and a program that came with the system called Horizons. I also found a Sinzlair ZX Interface 2 so I can play cartridge games on my 48k :D Now I just need to find some cartridge games >_> I also bought a ZX81 :D I’ve only known about this one for a little while, when I was looking for 3D Monster Maze and found out that it only came out on the ZX81. Now I have one! So now I just need to find 3D Monster Maze again >_< I missed out on the one eBay auction I’ve ever seen… >_<

Nintendo NES (+ Game & Watch and FDS)

I bought some NTSC NES games from Gaminggrannar and from some other sellers. I also got a Game & Watch Lifeboat from Söders Spel & Skivhandel and a random Famicom Disk System game with cats from Sven666 and another FDS game from my friend MXS :)

Sega Mega Drive

From my friend Karl I got a good deal and bought the sought after Japanese Sega Mega Drive shmup V-V (V five), I also got to buy most of his other Japanese Mega Drive titles since he wanted to get rid of them, it was mostly RPGs or strategy games, but I got such a good price that I couldn’t pass them up ^_^ I also found some PAL Mega Drive titles from other sellers, mainly sports games XD which I don’t particularly enjoy, but they were cheap! And some day me and Becki will have to have another Golf tournament ;D

Sega Master System

I also got a lot of Sega Master System games from various sellers. Mainly sports here as well, but I didn’t have them, and they were cheap ^_^

Sega Saturn & Playstation 2

Japon also managed to convince to bring home these two huge boxed Sega Saturn Arcade Racer controllers XD One PAL and one Japanese.. they told me that the controller was region free, so I sure hope they will both work with one console ;D In that case I might have another game to use in the next Retro Rumble competition for the finals ;D I also got two PS2 games with Megaman at a fair price from Anders :) They’re sealed.. but I might open them so I can play them!! ^_^

Amiga 500 / 1200

Now onto the biggest category of the day… Amiga! The big lot of games I had bought from Likilato contained A LOT of Amiga games :) I was happy to find Banshee in there, since MXS had recently told me it was a good game, it’s for the 1200 though so I have to find a place to plug that system in as well.. They’re so big and space-consuming! Loom has a beautiful cover, and I’ve seen it before, not quite sure what kind of game it is though, but I will find out :) There were a lot of other games that looked cool like Harlequin, Codename Hellfire, Wonderland, Super Stardust, Galdregons Domain etc. It’s gonna be fun to try them all out :D I wonder what kind of game Leather Goddesses of Phobos will turn out to be XD

That was all the loot for this time, now I have some gaming to do ^____^

Retro Gathering Vintage Computer Edition 2016

This weekend I drove all the way to VästerÃ¥s to attend the first Retro Gathering convention of 2016, they’ve started hosting two conventions a year since it’s become so popular with retro games and vintage computers here in Sweden. This Retro Gathering they called VCE, because it was a Vintage Computer Edition, and damn! There were a LOT of vintage computers there ^_^ I think it scared off a few of the Nintendo-fanatics though, since there were a bit less visitors than usually, but still there were loads of people! :D

Retro Gathering VCE 2016

It’s so much fun going to these conventions, mainly to meet with all the friends you’ve gotten to know through the common interests and also, of course, to buy shitloads of games!! This year was no different for me.. I came home with a massive haul. I will make a separate post once I’ve gone through it all XD Here’s  picture of most of it stacked up in a couch! Just so you can get an idea ;D

Retro Gathering VCE 2016 loot

I also really enjoy seeing all these odd old machines, they always have more things like this at Retro Gathering than any of the other conventions here in Sweden. Most conventions are strongly focused around Nintendo.. so it’s nice to see something different ^_^ Some of the things they had brought in this time I had never even seen before! So many cool machines ^_^ There was an Apple Pippin for sale (or even two, one was boxed and new!), there was also an Iris Crimson that appeared in Jurassic Park, and a bunch of other cool machines. These are just a few of them! Do you recognize them all? ;D I sure didn’t!

Most of the computers there were for sale, I was really close to buying the T2100 with the beautiful monochrome orange screen, but once I returned to buy it it was already gone >_< For only $34! I also glanced at the Japanese Commodore 64 which was quite rare, with a few boxed cartridges! So beautiful ^_^ I did however buy some other systems, like the Atari ST 1040 and a ZX 81 ^_^ Apart from computers there were LOADS of games for sale, both Nintendo, Sega and lots of other stuff! Pappas Pärlor was also there to sell some of his awesome custom bead arts ^_^ Apart from this you could find almost anything at Retro Gathering VCE! I even saw a Vectrex 3D imager! It’s 3D-glasses for the Vectrex, and they were boxed with 2 games! Super rare and also super expensive >_<

I’m super happy with my weekend trip to Retro Gathering VCE 2016! I met so many nice people, had lots of fun and I’m looking forward to the next Retro Gathering this fall ^_^ I’m quite exhausted now though, and I will be busy with my haul for a while, testing all the new games! :D :D :D I will update shortly with everything that I bought ^_^

Stepping up my Sega game! Alien Soldier and more! :D

I’ve had a lot of focus on Japanese games and systems lately, mainly Famicom, Super Famicom and PC Engine. This means I haven’t bought as much for Sega Mega Drive or Master System, except for the occasional Japanese Mega Drive title, but not to long ago my friend likilato started selling some retro games, and not just any retro games, basically some of the more sought after expensive titles out there that you don’t see every day! And I of course couldn’t refuse buying everything I didn’t already have more or less >_< So here goes, this is what I picked up for the Sega Mega Drive and the Sega Master System:

Let’s start with all the Sega Mega Drive games that I’ve tried out:

Alien Soldier – this is a sidescrolling action platform game which is brilliant! I started by checking the options, and you had two choices, Super Easy or Super Hard! Hahaha! Both settings are quite difficult though..  The controls are super fluent, and I’m definitely gonna spend some more time with this game to see how far I can get :)

The Adventures of Batman & Robin – This game didn’t work at first, I had to buy one of those screwdrivers for Sega cartridges and once I opened it up and cleaned it some more I finally got it working properly :D It looks amazing, the music is cool and the gameplay is fun, until it gets repetitive.. The stages are really long and you’re just sidescrolling through the same scenery over and over again with the same enemies in slightly different numbers from various directions.. It’s still fun for a while though, but it’s gonna take patience and time to beat..

Slap Fight – This was one of the more expensive titles, and it’s from Japan. It looks like a pumped up version of Xevious o_O It’s a vertical shmup, catchy soundtrack, powerups and stuff you’d expect from a 16-bit shmup. Don’t know why it’s so expensive though, maybe because it’s rare?

Wonder Boy in Monster World – This Monster Boy game is extremely inferior to other titles in the series, boring and sooo slooooow… o_O Of course the graphics are cute and colorful, but that doesn’t matter if the gameplay is boring.. IMO

Darius II – A fun horizontal shmup with loads of power ups and you get to pick which way you want to go through the stages, I think it makes it less repetitive when you can have different outcomes each time you advance if you pick different routes :) This is also a Japanese release.

Mega Turrican – When I first encountered the Turrican games it was Super Turrican on the NES, and this game blew my mind! Then I bought the Turrican game for Mega Drive which sucked in comparison :( This one however was definitely better, much nicer graphics, faster movement, smoother controls, better music, but the 8-bit Super Turrican game is still my favorite ;)

Wolverine Adamantium Rage – This is a sidescrolling action game that looked stunning at first sight, the graphics are really rad, but the controls are so stiff it’s just a pain in the ass to steer wolverine around >_>

Addams Family Values – In this game you play as Fester and it’s a top down adventure game. Not my type of game and I got stuck pretty early on in the game :/

Justice League Task Force – This is a fighting game with all the Justice League characters. I played a bit of the campaign, I played as Batman ^_^ It was fun for a while, but I’m not that into fighting games either, so I can’t really tell if it’s a good one or not. The graphics were ok though :)

Master of Weapon – Another Japanese vertical shmup, fast paced and pretty cool :) It’s got a field of depth and you can drop bombs on stuff below.

Steel Empire – This is a sidescrolling horizontal shmup from Japan, the setting feels a bit steampunk :) The soundtrack is good and the controls are nice. You can shoot both in front of you or behind you. A well made game ^_^

Task Force Harrier EX – Also a vertical shmup from Japan, detailed graphics and futuristic setting. It’s very very grey in the beginning, but gets more colours later on.

Aero the Acrobat 1 & 2 – These two are sidescrolling platform games. Cute graphics and you’re an acrobatic bat.. I thought they were pretty mediocre compared to all the awesome platform games out there with cooler characters.. Like Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel, Marsipulami, Earthworm Jim, Ristar, Sonic, James Pond, Battletoads, Mr. Nutz, Rocket Knight, Toki just to name a few!! ;D

SeaQuest DSV – This game was awful! Haha ^_^ You play as some sort of futuristic submarine that’s supposed to take out other ships under the sea, and the controls are just awful…

Alf – I’ve been searching for this game for quite some time, mainly because of the cool cover, and because I used to love the show when I was younger :) Playing the game wasn’t as fun as I had expected though :/

Asterix & The Great Rescue – This was a fun sidescrolling platformer, much like the other Asterix games, felt a bit more polished than the first Asterix game on Master System though :)

Power Strike II – Vertical shmup with really awesome soundtrack and a cool back story ^_^ You can select various weapons at the start which is quite unusual for 8-bit shmups. It’s fast paced, colourful and has nice graphics!

James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing – It’s a boxing game.. I bought it because I didn’t have it, and apparently it’s rarely seen for the Master System.. Quite detailed for an 8-bit boxing game, but I didn’t play it for long.

Streets of Rage II – A lesser version of the Streets of Rage II for Sega Mega Drive. This series really does shine in 16-bit, not as much in 8-bits unfortunately :/ Still a decent game though.

T2 Terminator 2 Judgement Day – A sidescrolling action game. I think you’re supposed to be the Terminator, but you don’t really look like him. I think AVGN made a review of this game a while back, together with all the other Terminator games. Decent, but repetitive.

Wonder Boy in Monster World – This Wonder Boy title however is much more fast paced than the Mega Drive game I bought, and more of a challenge. It’s a really fun platforming adventure game :)

Out Run 3-D – This is the second 3D game I got for the Master System, this forced me to invest in a pair of those Sega Master System 3D glasses because trying to play the game without them makes you think you’re having an epileptic attack or that the game is suffering from Parkinsons >_<

Home Alone – I couldn’t make it past the first screen XD It’s some sort of re-enactment of the movie, but I didn’t know what to do or where to go.. sucky!!

Cheese Cat-Astrophe – This game kept me entertained for a while, it’s a sidescrolling platform game starring the Looney Toons character Speedy Gonzales. He’s definitely speedy, not Sonic-speedy but speedy none the less, you easily run past and miss the objective XD The graphics are a bit dull though. A lot of brown and yellow and not very detailed backgrounds, just a lot of  repetitive single coloured areas.

Championship Hockey – It’s hockey, and I hate sports.. This was also an unusual one though, so I bought it.. Hoping that my fiancée would enjoy it, but he hasn’t tried it yet.. :(

Buggy Run – A top-view racing game that kind of reminds me of micro machines. It was okay, but I’d much rather play RC Pro AM which is way more fluent ;D

That was all the Sega games I bought from likilato, he was kind enough to throw in a few extras! ^_^ I got 9 cassette games for Commodore 64. These were Vigilante, Star Paws, Slap Fight (which I bought for Mega Drive, haven’t had time to compare them yet though), Sky Runner, Silent Service, Hunchback II Quasimodo’s Revenge, Karnov, Bionic Commando and Vengeance. Star Paws looked completely awesome and is such a fun pun on Star Wars! XD It was not as fun playing as I had hoped though, you’re basically just a dog running around on a planet in space chasing birds.. I love the cover art for Karnov and Vengeance as well, they look badass! :D

Vigilante - Star Paws - Slap Fight for C64

Sky Runner - Silent Service - Hunchback II Quasimodos Revenge for C64

Karnov - Bionic Commando - Vengeance for C64

I also got 2 Amiga 500 games, Ivanhoe and Keef the Thief. Ghouls’n’Ghosts was for another system that I don’t have.. don’t remember which one right now, and Tangled Tales was for the C64 floppy disks, and I don’t have a disk reader for my Commodore 64.. yet ;D

Ghouls n Ghosts - Ivanhoe for Amiga

Tangled Tales C64 - Keef the Thief for Amiga

Big thanks to Likilato for this deal! I just bought another 60+ games from him for another system ;D

Retro Gathering 2015!

This weekend I visited Retro Gathering in VästerÃ¥s (Sweden), I was there for the first time last year, but this convention has been running yearly since 2006! I came home with quite a lot of loot last year, and this year wasn’t far behind ^_^

I bought 62 games, and traded another 400+ games with friends! So I came home with lots of games.. most of the traded ones were newer games though so I’ll just cover my retro acquisitions on here ;D First up is the Philips Videopac Computer G7000 with 8 games that I traded with Anton for a bunch of Famicom doubles I brought for him :) I also found one Videopac game at the convention, this one was a newly made homebrew game for the system, the packaging was just splendid though, fits right in with the originals ^_^ Can you spot which one it is? ;D

Another system that I bought at the convention was an Arcadia 2001, or at least one of it’s clones. Never heard of this one before, but it didn’t last very long, it was discontinued after only 18 months. The reason I bought it was that it came with almost all the games released for the system! :D The games come in paper boxes, which were surprisingly well kept! Inside there’s a manual and overlays for the controllers and the game cartridge is latched in a whole in the box. This is extremely frustrating since the cartridge tends to move around underneath the opening so it’s hard to get it out of there without ripping the paper around it >_< This makes me even more surprised though that the previous owners haven’t already torn the boxes apart! XD

BTW I think it’s hilarious when companies back in the day lacked the licenses for certain popular titles and had to come up with “alternative” names for clones ;D Nibblemen!!! Hahaha!

I also got my second Sinclair ZX Spectrum that I had bought previously, but got delivered on the convention ^_^ The 48k model is so cute!!!!!!!! :D

Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K

There were more japanese games popping up at this convention than what I have seen before in recent years here in Sweden. I think it’s nice that people are becoming aware of all the amazing things you can find from over there ^_^ Unfortunately when demand rises the prices also go up >_< There were no Famicom games that I didn’t already have though, but I did find 5 Super Famicom games and a Famicom pirate that was just cheap :)

Super Famicom games

Famicom pirate

It’s always nice to pick up some C64 games as well, they are usually pretty cheap and the artworks on these old cassettes are just amazing! :D I always buy games that look fun, have a funny title or just incredible or funny artwork ^_^

I also found some Atari 2600 games, two turned out to be unopened and I’m torn whether to break them open or not >_< I wanna play them!!

Atari 2600 games

Apart from all this I found a few other titles for various systems, like Batman Forever on Sega Mega Drive, Wolfenstein 3D for the Atari Jaguar and two Amiga 500 games, Pinkie and Capone ^_^ These last two looked like fun games when looking at the screenshots on the back :) Unfortunately my Amiga 500 has gotten a green screen so I can’t try them out right now :/ Have to get it fixed or find a new one first…

This year on Retro Gathering there were even more sellers than last year and loads of old systems setup to play ^_^ They held competitions in Super Bomberman 2 for the SNES, Super Skidmarks on the Amiga and Car Race ][ for Commodore PET. This last one in honor of the late CEO of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, who programmed that game back in the day. They also hosted the annual Swedish Championships of Pong, and I participated this year as well! I made it one step further than last year, so just a few more years and I might win! ;D hahaha or not.. I’ve began searching for an Atari Pong console so I can do some serious practicing though ^_^ They’re unfortunately hard to come by :/

This is one of my favorite retro gaming conventions in Sweden, the atmosphere is just so friendly and you can find so much more than just Nintendo and Sega stuff! ^_^ It’s just a shame it’s so far away from where I live :/ I will still come back next year though ;D

For more pictures from Retro Gathering, check out Geeky Gals :)

Amiga 500! Deliverance, Lionheart, Cannon Fodder etc.

I have apparently completely forgotten to write about my Amiga 500, it’s soon two years since I got it! I did however at that time take a bunch of pictures of it! So here’s what it looks like ^_^ I even got a brown plastic hard case for it as well :D

Amiga 500 with case Amiga 500 Amiga 500 detail Commodore Amiga 500

After I got it I also bought a couple of games for it. I still haven’t tried all of them out, some required a mouse and I didn’t have one at the time, so I just kind of forgot about it.. But Cannon Fodder is a lot of fun, I mainly got it because my fiancé used to play it as a kid, and I was hoping he would be happy seeing it again ^_^ The other games that I did try (Universe and Space Hulk) were not as fun as advertised by the covers ;D Altered Beast is always a favorite of mine though! Great game, and I think I remember this port to be pretty decent :)

Amiga 500 - Cannon FodderAmiga 500 - Universe   Amiga 500 - Space Hulk
Amiga 500 - The Ultimate Ride   Amiga 500 - Altered Beast

Just like a month ago I started buying more games for the Amiga 500 again :) You might have seen some of my instagram updates with Exolon and Switchblade II. Exolon didn’t have a working disc, but just last week I received two more discs from the seller, so hopefully there will be one that works! Been so excited to try that game out because the cover art is awesome!! :D Just look at that closeup of his face! The same goes for Switchblade II, I love these retro box arts :)

Exolon Exolon super closeup Switchblade II Switchblade II closeup

Apart from these two games I’ve also gotten Deliverance, Lionheart, Silkworm, ST Dragon, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, Xenon 2 Megablast and Wizball! All of these were great games! I’ve decided not to just buy games based on the cover any more for Amiga 500, because there are so many games for it, and I don’ wanna end up with crappy ones. So I have now at least checked out some screenshots of the game before buying it. This only goes for Amiga though, Nintendo and Sega and all the other consoles I still go by the box art or the name of a game. I like being surprised ;D

Amiga 500 - Deliverance_ Amiga 500 - Lionheart

Deliverance and Lionheart were particularly striking games! I wish I had a way of capturing screenshots from them when I played them… Really great looking games, Deliverance had a bit stiff controls but it was just so cool! :D Lionheart had amazing sprites and beautiful sceneries, and the controls were really advanced even though you just had a stick and a button to work with!

Amiga 500 - ST Dragon Amiga 500 - Xenon 2 Megablast

ST Dragon was a cool sidescrolling shmup :) Xenon 2 Megablast was also a good shmup, but I preferred ST Dragon.

Amiga 500 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles

I really prefer the NES version of TMNT to the Amiga 500 one..

Amiga 500 - Wizball

Somebody recommended Wizball to me, I didn’t quite get it though.. I thought the controls were really awkward and I just kept dying >_<

Amiga 500 - Silkworm

The best thing about Silkworm is that it’s a 2-player co-op game! :D It sucks being the Jeep though >_<

That’s all for my Amiga update right now :) I bet I will get some more games for it eventually ^_^ I like the system, but it still feels a bit more like a computer than a video game console.. but I still like the retro games on there :) So I will keep collecting!