The province of Caltanissetta

San Cataldo


San Cataldo
Photo © Walter Lo Cascio

San Cataldo (Zip Code 93017) is 63 Km. distant from Agrigento, 9 Km. from Caltanissetta, which is the province it belongs to, 135 Km. from Catania, 50 Km. from Enna, 238 Km. from Messina, 151 Km. from Palermo, 150 Km. from Ragusa, 200 Km. from Siracusa, 236 Km. from Trapani.

Photo © Walter Lo Cascio 

Mother Church

The municipality counts 23.662 inhabitants, its surface measures 7.224 hectares, and its population density counts 328 inhabitants per square kilometre. It rises over an internal hilly area, 625 meters above the sea-level.

The Town Hall is located in  piazza Giovanni XXIII, tel. ++39 0934-511111 fax. ++39 0934-571588.

As per agriculture, the most relevant cultivations are those of cereals, grapes, oil, and dry fruit. The local handicraft activity provides for charming embroideries and and hand made crochet work.

The name San Cataldo refers to the inhabitants' strong devotion towards the homonymous saint, specifically the town's patron saint, who was an Irish bishop who died during his pilgrimage towards the Holy Land.

The suburb was founded in 1607 by Lord Nicolò Galletti, and it became a town to all effects in 1865. Approximately during the XIX century, the numerous potassium salt mines present throughout the land became operative, thus enhancing the town's economical growth. Afterwards, because of a strong market crisis, the mines were completely abandoned.

Photo © Walter Lo Cascio 

Il Calvario

Some of the most outstanding monuments are the Chiesa Madre of 1633, the Chiesa S. Antonio Abate (Carmelo) of 1906 and the Chiesa dei Padri Mercedari, preserving a statue of the Madonna, work of art by Bagnasco (XIX century). The three church form the trinitarian triangle of the town of San Cataldo.

The area counts several archeological sites, such as Vassallaggi where an original indigenous farmhouse called "Motyon" was discovered.

One of the town's characteristics is the "Sfilata con l'Alloro" (laurel parade), held every year on August 29. During this event, groups of cavaliers march in a procession, carrying a small branch of laurel in their hands to honor their Patron Saint.

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