Princess Maker Refine

Princess Maker Refine

78 ratings
Princess Maker Refine (WIP)
By Archeia
A Guide to help you raise an orphaned daughter.
What is Princess Maker?
Princess Maker is a series of simulation games created by Gainax.

After defeating the demon horde and being the hero they need but do not deserve, you were ridden with despair as many children are now parentless and homeless. Being a total saint, you asked the King to give you some income to be able to orphan and raise a child. However, unlike PM2, this king is a total cheapskate and only gives you 500 Gold once, as opposed to monthly. Knowing full well that you have been physically incapacitated by the previous events. So now you have no choice but to set your child to slave labor, just so she can have a proper education and life.

Your child will age fast and there is no tutorial in-game. Welcome to parenthood!
Your Daughter

Your Daughter is "Maria." A war orphan that can be a Princess or a Ruling Queen depending on your parenting skills!
Main Screen

First Box
Name - Your Daughter's name.
Title - Your Daughter's current standing on society.
Level - Your Daughter's Title Level(?)
Gold - The amount of $$$ you have.
HP - Your daughter's current stamina.

Second Box
Age - Your Daughter's age.
Rep - Your Daughter's Reputation.
Height - Your Daughter's height.
Weight - Your Daughter's weight.

Third Box
The text log for all actions.

Fourth Box
This displays your daughter's Health Status and Equipment.

Fifth Box
Schedule - This is where you will assign your daughter's daily activities.
King Icon - Visit the Castle
Blue Person Talking - Ask the town's people for their opinion of your daughter.
Heart + Sword Icon - The Parameters Window
Maria - Converse with your daughter.
Basket - Buy goods.

Parameters Window

First Box
Sex - Your Daughter's Gender.
Zodiac - Your Daughter's Zodiac Sign
Blood - Your Daughter's Blood Type. Refer to Battle Guide for more information.
Birthday - Your Daughter's Birthday.
Age - Your Daughter's age.
Height - Your Daughter's height.
Weight -Your Daughter's weight.
Prop - The percentage of Your Daughter's proportions that reaches the ideal figure.
Money - The amount of $$$ you have.

Second Box
Affects your overall HP. If it's too high, your daughter is seen as too muscular (or fat).

Affects how strong you hit.

Affects your MP and how smart your child is.

How good mannered your kid is to other people. Around 500~600 is needed to meet the King.

Affects your daughter's Success Rate. The higher the better. This can be raised either through conversation, Iron Sandals and some jobs. This will drop to 0 if your child gets sick.

How tired your kid is. Too high and she will get sick.

Your child's charisma. This determines how 'sexy' she is.

Determines how kind and sincere your daughter is. If it's too low, she will become a delinquent.

How popular is your girl? Or maybe this affects how money savvy she is. It's hard to tell.

This determines how good your daughter is in terms of Combat and Magic. It also affects Intelligence-related jobs and title.

Combat Skill (CBT Skill)
How good your daughter is at fighting.

How fast your daughter is and how much she will dodge(?).

Combat Defense
Your daughter's defense with Armor and Helm.

Combat Attack
Your daughter's offense with Weapon.

Based on your daughter's Stamina.

Based on your daughter's Intelligence.

Third Box

  • Yellow Circle - Click this to move the window. This applies to all menus.
  • Equip Weapon - Give Your Daughter a murder weapon.
  • Equip Helm - Give Your Daughter some head protection.
  • Equip Armor - Give Your Daughter some body protection.
  • Use Item - Use an Item on Your Daughter.
  • Change Outfit - Change Your Daughter's outfit based on the season. As far as I can tell this is cosmetic. If you hold F10 and then press this option, the music option will appear.
  • Save - Save Your Daughter's progress.
  • Load - Load Your Daughter's progress from a specific point in time.
  • End - Return to Main Screen.
Conversation Guide
Converse Attentively
- If Spirit > Stress - Decreases Spirit
- If Stress > Spirit - Decreases Stress.

Talk in a Stern Voice
- If Spirit > Stress - Increases Spirit
- If Stress > Spirit - Increases Stress.

- Increase Morale
- If Spirit > Stress - Increases Spirit.
- If Stress > Spirit - Increases Stress.

(There is another option that involves glamour but I have not yet unlocked it)
Schedule Options

The duration of the activity.

Income (INCM)
Estimated Income you will get that week.

Expense (EXPNS)
Estimated money you will lose.

To do
The activity you set for your daughter.

The Grade Level (Education), Workplace or Vacation Season.

Workdays(?). However, it's a variance on how much money you gain or lose. If it's +9 your daughter is going to have a stat boost+ (around 5 stat gain usually) if you decide to educate her.

Educate Her
Military - Raises Combat Skill. This will give you the Swordsman titles through battles.
Study - Raises Intelligence. This will give you exams to gain Scholar titles.
Etiquette - Raises Elegance.
Errantry - Go outside the castle walls and explore places. You will need a high level in Military to explore more and more areas.

Let her work
> Salary + 8
> Stamina + 1
> Stress + 1

> Salary + 1
> Morale + 2 or +1
> Stress + 0

Weapon Shop
> Salary + 9
> EXP + 1
> Stress + 1

> Salary + 9
> Strength - 1
> Intelligence + 1
> Stress + 1

> Salary + 15
> Strength + 1
> Elegance - 1
> Spirit + 1
> Stress + 2
> Glamour - 1

> Salary + 10
> Stamina - 1
> Intelligence + 1
> Stress + 2

> Salary + 8
> Elegance + 1
> Stress + 1

> Salary + 18
> Stamina + 2
> Intelligence - 1
> Spirit + 1
> Elegance - 2
> Stress + 3

> Salary + 8
> Stress + 3
> Glamour - 1
> EXP + 2
> DEX + 1

> Salary + 10
> Elegance - 1
> Stress + 2
> Glamour + 1

Sleazy Bar
> Salary + 48
> Spirit - 1
> Stress + 2
> Glamour + 5
> Morality - 3
> Reputation - 3

Sleazy Inn
> Salary + 55
> Elegance - 3
> Stress + 3
> Glamour + 5
> Morality - 4
> Reputation - 5

Let her rest
Decreases Your Daughter's Stress (based on money/allowance) and Morality.

Go on Vacation
Go on a vacation with your daughter! This decreases Stress and Increases Morality.
Ending Requirements
1200+ Reputation
Ruling Queen

800 ~ 1199 Reputation

400+ = Housewife, Old Woman(?)
100+ = Soldier
50+ = Farmer's Wife
0+ = Mercenary

400+ = General
100+ = Officer
50+ = Lumberjack
0+ = Bounty Hunter

Intelligence (Scholar Title + EXP x2 than Intelligence)
400+ = Orphanage Teacher (Spirit > Intelligence > Moral > Others)
400+ = Palace Magician (Magical Power)
100+ = The Sorceress (Dark Magic)
50+ = Wizard (Infinite Mana)
0+ = Wandering Wizard (Adventure Time)

Intelligence (if Intelligence requirements above is not met)
400+ = Royal Academy Principal(?)
100+ = Alchemist
50+ = Writer
0+ = Conman

400+ = Duchess
100+ = Noble's Wife
50+ = Merchant's Wife
0+ = High Class Prostitute

400+ = King's Concubine
100+ = Nobleman's Concubine
50+ = Bar Girl
0+ = Prostitute

400+ = Priestess (Divine Follower)
100+ = High Rank Buddhist Nun (Monastics)
50+ = Buddhist Nun (Bhikkhuni)
0+ = Divorced woman (Young Widow)

Not In this Game Version
Father's Wife
Reputation 800 - 1199
Intelligence, Elegance, Glamour > Others

Devil's Wife
Reputation 800 ~ 1199
Stamina, Intelligence > Others > Elegance, Morality
Ruling Queen Strategy
- Save monthly before talking to your daughter. (Before and After Conversation)
- Raise Spirit (Affects the Success Rate of Learning). It is recommended that her Spirit is not < 70.
- Every Month (Talk in a Stern Voice, Spirit + 1 ~ 10). Do not do this when Stress > Spirit.
- Reload the save if it's not +5 or more.
- It is recommended to make her birthday in March 31st to suppress the weight gain.
- Save before going with your schedule. Make her fatigued until the end of the month. You can do this for 2~3 months and then give her a vacation on early next week. If she becomes sick, just reload and change your plan to give her a break.
- Being sick decreases all parameters by 1 per day. Don't let her become sick unless you want to decrease her weight and make her proportions better.

It is entirely possible to become a Ruling Queen without doing any battles.

(This section is still a work in progress and is divided through reputation, errantry and miss kingdom)
Raising Your Daughter's Reputation
Increasing your daughter's reputation can be hard, so here are some tips.

  • Harvest festival is held every October. So make sure to win them! Your Daughter's Reputation will increase by +80 for winning and +50 for being second.
  • Survive your Errantry activities. In the Battle Guide, we detailed how much reputation increases depending on your area.
  • Successfully do your job. All jobs except the sleazy ones increases +1 to your reputation. So make sure to up that Spirit with some Stern speaking!
  • See the people in the castle. They give you reputation.
  • Pass the Promotion exams on Military and Intelligence to gain a title.

Battle and Errantry Guide
Blood Type Effects
  • Type O - The strongest of all the blood types. It does not deal a critical hit on the first attack but damage inflicted is stable. Damage occurs randomly within the range of 1/4 to 1/2 of the enemy's Max HP.
  • Type AB - Strong Blow on first hit. However, your attack will get worse progressively. If your enemy has around 40 HP then you can defeat them in a single blow. Otherwise, it will take a while. However, as you get more experienced, the damage on the first attack might increase to more than a little of the enemy's Max HP. Not sure how the next weaker attacks are calculated.
  • Type A - Same as Type O but not as strong.
  • Type B - The Weakest of all blood types. Avoid at all costs.

Rules of the Battle
  • If enemies appear and a monotonous BGM that sounds like, "Bunka chancha chanchan" and is repeated four times, remember that after the battle with that enemy is over, half a day passes. Sometimes the enemy does not come out and half a day passes.
  • There's three sections for the field:
    The Suburbs
    The Frontier
    The Barbarians(?)
  • The farther you get away, the stronger the enemies get. Which means more EXP.
  • Experience Gained is based on enemy type.
  • If Your Daughter or the enemy escapes, you will get nothing.
  • If Your Daughter loses, she will stay home and nothing will happen.
  • Every single day you survive, your Stamina/Strength (I think) will increase by 1 and Reputation goes up based on where you are:
    The Suburbs +1
    The Frontier +2
    The Barbarians +3

How do I start Battling Monsters?
  • Blood Type should be O.
  • Increase Your Daughter's Stamina and Strength by making her focus on Inn and Woodcutter to save money.
  • Save Money and buy a Long Sword, Iron Helmet and Chainmail.
  • It's OK if you don't have Military training and 0 EXP. Your equipment will handle it.

Map Exploration Tips
- Make as many diagonal movements as possible.
- There's at least Four Items you need to aim when you are on the field. If done correctly, you will be able to get all of them in 10 days.

Harvest Festival - Miss Kingdom
- Focus on Intelligence until 14 years old (10 years old Scrivener, 11~13 Hospital)
- Make sure to win Harvest Festivals.
> Make sure to have over 100 money before the harvest festival (for Bribery)
> Make sure to at least win the God of the Sun and God of the Moon Rewards.
> You need to bribe at least 10 people at God of the Moon.
> In the 7th/8th year, you might with the God of the Star depending on the stats of the rivals.
> Glamour around 0~100 will have an effect on this.

- You need at least 600 Elegance to visit the King (Reputation +48).

Harvest Festival Requirements (Miss Kingdom)
10 years old
Elegance - 150 ~ 170
Glamour - 30

11 years old
Elegance - 400
Glamour - 30

12 years old
Elegance - 600
Glamour - 30

13 years old
Elegance - 800
Glamour - 30

14 years old
Elegance - 900
Glamour - 90

15 years old
Elegance - 1000
Glamour - 150

16 years old
Elegance - 1100
Glamour - 250

17 years old
Elegance - 1200
Glamour - 350

- By age 14, you can have her work at the bar. But be careful her elegance doesn't go down too much.
Study/Military Promotions
Military Promotions
- $5 on your first opponent.
- $140 on second opponent. (?)
- $200 on Master

Study Exams
Type A:
1.) What is the name of the phenomenon of ice crystals floating in the air?
-Diamond Dust

2.) Synapsid animals, such as dragons, have perceptive organ often called the "Third Eye" that can detect changes in climate. What is the true name of this organ?
- Parietal Eye/Pineal Eye

Type B:
1. Heating of the cathode from ion bombardment.
2. 27 days

Type C
1. Neptune brings it back up in giant barrels
2. Objects float in the air.
Princess Maker Japanese Wiki -
Princess Maker 1 In-Depth Analysis -
y800708 Sep 24, 2019 @ 9:15am 
무사수행하면 튕기네
Ary May 31, 2018 @ 4:46am 
@Archeia no diet change option in PM1 ... maybe in the next one but not in 1
@apris you make her work. If you let her rest, she gets fat. Try using more vacation and less rest. I had a very fat girl and changed that for the last 2 years and then she got from around 90ish to 104% in no time! :)
Blinded Feb 27, 2018 @ 6:26pm 
Might want to mention that you can string together Errantry to get more days for exploration.

Additionally, if you follow the path all the way to the end and get to the Castle with at least 1 full day to spare, your daughter returns home early, earns a bonus 50 Rep., and recovers 10 Stress for each day left over.
Archeia  [author] Sep 8, 2017 @ 4:46am 
It's been a while since I played this game so I don't remember much.
apris Sep 8, 2017 @ 2:11am 
Where do you change that? I thought it was only possible in PM2
Archeia  [author] Sep 8, 2017 @ 2:05am 
Did you try changing her diet?
apris Sep 8, 2017 @ 1:18am 
The girl is just getting fatter and fatter and I'm trying to lower her stamina- doesn't work. How to make her lose some weight?
#1 xtra special guy Sep 2, 2017 @ 1:20am 
i wanna report in that you don't need 600 elegance to pay a visit to good ol' mr. king, you can pop in on the dude at around 400 or so. granted, i had around 110-115 rep at the time, so that was also probably a factor.
Zauberin2 Mar 5, 2017 @ 4:41pm 
Got (and will get) the magician category through this formula
Intelligence: Professor title (but not sure if necessary) Exp x2 > Intelligence
in words Exp double the amount of intelligence or higher
D u c k Mar 3, 2017 @ 8:06pm 
Well, i'll check it again, but i'm pretty sure it's a fixed drop by enemy.

you can delete Father's Wife and Devil's Wife as they don't exist as endings in this version.

other fix:

Intelligence (Professor title)
400+ = Palace Magician (Magical Power)
100+ = the Sorceress (Dark Magic)
50+ = Wizard (Infinite Mana)
0+ = Wandering Wizard (Adventure Time)