-The Grand Cycle of Life – Summer-

The Snow Capped Romance 18

June 21 – September 23

Zodiac Position: 0’ Cancer – 0’ Libra

Quadrant: Secured

Human Age: 21-42

Cusp Concepts: Magic, Oscillation, Exposure

Signs: Cancer, Leo, Virgo

Rulers: The Moon, The Sun, Mercury

Symbols: The Crab, The Lion, The Virgin

Elements: Water, Fire, Earth

Mottos: I Feel, I Create, I Serve

Dominant Faculty: Feeling

The summer solstice usually occurs on June 21 in the northern hemisphere (this dates marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere, but in the southern hemisphere summer begins on December 21).  At this magical time, days are longer and nights shorter than at any other time of the year.  As summer wears on, however, the days shorten and the nights lengthen.  Summer is the second quarter, or 90; degree segment, of the yearly cycle.  It extends from the summer solstice to the fall equinox.


Summer is traditionally the period in which the new life of springtime grows to maturity.  Temperatures are at their warmest during this period, and most of animal life experiences lazy afternoons when it is too hot for more movement.  This is traditionally the time for vacations for taking off from work to enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities.  School is out, and more young people are thus active and about in the morning.  Colorful flowers and blossoms abound.  All the fullness and abundance of nature is revealed.  The rhythm of life in this quadrant is slower and more sensual, but diets tend to be lighter and clothing freer.  Life is in many respects easier in summer than at any other time of the year.


The Signs and Life Periods:


Summer comprises three astrological signs: the cardinal water sign Cancer, the fixed fire sign Leo and the mutable earth sign Virgo.  In human terms, these three signs can be likened to the life of the individual age 21-42.  This dynamic period of human development, which spans early adulthood to the mid-life period, displays many of the same processes of growth, flowering and producing which occur in nature’s summertime.


This second quadrant of The Grand Cycle of Life is governed by the faculty of feeling and be seen as a waning period which manifests objectively and has an unconscious orientation.  That is to say, although objective growth is taking place externally in nature and in the human being during this period, such growth has already slowed down.  Like childhood, the orientation remains primarily subjective.


Astrologically speaking, this has to do with the fact that the signs Cancer, Leo, and Virgo are ruled by the heavenly bodies The Moon, The Sun and Mercury, all of which are said to be “inner” or “personal” in the solar systems.  This means that they are relatively closer to the earth and take approximately one month (for the moon) and one year (for the Sun and Mercury) to travel around the zodiac.


Like childhood and adolescence, the period of human development age 21-42 is highly personal in outlook, but much objectivity and acquired wisdom has also manifested.  The maturing adult is able to discriminate between one’s internal self and the outside world.  Not everything is so highly colorful by intuitions and powerful unconscious drives as before.  Although the capacity to absorb and assimilate impressions is still great, many entryways to the personality and ego have already closed.  The maturing adult is also far less at the mercy of the subjective self, and now acts in a more rational and conscious manner than before.


The Summertime Personality:


Generally speaking, those born in the summertime have more measured responses than those born in the spring and, although enthusiastic, are more critical.  Their energies are perhaps a bit less focused on initiating projects and more on bringing them to fruition.  Summertime people tend to be a mixture of introvert and extrovert, but feelings now play a more important role in coloring their lives.  Empathic urges to help and become involved with others are strong during this period.  Summertime people often experience an emotional interaction not only with people but with their work and environment.


Summertime people may not display an overwhelming need to bring their contributions out in the world.  Many hidden characteristics develop at this time, and being appreciated is not always the most important thing.  Rather than placing their freedom and independence above all else, summertime people are prepared to serve others and also to invest time in them.  Summertime people need to be needed.

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