further indiscretions

further indiscretions

direct to video sequel. EN/FR. I like manga and fandom. Sometimes I make art about it.




Reasons To Post Fic

Here to make number go up in my blorbo’s tag.

Intend to canonize “[character] is autistic” and i’ll do it myself if I have to

No One Else Is Writing The Porn Right

If I don’t commit this scene to paper the demons WILL get me

Make my mutuals throw pots and pans at me

My Subscribers Have Had It Too Good For Too Long

I thought about blorbo and took 5d8 psychic damage, which is now YOUR problem

This is the best fucking thing I have ever written, you can read it if you want

If I put it on Ao3 Maybe I’ll Stop Editing it and can Finally Rest


No one else is writing this trope? THIS TRAVESTY MUST BE RECTIFIED.

I Dare God To Strike Me Down

Reasons to Write Fic

I need to see these blorbos in this specific setting or I’ll die

Must Partake In The Sacred Act Of Creation

I Thought About That Canon Plot Hole Again And I Think I Have It Fixed This Time

The daydream I work on at night is getting really good you guys

Make! The! Blorbos! Kiss!

This is a strongly worded complaint letter to the source material.

My specific wants are not being catered to in the tag this is CRIMINAL

I Get It. When I Post It You Will Get It Too.

If I focus in on this part of canon I think I’ll explode. Let’s all explode.

I Can Make It Better

I Can Make It Worse

Welcome to powerpoint night. I have locked the doors. We are going to discuss m-

1,083 votes • Remaining time: 6 days 21 hoursALT

So I see 11pm was absolutely the right time to post this in terms of striking a nerve.



Watching The Corkscrew Job and just …

Eliot trusting Parker and Hardison enough to go into a situation where he’s about to have no oxygen. He would hear over the comms that they’re facing down henchmen who are trying to stop them. He doesn’t know how long it’ll take for them to get air flow happening again.

But there’s an innocent person to protect and he has faith in his partners. Faith enough to willingly risk his life time and time again - not just in this instance, but all the others we see over the course of the show. Because Eliot knows that Parker and Hardison will do whatever it takes to protect him, just as he protects them.

There’s just something so profound about not even having enough air to draw breath - but it doesn’t matter, because you know your partners are out there, fighting to get that next breath to you. And it might take longer than expected. It might not go smoothly, hell, it might not even work at all. But it doesn’t matter because your faith in these people is greater than the instincts screaming for oxygen.

Eliot can’t breathe without them. But he’s used to that - he’s been living this way for years already. So he holds his breath and trusts.

screenshot of tags that read: #eliot spencer #parker leverage #alec hardison #leverage #the corkscrew job #parker #leverage ot3 #the way parker and hardison gasp for air themselves once they get those doors open #not because they're struggling to breathe but because they know eliot can now breathe #they're breathing with him #and they know what it's like to run out of air #hardison more than anyone #so they know the value of that sweet oxygen when it rushes in #they understand the depth of faith that eliot places in them #and they would give their lives to uphold that faith #i just have a lot of emotions over this scene okayALT

how dare you leave this in the tags



Shibuya fashion week. Also holy shittt this took forever to finish but I’m really happy with the result. I’m sorry I couldn’t draw all the cast because this already cut my lifespan to half. you can also download the pdf version on my kofi page here. It’s free you can use it as references or whatever but please don’t repost, redistribute, or resell it or i will 🔫🔫🔫

hope you enjoyyy!!

they need to invent a form of travel that doesn’t hurt your Knees