8 Failed Video Game Consoles That Had One Incredible Game

5. Philips CD-i: Burn Cycle

Alien Vs Predator

To say the Philips CD-i wasn't a popular console is the understatement of the year, but the 32-bit machine did excel at one thing: full-motion video, and one game in particular used that to its full advantage, the cyberpunk adventure Burn Cycle.

Burn Cycle was a point-and-click adventure that skilfully played to the system's strengths, whisking players away to a Blade Runner-esque world with fully digitised action sequences and sweeping 3D environments to explore.

The storyline was gripping and there was tonnes of variety on offer. One minute you'd be solving a puzzle, the next you'd be caught up in a high-octane shooting sequence, the like of which was rarely seen in '90s adventure titles.

Moreover, Burn Cycle had a soundtrack so mind-blowing that Philips bundled it with the European release on a separate CD, housed in an embossed, lime green case.

Burn Cycle was exactly the sort of title the Philips CD-i needed more of, but since full-motion video was literally the only thing the machine did well, even a vast library of similarly good games couldn't have saved the console.

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