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Era mio padre. Italian terrorism of the anni di piombo in the postmemorials of victims relatives. Italian modernities ; Vol. 30.
Era mio padre. Italian terrorism of the anni di piombo in the postmemorials of victims relatives. Italian modernities ; Vol. 30.
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1 Treffer in Bücher
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gebrauchtes Buch Gastaldi, Sciltian und David Ward (eds.)
gebrauchte Buecher

Era mio padre. Italian terrorism of the anni di piombo in the postmemorials of victims relatives. Italian modernities ; Vol. 30.

Gastaldi, Sciltian und David Ward (eds.)

Oxford ; Bern ; Berlin ; Wien : Peter Lang

, 2018.
ISBN: 9781788743266
Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut
DE vom Händler, Bewertungen 99,6% positiv
