Pastrengo Forts


There is a group of fortifications not far away from Rivoli Veronese, further along the Adige river. They were built shortly after Fort Wohlgemuth. Both were however built by the Austrians and share the same characteristics.

The forts mentioned – Degenfeld, Benedek, Nugent and Leopold – are all connected with each other by a tunnel. The four forts share remarkable similarities: all boast outdoor squares, on which casemates, ammunition depots and offices were located.

Today, these forts are privately owned. Fort Nugent (today Fort Poggio Pol) and Fort Leopold (today Fort Poggio Croce), however, house restaurants and can still be visited.

Location Get Directions

37010, Pastrengo, VR

Weather Forecast


Pioggia moderata
 15 - 21 °C
 100 %


Forte pioggia
 12 - 16 °C
 100 %


Pioggia leggera
 11 - 16 °C
 100 %


Pioggia leggera
 13 - 17 °C
 100 %