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Unbeautiful #1


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You want to know my secrets? What lies beneath the pretty? The scars I can’t let anyone see? The scars tied to my secrets?
On the outside I appear normal. Some might even say perfect.
They say that I’m a pretty girl. They say I should be happy. They say that I have nothing to be angry about. That I’m popular. A cheerleader. That I’m perfect.
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
But all they see is what’s on the outside.
On the inside I’m raw, open, bleeding. Scars that can’t seem to heal the wounds.
Carrying dark secrets about who I really am.
How afraid I am to tell the truth.
And it’s slowly killing me.


Tattoos. Piercing. Scars. The guy who can’t speak.
Gothic freak. Mute. Punk. I’ve heard it all.
They say that I’m probably dangerous. They say people should stay away from me.
They say. They say. They say.
But who are they anyway?
To decide what I am.
They don’t know what’s hidden beneath the scars. Beneath the piercings and tattoos.
The secrets I keep hidden beneath the silence.
Maybe if they knew, they wouldn’t fear me so much.
Then again, maybe they’d fear me more.

300 pages, Paperback

First published December 23, 2014

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About the author

Jessica Sorensen

310 books20.1k followers
Jessica Sorensen is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author from the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 359 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,117 reviews34.7k followers
July 9, 2020
3.5 stars!

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I expected UnBeautiful to be like the Redemption series, since it is technically a spin-off series. Ryler is Luke’s cousin. But this story is nothing like the Redemption books. It’s something else entirely.

Emery is a girl who’s been sheltered the worst way all her life. She’s 18 now. She has had this plan to get out. And she did. She left her parents home, is going to college an hour away and living on her own. Her parents still show up from time to time, but not living under their thumb is refreshing. Sheltered isn’t even the best word to describe Emery’s upbringing. It was just completely messed up.

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The scars remind me of who I am.
That I’m not the person people
think I am.
That I’m different.
That I have darkness.

Ryler is living with his cousin Luke. He’s left Vegas and his gambling father behind, but he’s still living with the consequences of his time there. Ryler is also there for a fresh start. It’s not began yet for him, but it’s close. When Ryler meets Emery for the first time, he’s attracted to her. It’s hard not to be. Then he realizes she can communicate with him, and things change for him. Ryler is mute so having someone who can do that is important. He and Emery start spending a little time together. They really like each other.

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These two characters are so different from one another on the outside, yet they are both at a crossroads in their lives. And they are so much more connected than either one of them could have ever imagined...

It’s no secret that I love Jessica Sorensen’s writing. Her damaged characters. I liked that this was a unique storyline. It is a bit on the short side, but it kept me engrossed the entire time. I read it in one sitting. After finishing and seeing how everything clicked together (but there is a lot that still needs clicking) I am so anxious to get to the second book! Thankfully it comes out in February so not much longer.

This was an entertaining read that doesn't have a huge cliffhanger, but leaves you wanting more.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,477 reviews5,315 followers
December 30, 2014
"Open your eyes. The world is only what we believe it is."

[image error]

This story is told in alternating povs of Ryler (Luke’s cousin from The Coincidence Series) and Emery. You do not have to read The Coincidence Series to read this book. The story is fast paced with a dark edge to it and I found it to be a good page turner.

Ryler’s pov is easiest to explain for me. He has found himself forced to work with the Feds to take down Elderman, a crime boss and having to live a secret double life. He’s living and attending college with Luke and Violet where he meets Emery and has to hang with some very dangerous men.

”Welcome to hell, Ryler, a place where the evil thrive and the weak die.”

Emery’s pov is confusing, crazy and her upbringing is totally BATSO. We are talking about being restrained in bed by her parents, constantly drugged by them and she’s from the craziest town called Ralingford. Her parents constantly stressing that she’s crazy but beautiful and they even force a family friend’s son, Evan on her as her boyfriend. To my surprise, they let her go to this college out of town but she’s still under their watchful eye. Emery stops talking the pills and starts to journal her feelings and fears.

Emery and Ryler have a terrific connection and both realize that the other isn’t telling them the full truth about one another.

"A hint? I come from a place like no other, where nothing is what it seems. Everyone has their secrets, and those secrets have followed me."

The story connects Emery and Ryler and in true Jessica Sorensen fashion ends with a cliffhanger.

”My daughter is more important than she even realizes.”

What is the deal with her hometown?
Is Emery crazy or is her parents?
What is the butterfly ring and the wooden symbol that her mother brought?
Someone needs to get rid of Haven asap and is it February 27th yet?


Profile Image for Brandi.
647 reviews1,471 followers
January 12, 2015
WTF?!?!!?!? I don't know what to think...

Ryler is Luke's mute cousin. Ryler's had a rough life and when he is given the opportunity to erase his record in exchange for doing some undercover work, he has no choice. With a fresh start at the tips of his fingers, and danger around every corner, he meets Emery.

"Welcome to hell, Ryler, a place where the evil thrive and the weak die.”

Emery has lived an extremely sheltered life, but certain aspects of her life are very fuzzy. I'm not sure what to make of her. Is she mentally ill or the victim of some strange parental control?

The perfect family.
We fit into the perfect town.
Perfection was scratched into our walls.
Engraved into our skin.
Branded into the minds of everyone who knew us.

As Emery and Ryler start to spend time together and find themselves caring for one another. But they are connected in ways they never imagined.

I come from a place like no other, where nothing is what it seems. Everyone has their secrets, and those secrets have followed me.

This book has left me with tons of questions, but it was a fast-paced, intriguing read that has left me anxious for more.
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews792 followers
January 3, 2015
4 WTF Stars

I have so many unanswered questions where this one is concerned and I need the sequel like yesterday!

This story starts out with a bit of mystery and ends that way, too. We first meet Emery when she is living at home between her senior year of high school and starting college. We immediately see her parents are controlling, not in the overbearing sense, but in the lock you up and heavily medicate you kind of way.

At her brother’s insistence Emery sneaks out one night to see what her parents are hiding from her.

Whatever happens that night changes Emery. She no longer believes she is a good person or beautiful, despite beauty being her defining trait her whole life. Now she wants to escape and live on her own, so when summer comes Emery moves out to attend college an hour away. That is where she meets Ryler, he is living with Luke and Violet.

I have always had a soft spot for Ryler and have been dying to read his story. I love books where the person is mute or deaf, I just love how they have to communicate with each other through alternate means. Now Ryler is not deaf, but mute and Emery knows sign language. I loved their connection and time spent together. Both have secrets and are hiding things, but desperately want to open up and trust someone, but the fear of trusting the wrong person is stopping them.

"A hint? I come from a place like no other, where nothing is what it seems. Everyone has their secrets, and those secrets have followed me.”

This story is in no way what I expected, but I loved it! I am hooked into this little suspense/mystery and cannot wait see what happens next. Ryler and Emery have such a unique relationship and it is so new for them both, I am dying to know where their relationship will go after this ending.
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,568 followers
January 7, 2015

Reading the blurb I was expecting the typical angsty NA. What I’ve got instead was something so different. I was hooked from the first page. “Unbeautiful” was such mysterious read. It tells the story of Emery and Ryler, two teenagers who lived all their life in two different worlds, but who have more in common they expect.

“Madness is my life, the only aspect of living I’ve ever known.”


Emery is a 18 years old and she’s about to start college. She wants to escape, to be free, to feel something, to experience life. From her POV we find out about her controlling parents and what’s happening ( or what she say is happening) in her house and in her town, Ralingford. He parents told her all her life she needs medication, some pink pills she must have to take daily. Everyone tells her she is beautiful, but she knows the truth, she has sins, like her family and everyone in her town. She wants to be independent so she moves in another town. She will start college in the fall, but she wants to take some summer classes. She meets Ryler, a 20 years old boy who can’t talk and who has his own secrets.


Running is the only thing Ryler is good at. Ever since he got out of juvie, it’s all he has done. Now he lives with his cousin Luke, trying to start a new life, to be free. From the moment they met, Emery and Ryler are drawn to each other. They see in each other something they need.

I really like this one. This was my first read by this author, so I didn’t know what to expect. I really enjoyed her style. The story had an unique storyline and it was a little. I liked both Emery and Ryler. Both POVs are very well done. Emery’s POV was confusing, because you don’t know for sure if Emery is crazy or not. I have so many questions about what happened in her life and what really happened with her brother.

The chemistry between Emery and Ryler is fantastic, palpable and even if there are no sex scenes, there are some intense moments between them that I enjoyed. I’m dying to know why Emery is so important, so I can’t wait to rad the next installment.

Profile Image for Ashleyjo.
826 reviews476 followers
June 28, 2016
This is a hot mess of flat writing trying to go way too many directions. I'm all for layered plots that intersect, but this reads like the author just started blindly throwing darts...


... And missing everything!

Meet The MC's


18-year-old girl living in a town with weird goings on, such as a sundown to sunrise curfew because the town has a side (the Shadows) that is nothing but crime after dark and that seeps into her rich, safe side (the Golden area) after dark.


She describes her life as too perfect & orderly, with her mother and father dictating and controlling her every move.

Mysterious screams in the night...


A brother who is kept even more confined than her, but who seems to know an awful lot about the outside world...


She has weird dreams, which we get to read several pages of in all its obtuse glory....


She has to take unknown weird pills that her mother gives her. For what...


Her father cuffs her to her bed because she snuck out and saw something:

" sickening things that made me question everything, including my own existence."


She has a boyfriend she met her sophomore year. Even though she's the epitome of female perfection to his epitome of high school male perfection, she really doesn't really like him and she's just so tired of being so perfect.


Her mom pays her to work FOR HER. She saves every penny unbeknownst to the mom.

Suddenly she decides it's time to skedaddle off to college and her own apartment. So she blackmails the mom into taking her by threatening to hitchhike if she doesn't.

Now, the setting shifts to an apartment an hour away from el'freko town. Yet, she's still bowing down to her mom's weird shit like 'you must wear this bracelet at all times' and 'you mustn't take this weird thingie I've nailed to your wall down.' <---- No explanation.


And, what the fuck kind of escape is this that she 1) gets mom to drive her to her new home, thus ensuring they know where she's escaped to 2) continues to listen to her mom's bullshit and does exactly what mommy says without question?!?

Sorry, but not a bit of that maketh any senseth.



The MMC has his own POV in alternating chapters.

He's mute. He has a scar on his neck, leading readers to believe it's a traumatic event that caused his muteness. Again, who knows. Just another mystery to the pile...


He is running from drug, pimp bad guys he owes a debt to because his father pushed him to gamble. Some law enforcement agency picks him up and offers him Witness Protection if him infiltrates and becomes a narc.

My visual of this dude..


Anyway, all the 'how's' of him becoming a narc are just skipped...



Next thing ya know he has moved and is living with his cousin and cousin's girlfriend (who are apparently from a different book by the author) and tells us he has indeed infiltrated the bad guys. Of course, this is the same apartment complex the FMC now lives in.

What's What


All the above^^^ ... It's all a bunch of cloak and dagger silence mystery fluff that the author writes a lot of in riddle and prose of dreams and diary entries.

It takes over 15% just to get some basic intro's made. Afterwards, the only REAL info about the characters I'm taking away is that she's 18 and he's mute.

I could deal with some bad mystery theater...


But, only if the few solid facts given didn't contradict each other in believability....

Too Many Contradicting Details

Town description:

"...sparsely populated town of Ralingford, Wyoming . The small area is out in the middle of nowhere, away from civilization. The citizens abide their own unique rules: a town curfew of seven o'clock, morning meetings about town laws only adults are allowed to attend, and my absolute least favorite, a split society. People rarely leave, and if they do decide to escape the solitude they never return. "

Plot details like:

• her just meeting her boyfriend for the first time as a sophomore in an isolated town like this.

• having access to a computer to learn about the outside world that the town so carefully isolates her from.

• being allowed the independence to earn money.

• no one noticing she saves all her money over years.

• her tyrant mom driving her to freedom just because she didn't want the FMC to hitchhike.

• her dad who cuffs her to her bed at night and waterboards her for having an anxiety attack doesn't immediately come drag her back home.

None of that shit makes sense against the setting. None.

His plot line is a little better, but not much. I mean I know that if I was now a narc against this big bad dangerous criminal, I'd move in with my cousin and his girl and put them in danger. Wouldn't you?


Oh, Great!!! Both MC's Write The Exact Same Fluff Nonsense Prose

My final straw with this nonsense is the FMC writing some obtuse "we aren't as perfect as we look" purple prose diary entry. She rips it up and scatters it out her new apt window for fear someone might read it in her journal.

Oh no!!! Someone picks it up and they might glue it back together, read the obtuse nonsense, and be a fucking nonsense translator and know her huge big secret!!!


Yes, of course, it's the MMC who picks the scraps up.

She goes panic mode over this stranger finding out her secrets and goes off to get her scraps back.

Me at this point...


She runs after him & stares at him for 3 pages. Stares. 3 pages. Then she runs away. Literally. Runs. Away.

It's a bunch of nonsense melodrama that I can't deal with atop cloak and dagger and a storyline constantly contradicting itself.

Three days later, the MMC has pieced her prose together - no translation needed.


He's wowed by how magically delicious she is because she's the most beautiful thing in existence and her diary entry is like she looked in his mind.

Cue him writing his own obtuse prose diary entry with the EXACT SAME BS type prose, the exact same BS way as she did.


Cue me exiting said bullshit.

Bottom Line

If mystery theater with a Lunchable and KoolAid is up your alley, then you will be in paradise here.
Profile Image for Elodie.
560 reviews58 followers
December 24, 2014
WAY TOO SHORT. And now I'm supposed to wait until february for book 2 ? That's a joke, right ?

Profile Image for Jamie ♡♡ submits to books ♡♡.
462 reviews160 followers
June 20, 2015
☆☆☆☆ 4.5 Secrets In The Dark Stars ☆☆☆☆

I dream of chaos and serenity. Some might call what I dream a nightmare, a madness of the mind. Me, I think of it as a foreshadowing of what's to come in my future, of what I hope to achieve one day.

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Emery has lived a very sheltered life full of secrets. Having the outward appearance of perfection and beauty, she lives in a world of darkness. Living in a town that feels cult like, Emery sneaks out one night only to be caught and severely punished. To what extent, we find out only in bits and pieces. After her little sneak out, her parents now strap her in her bed at night, have bars placed over window and keep her medicated with what Emery later finds out are anti-psychotic drugs.

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Emery needs to leave this life she is held captive to. She has plans and executes them promptly when she heads off too college.

Moving an hour away, Emery leaves the life of face perfection behind, or tries to.

She meets the gorgeous Ryler....

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Ryler had many secrets of his own. Growing up in the foster home state, Ryler was brutally attacked by a foster dad while protecting someone very special to him. This attack left him without a voice.

As the years pass by, Ryler gets mixed into gambling due to his real dad coming back into his life. Some very bad men are after Ryler and when he thinks his life is over he us snatched by the FEDS and makes a deal to work with them to bring these men down.

Reluctant to work this plan, Ryler has no choice. As he embarks on this dangerous road, he meets Emery......

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They have a fierce connection from the start. What they don't see coming is that their connection is about to be tested be danger and secrets and people from both their pasts are about to twist this dangerous path into chaos.

I come from a place like no other, where nothing is what it seems. Everyone has their secrets, and those secrets have followed me. >

This book is on a whole new level of dark, unknown goodness. The author tells this story thru beautiful spinning of words. I was addicted to this from page 1.
Profile Image for Bj.
1,219 reviews260 followers
October 4, 2015
4 "Unquestionably Beautifully Intriguing" Stars! Just what is going on in the small town of Ralingford, Wyoming? In a style somewhat reminiscent of a younger version of The Stepford Wives, Emery is expected to be the perfect model daughter and girlfriend, the chief qualities of which are demanded of her are strict obedience and adherence to all measures necessary to remain utterly beautiful. But just what dark secrets and imperfections lie beneath this mirage of perfection? So many questions and an infinite number of possibilities abound in this highly unique read. One thing is a given though, if you want to learn the answers, you will need to read the conclusion to the UnBeautiful Series in Untamed which releases February 27, 2015.

Emery appears to have the perfect life. Beautiful like no other, head cheerleader and girlfriend of the captain of the football team (who also happens to be the son of the town's richest lawyer and close acquaintance of her father), one would think she wouldn't have a care in the world. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. Emery yearns to run away from the cuffs that bind her. But nearly no one ever leaves Ralingford. Determined to finally gain control over her life, Emery ceases her opportunity shortly after high school graduation, when during one of her father's business trips, she moves out of town purportedly under the guise of wanting to attend a university (rather than the town's community college).

There she meets Ryler. Sporting tattoos, a lip piercing and other immeasurable scars, Ryler is exactly the type of imperfect man that Emery's family would expect her to steer clear from. Emery, however, views an unconventional beauty in Ryler that draws her to him. Not even his arguably biggest flaw, that he can no longer speak, can keep her away. Finally free, she gets to experience her first few moments of true pleasure and beauty with Ryler.

Ryler, however, is leading a double life and soon the dark forces that previously controlled her world and Ryler's double life intersect, to call everything back into question. Will Emery and Ryler ever be able to truly break free of their pasts in time to find a HEA? Moreover, just what exactly is the extent of the dark past that Emery is running from?

Lovers of twisty, mysterious, suspense intensive romances will not want to miss Unbeautiful. Angsty, fast-paced and creative beyond compare, I can't wait to read Untamed to see how all the pieces of this complex puzzle fit together.
Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews656 followers
March 1, 2015
Genre: New Adult Romance – Gritty, mystery
Cover: 10/10
Writing: 8/10
Heroine: 8/10
Hero: 8/10
Humour: 0/10
Hotness: 3/10
Romance: 4/10
Extra book Details: Heroine & Hero POV; 1st person. Book 1 of a 2 book series. Both books released.

Unbeautiful is a complicated, tormented and dark tale of two lost souls with incredibly messed up lives.

It's mostly a mystery with a lot of outside influence. It intrigued me and satisfied my gritty read cravings. I loved the H/h together, both very likable and unique characters.
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
Want to read
May 12, 2014
New Coincidence series book by Jessica Sorensen!!


You want to know my secrets? What lies beneath the pretty? The scars I can’t let anyone see? The scars tied to my secrets?
On the outside I appear normal. Some might even say perfect.
They say that I’m a pretty girl. They say I should be happy. They say that I have nothing to be angry about. That I’m popular. A cheerleader. The perfect student.
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
But all they see is what’s on the outside.
On the inside I’m raw, open, bleeding. Scars that can’t seem to heal the wounds.
And it’s slowly killing me.


Tattoos. Piercing. Scars. The guy who can’t speak.
Gothic freak. Mute. Punk. I’ve heard it all.
They say that I’m probably dangerous. That the scars came from myself.
They say people should stay away from me. They say that I’m not worthy to be out in the world.
They say. They say. They say.
But who are they anyway?
To decide what I am.
They don’t know what’s hidden beneath the scars. Beneath the piercings and tattoos.
Beneath the silence.
Maybe if they did they wouldn’t fear me so much.
Then again, maybe they’d fear me more.

Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,156 reviews324 followers
December 5, 2020

The best thing about getting into a book slump, is the chance to go back and finally read those books from authors that you loved and have had sitting on your devices for a while. One of my early New Adult authors was Jessica Sorensen, I loved all her books as they are so easy to read and hit that exact spot of edginess. In Unbeautiful, we first meet Emery who lives in a strange town filled with rules and they take pills etc. It seemed like a bit of a cultish town. Emery can't wait to escape as she hasn't seen her brother in 6 months and she feels like she is losing control and herself and wants more. Emery then decides to apply for a college outside of the border and gets in and moves into the dorm. Finally, she is free from her family and mother's spies, or so she thinks. Ryler was hurt from an accident during foster care - he prefers to keep his voice to himself and now is a mute and signs. He also works as an informant for a dangerous man as he is trying to survive. From his first meeting of Emery, he can tell there is more than meets the eye and the pair connect. The pair are trying to survive and live their lives, but what happens when Emery and Ryler's lives crash when they both discover that Doc and Emery's Dad are the same person. Can Ryler protect Emery when she starts to receive threats? Will Emery let Ryler when she learns that he works with her father? Also why is Emery taking the pills and where is Ellis - they were the big questions which I hope get answered in Book #2. What I also loved about this book was Ryler's friends included Luke, Violet, Greyson and Seth which we had met in a couple of the previous series by Jessica Sorensen. I am now looking forward to reading the next book in this series by Jessica Sorensen and fingers crossed for a happy ending for both Emery and Ryler. PS – I have a cover crush on this book.
Profile Image for Merril Anil.
872 reviews75 followers
February 13, 2015
For a book that goes by the name "unbeautiful",it certainly is a beautiful book

You could say that

unbeautiful was an extended trailer for the actual book because right when things are reaching a boiling point, the book ends announcing to its longing readers that they have to wait for its sequel ( what !!...how could you do this to me? *Weeping uncontrollably*

The book is amazing or maybe its just me who always keeps falling for the books that revolve around broken and tortured souls ending up in an even disastrous union. Maybe because to me it is more relate able having characters that are not perfect, have their own weakness and not your usual larger than life characters (read... Beautiful Disaster, Easy... )

Unbeautiful is a beautifully terrifying story narrated in a flawless fashion and never dipping in its flow. The language is poetic and mesmerizing. It is really fascinating to see how beautiful lines have been used to describe things and events that are ugly. The book is really a short and quick read and has an amazing story to tell. In between there were over sweetened dialogues but luckily not enough to make you cringe and all in a bearable quantity.

The poems used in the book totally bowled me over. I loved each and every word and lines of those. It was moving and tapped on the right chords and emotions in spite of being simple and short. There is an elegance to the language used. Poetic and at the same time very natural and realistic.The only problem with the book is that it ends right when everything starts to stir. To call it a cliffhanger would be underwhelming.

its more like somebody waking you up from a beautiful sleep with the promise of a delicious dinner only to realize that you would have to wait for an hour to have it served (somebody pass me the butcher knife please)

As i said in the title, For a book that goes by the name "unbeautiful",it certainly is a beautiful book and the beauty comes majorly in the form of its language and the poems used in the book. The beauty also comes through when it narrates a story about two tortured souls. The only problem is that the author ends the book abruptly and leaves you suspended in air.

How was it?

Profile Image for Annie .
2,469 reviews944 followers
March 4, 2015

By the cover, UNBEAUTIFUL looks dark and angsty but this book is more than that. Jessica Sorensen has a true talent for writing intriguing characters. She knows just how to lure you in and keep you interested and guessing throughout the book. It’s why for me she rises above other NA authors. She knows what makes a good book and executes it flawlessly in her own.

Emery is a pretty girl through and through but there’s much more to her than a pretty face. As she steps out on her own, disobeying her parent’s desires in order to live a normal life, there are consequences that come with it. As I said, this is a dark book but the suspense plot running through definitely fits Sorensen’s writing style. I found myself glued to the pages wondering what Emery’s secret was and why she was so desperate to get away from her family.

This book does end on a cliffhanger however, it’s one that I didn’t mind. A lot of things go on in this book and the author needed that time to build the suspense and carry it out. If you’ve read Sorensen before, you should know by now how she likes to toy with her reader’s emotions.

The best part of this book for me is Ryler though. There’s something so interesting about his muteness. His silence doesn’t act as a barrier for him though. Yes, there’s a story behind it but he doesn’t weigh him down as much as her previous character’s have. Readers who have read Sorensen’s previous book will know Ryler as Luke’s cousin so both Luke and Violet make cameos that bring a smile to my face.

UNBEAUTIFUL is the kind of book you cannot get enough of. Luckily, Untamed is out so I know what I’ll be reading next!
Profile Image for Jenna.
39 reviews
December 24, 2014
I am such a fan of Jessica Sorensen but this one just didn't do it for me. It wasn't terrible I just found that too much was left unresolved. I know there's going to be more than one book but so much that happened at the beginning was left unexplained and I wasn't a fan of that. It was just confusing but that could just be me.
Profile Image for Alice.
160 reviews35 followers
July 19, 2015
Omg!!! I wanna know what is the big secrets with everyone in this book!! It's driving me crazy.

But I am loving all the mystery in it ;) and poor ryler he is so cute but so tortured with everything that has happened to him .

Oh and emery this girl I feel totally bad for her parents are totally whCk ... Or are they?!?! So many mysteries can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for andrea have sassy books to read.
252 reviews22 followers
December 26, 2014

this was way too short!!!
now i have to wait till febrary I mean R U FOR REAL??!

i dont know what to think seriously
this was soo fuck up since the begining. and the plot was totally diferent that what i expect

i just need to know what's gonna happen now that the charades are fading also wanna know what's gonna happen to EMERY and her dick of a father
Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 2 books139 followers
December 24, 2014
Buddy read with Kayl 24th December 2014.

This is different from what I normally read. Was that a good thing? In this case, it was. Unbeautiful has two MC's. Emery and Ryler. Both have issues and both have dark pasts. We don't know everything about them, which makes them more interesting. I couldn't really say who had the hardest past. Both of them had gone through their fair share and both of them were still dealing with their issues.

Emery is supposed to be perfect. And on the outside she is. She looks beautiful, and as far as everyone knows, she has the perfect like. But that is far from the truth. She's dealing with a lot of issues. There are things going on in her life that are making her fall apart. She's not happy. She doesn't have a perfect life, but she wants to.

Ryler is the opposite of Emery. He doesn't look traditionally beautiful. People often judge him for his appearance. He's had a tough start in life and to top it all off he's mute. He's made some bad decisions and been forced into even worse ones. But he wants to have a normal life.

The two of them together are very sweet in a sense. There's a connection, an attraction. But they both have issues trusting people. Yet they can't stop thinking about each other. It's complicated. Really, really complicated. And in the end you find out that things are about to get even more complicated.

There are times when this book feels strange. In the beginning, I just kept wondering what would happen and what was going on. It was intense. But I liked that about this book. Intense can be really good. And I know from experience that Jessica Sorensen knows how to write intense well. The writing here was also good. It was engaging and enjoyable and I was flicking through the pages like no ones business. I needed to see how this would end and when I reached the end, I was desperate to find out when the next book will be out.

So yes, I would recommend this to fans of the author. It's definitely one of my favorites from her and I really want the next book, like now.
Profile Image for Imani.
811 reviews47 followers
May 18, 2015
Unbeautiful is about Emery and Ryler.

Emery is living a very sheltered life. Her parents tie her to a bed at night because she left the house one night with her older brother, she has to take pills, and they want her to stay at home and marry her boyfriend of 3 years.

While Ryler, is also having a hard time because father is a gambler and has put Ryler in the middle of his debt to a mob. He is almost beaten to death and that's when he decides he wants out.

Basically when Emery turned 18 this is what she was thinking.

Her parents control her whole life and says that her beauty is the only thing anyone needs to worry about her and she will be happy married to her boyfriend Evan.

When Emery moves to a new apartment an hour away from her parents, she meets Ryler.

They kind of have some kind of relationship but I don't exact know what that is.

Emery wants out of her family and find out what happened to her older brother, Ellis and Ryler wants out of the mob but doing that he has to deal with mob with the help of the FBI.

Emery and Ryler are both leading lives that they want to get out of and it is going to catch up with them and they have to confront it to lead the lives they actually want.

I rather enjoyed this and I have always loved Jessica's stories. Emery was a very sheltered girl and I can never imagine living like that and I love that she is trying to be independent from her crazy mother and father.

Ryler just doesn't want to be part of his father's life and definitely doesn't want to be involved with the mob.

This story is very interesting and I wonder how it's going to end since there is only one book left.

Profile Image for Alicia Huxtable.
1,770 reviews57 followers
December 11, 2017

At first I couldn't work out why she was so 'damaged'. And I got drawn so far into the story that when I started working it out, there was no turning back for me. Great writing, great characters
Profile Image for Fallon Seed.
2 reviews5 followers
December 23, 2014
ryler is Luke's mute cousin. i knew he would get his own book after reading the probability of violet and luke. i am excited for this book!!! i can't wait for the book!!!
Profile Image for Chiara Cilli.
Author 57 books626 followers
April 18, 2018
Troppo confusionario, senza capo né coda. L'unica cosa interessante è la protagonista, che rimanda molto vagamente a Calla della The Nocte Trilogy di Courtney Cole, ma purtroppo, essendo dinanzi a un NA, il suo evidente (chissà) disturbo mentale è narrato troppo superficialmente per avvinghiare il lettore. Lui carino, ma come direbbe Mr Darcy, passabile. L'incontro tra i due è stato molto interessante, ma poi tutto è stato narrato alla velocità della luce, fino ad arrivare a dei colpi di scena che in realtà non colpiscono affatto. Peccato, la base c'era eccome.

P.s. Nell'eBook, a un certo punto tutto il testo passa al corsivo e si fa una fatica immensa per continuare a leggere, in quanto non c'è più differenza tra narrazione diretta, indiretta, i pensieri e le parole in rilievo.

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Profile Image for BookHookup.
1,403 reviews110 followers
February 28, 2015
This book was originally reviewed on The Book Hookup.

5 holy sh*t stars Wow. WTF was that? It was awesome, that’s what it was. I went into this totally blind and let me tell you, it was bizarre and I loved it. I couldn’t put this story down because I was dying to know what was going on. There was something towards the end that I never saw coming, but once it was revealed I was all “A-HA!”

Go ahead and read the synopsis, it won’t give anything away. As you can see there are some serious secrets that both Emery and Ryler keep, but this installment only started to chip away at what those secrets might be. I don’t think the sh*t has even hit the fan yet. It’s going to be crazy and I’m going to be biting my nails. I had a knot in my stomach almost the entire time I was reading this story, but don’t get me wrong, I loved it. At one point Emery said she might get sick, and I swear I was thinking the same thing. There’s SO MUCH MOTHER LOVING DANGER in this book…and it’s crack!

Let’s talk MCs. They are both gorgeous, insanely gorgeous. On the outside they look like opposites, with Emery being perfect, like a doll. Ryler is gorgeous in that bad boy way that speaks to all women. But that’s on the outside. It was the look in their eyes, the way they moved, the way they carried themselves that ultimately sparked the attraction. Then these two found out they had a bit in common, even if what they told each other was still vague. I wanted to know more and I was almost pushing my kindle to get them to spill secrets, but sadly I will have to wait.

So even though there’s danger and total insanity going on there was still time for a romance. It only just started but the attraction was undeniable and frankly, I wish these two could catch a break so we could get a serious kissy session. If what we had is a preview…well, let’s just say it will be divine and intense and totally hot. (It’s almost killing me to write this review and NOT start book 2). ;)

The ending…let’s just say I started to get some answers but then I actually had even more questions. Book 2 is a must.

What didn’t I like? Nothing. I loved every single page and word of this. I kid you not.

Rec this? Hell yes! If you love an intense story with plenty of suspsne and a romance to boot, Unbeautiful is a must for your TBR.
Profile Image for Tina.
343 reviews19 followers
December 30, 2014
Unbeautiful drove me crazy, in a totally awesome way. I was drawn in immediately to the secret lives of the main characters Emery and Ryder. I wanted to scream when it ended so abruptly.

Emery's life growing up seemed to be made up of things I could only imagine in nightmares. For her to have survived speaks highly of her inner strength and will to live. I think that is what made me like her so much. I am dying to know more about what she is running from and where her brother is. I have a feeling that I might have to grab a box of tissues when I read Untamed in February. I also think I will want to throw something if Evan (the boyfriend from hell) continues his caveman like behavior. I do not like him one bit.

Ryder has found himself in a no win situation. I really feel for him because all he wants is a chance to start his life over, go to school and make something of himself. I don't know whether he can find his way out of the mess that has taken over his life. I am crossing my fingers that Ryder and Emery can find their way through together. I guess we'll see.

Unbeautiful captures your attention from the first page and keeps you guessing. My one and only complaint is that I wanted the book to be longer. I have so many unanswered questions and I am impatient and don't want to wait. (Haha) I will definitely be reading Untamed, book 2 when it releases.
Profile Image for Diane.
417 reviews19 followers
January 1, 2015
Jessica is by far my favorite author. She absolutely never disappoints.
This book, and the start of a new series, is blowing me away!
I love The way she intertwines her past characters and how each of their stories is so unique and captivating.
This one is looking like it may be my favorite to date.
Profile Image for Charlie.
834 reviews150 followers
November 28, 2015
What the actual fuck have I just read?!

From the description I thought I was looking at gritty YA contemporary...

And it is that but it's also dark and twisted as all hell.

I have no idea who these people are or why they're terrorising their daughter.

I'll definitely read book 2, I need to know what on earth is going on.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 359 reviews

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