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The Keepers of the Maser tells a story that is a cross-pollination of Fantasy saga and Science Fiction adventure. Massimiliano Frezzato creates a world depicted in impeccable detail, from ecology to technology and biotechnology, all of which is in a state of deterioration that recalls a post-apocalyptic landscape.

46 pages, Hardcover

First published December 1, 1996

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About the author

Massimiliano Frezzato

41 books19 followers
Massimiliano Frezzato is an Italian comic book author.

Born in Turin, he studied art in that city and won the first Prize in the 1989 comics contest in Prato. In 1990 he started the series Margot, written by Jerome Charyn.

His most famous work is I custodi del Maser (Keepers of the Maser), which appeared in 1996 and has been translated in numerous countries, including France, Belgium, Portugal, United States, Germany and Denmark.

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1 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for Urbon Adamsson.
933 reviews8 followers
February 2, 2024
I've been wanting to get my hands on this series for a long time.

Luckily, I finally manage to find it at a decent price and fair conditions.

Massimiliano Frezzato's art is absolutely gorgeous. So fun and joyful. A real pleasure to contemplate.

Story-wise, it's not amazing. I liked it but I wish there was more structure. The world of Maser seems to be very rich. There was definitely room for improvement, in my opinion.

Maybe it will improve in the next volumes.

All that said, a really wonderful piece of art and a pleasureful experience.
Profile Image for Pedro Moreo Fernandez.
13 reviews1 follower
July 18, 2020
Nos presenta un mundo magnífico e increíble, desbordante de imaginación, con un dibujo maravilloso, es la promesa de algo interesante e inquietante que viene después... pero...
Profile Image for Marta.
71 reviews2 followers
November 15, 2020
A slow start maybe? But the art definitely makes up for it. I'm curious how this'll go, because we have very few clues at the start of the story. But it was a quick and easy read, pausing only to admire Frezzato's art. I wish the tones were a bit brighter, so that I could see more details, but it fits the general atmosphere of the comic.
The portuguese translation leaves something to be desired only in those parts that always do, namely, poetry and lyrics. That is to say, it sounds really really clunky when the poems come to fore. I'll try to play the notes shown during the dream on the piano later, to see if the melody's actually there. It would be nice if it was!
Profile Image for miha.
947 reviews
June 1, 2017
Kok mi je tole všeč, zgodba se tko fino skrivnostno odvija po koščkih... neka postapokaliptična dežela, kjer uporabljajo žužke za sledenje kovin in čiščenje rje, ha ... en star ata išče mitični veliki stolp - ki naj bi bil kot nek center davno pozabljene tehnologije...

In tud vizualno je krasno, nekje vmes med Enkijem Bilalom in Moebiusom, čist naključno sm tole najdu ko sm brskov po netu in mi je čist všeč, prov krasno odkritje :)
Profile Image for Antonio Meridda.
Author 20 books5 followers
January 16, 2019
Inizia qui la saga dei "custodi del Maser", dove facciamo conoscenza con i protagonisti di questa meravigliosa avventura. Bellissimi disegni e atmosfere degne di Hayao Miyazaki.
Profile Image for Bellis.
25 reviews1 follower
January 11, 2013

"Ein blutiger Bürgerkrieg hat die einst von Siedlern aufgebaute Zivilisation auf einem weit entfernten Planeten im Universum ausgelöscht und die Ära des "großen Reichtums" beendet. Das Wissen und die Technischen Erfindungen aus dieser Zeit gingen verloren und bestehen nur noch in Legenden fort, an die keiner der wenigen Überlebenden noch glauben mag. Aber es gibt Zeichen, dass sich die Vergangenheit vielleicht doch noch enträtseln lässt..."

"Der zweite Mond" ist ein typischer erster Band, in dem erst mal nur die Grundlagen für den weiteren Verlauf gelegt werden und anhand dessen man die Geschichte noch nicht so richtig beurteilen kann. bisher macht der Comic aber einen sehr unterhaltsamen Eindruck. Nachdem man kurz die nötigsten Hintergrundinfos bekommen hat, geht es gleich mit den Hauptfiguren und ein bisschen Action los und es werden genug hinweise gegeben und fragen aufgeworfen, dass ich wissen will, wie es im nächsten Band weiter geht, ohne mich in der unbekannten Welt verloren zu fühlen. die Hauptfiguren wirken soweit recht knuffig und sympathisch, genau wie der ganze Zeichenstil. Mein Liebling ist aber ganz klar ein klugscheißerischer Roboter, der mich mehrfach zum grinsen gebracht hat. Auch der Zeichenstil ist irgendwie sympathisch. Zwar dominieren Metall- und Rostfarben, was man sich in so einer postapokalyptischen Welt mit vor sich hin rostenden Maschienen ja schon fast denken kann, aber irgendwie wirken die Bilder trotzdem sehr lebhaft und, wie gesagt, irgendwie knuffig. Man hat es hier auf jedenfalls nicht mit einer düsteren Dystopie zu tun, sondern eher mit einem spannenden, humorvollen, aber nicht zu albernen Abenteuer. Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall auf den nächsten Band.
Profile Image for Mars Dorian.
Author 9 books28 followers
October 5, 2015
Review for the whole series, books 1-6.

First of all, the art is beauty-full. Amazing painting style, rich in earthly colors and details. On top of that comes the world building, which comes with its own fauna and flora, machinery and races. I basically swallowed up all books in the matter of a couple of hours.

So why only three stars? For me, the ending of a series is very important. The value of any narrative depends on how it concludes, and The Keepers Of The Maser ends in a very surreal climax that's more reminiscent of a drug trip than a sci-fi epos. I was so disappointed in book 6 which brought the whole series down, despite the amazing artwork and world building.

Still, if you dig incredible art and sci-fi settings, this is a world worth checking out.
Profile Image for Paul Q.
4 reviews
May 2, 2016
[review for the entire series] The Keepers of the Maser is visually stunning, a great job of world building, with interesting characters and beautifully designed vehicles, robots and technology. In the second and third volumes I started to notice an awful lot of vehicle chases and the story not progressing anywhere in particular. From book 3 or 4 on the story quickly got quite unintelligible, with lots of irrelevant little side characters in the form of rats and robots, punctuated by rather boring and unexpected info dumps. The beautiful art work is what kept me going. The black-and-white climax of Erha's story was not meant to be understood but was very atmospheric. For the entire series I would give 2.5 stars.
Profile Image for Benjamin.
22 reviews
March 29, 2017
This is the first in a wonderful visual journey. I enjoyed this graphic novel and have read this for the second time recently.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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