Knots and aspects of wood

Knots and aspects of wood

Knots and aspects of wood
knots that can be found inside the wood are the part of the stem where the branches were present before being cut. Their presence can be more or less widespread and the dimensions may vary, depending on how the plant has grown, taking into consideration many factors such as the geographical area, the temperature and the climate.

Based on the above, different classifications can be made according to the type of choice:
Choice type Choice description
AB type AB Prime grade, mixed grain, possible presence of pin knots, no cracks homogenoeus color.
NATUR type NATUR Presence of small knots, sound or filled knots, mixed grain, no cracks, some slight color changes are tolerated.
RUSTICO type RUSTIK Widespread presence of sound knots, filled knots, splits, mixed grain, filled splits, possible small trace of sapwood, marked variation of color.
KARACHTER type KARACHTER Presence without limits of sound and filled knots. Mixed grain, presence of filled splits, possible small trace of sapwood, allowed color variations without any limit.
In according to regulations UNI EN 13489.