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Dyckia 'Brittle Star'.  
The Dyckia 'Brittle Star' is quite an unusual and very striking clump forming succulent. Characterized by rosettes of stiff recurving leaves, greyish in colour with contrasting white teeth along their margins and a deep red-burgundy midrib.  
During Summer mature plants send up a 2-3ft tall spike with bright orange tubular flowers being produced near the tip.

Can be grown indoors or out it is easy to grow and great for coastal and exotic gardens.


These are exceptional quality from Specialist Growers. Photos 1-5 show some of the actual plants in stock now. Limited availability.

Click into the "Height" box and price of each palm is shown next to its size. UK delivery is FREE on all our palms and plants.


To PRE-ORDER please contact with your requirements or alternatively reserve by choosing 'Manual' payments at checkout (where no payment is taken until just before delivery).


SKU: DyckiaBritStar-3.5
  • Latin Name: Dyckia 'Brittle Star'. Dyckia Bromeliad.

    Common Name: Dyckia 'Brittle Star'.

    Native to: South America.

    Hardiness: Frost tender. Protect from frost.

    Growth: Slow growing succulent. Clump forming. Rosettes of greyish recurved leaves, with white spines along their margins and red-burgundy midrib. Tall flower stems on mature plants in Summer. Bright orange tubular flowers. Easy to grow. Slow growing

    Sun: Full sun/tolerates light shade.

    Exposure: Sheltered.

    Soil: Well drained, plenty of gravel.

    Moisture: Water regularly in Summer. Little in winter.

    Feeding: No fertilization needed.

  • Available For Delivery Now.


    All palms and plants have been imported with phytosanitary certificates from top quality growers

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