"E Lasciamola Cadere Questa Stella!!!"

Cassie, 20, Italian and Finnish; Future Journalist! I love Movies, Writing and Sport. My Idol is Filippo Timi, a great Italian actor, screenwriter, writer and director. He's all for me.

"Non riesco a trattenermi dall'allungare le mani verso le rose. Anche se le spine sono belle grosse, io le mani le allungo ugualmente, anzi, sembra quasi che siano le spine ad attirarmi." Filippo Timi, "E lasciamole cadere queste stelle".

I can?t stop myself from lengthening their hands toward the roses. Even if the plugs are pretty big, I stretch my hands the same, in fact, it almost seems that they are the thorns that attracted me. "

Filippo Timi," And let's leave these falling stars. "

Bayern Munchen "Stern des Südens".♥ McLaren F1 team; Jenson Button; Kevin Magnussen; Ron Dennis Back ; Eri cBoullier ; Kimi Raikkonen; James Hunt; Ayrton Senna.
“Quelo - Corrado Guzzanti


Quelo - Corrado Guzzanti

(via needforcolor-deactivated2016100)

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    Guzzanti aveva previsto tutto, i fassisti, i grillini, tuttoh
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