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Thevetia peruviana (Yellow Oleander) Sheffield's Seed Co., Inc. photo taken June 2017 Maui Hawaii USA
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2018 crop Hawaii

Thevetia peruviana

Luckynut, Yellow Oleander

In Stock: 0.803 lb (Total:0.803lb)
  • Thevetia peruviana

    All items have bulk rates priced in
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Buying options

0.8 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
0.8 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow seed 3/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Thevetia peruviana, also known as Yellow Oleander or Lucky Nut, is an evergreen tropical shrub or small tree native to central and southern Mexico and Central America. Cultivated widely as an ornamental plant, it is a relative of Nerium oleander and has high landscape value in the Middle East due to its hardy nature. Its leaves are willow-like, linear-lanceolate, and glossy green in color with a waxy coating to reduce water loss. Flowers bloom from summer to fall, producing long funnel-shaped yellow or apricot (sometimes white) flowers in few-flowered terminal clusters. The fruit is deep red-black encasing a large seed that bears some resemblance to a 'Chinese lucky nut.' However, it is important to note that all parts of the plant are toxic to most vertebrates due to the presence of cardiac glycosides. Many cases of intentional and accidental poisoning of humans are known, but some bird species have been observed feeding on them without ill effects. Thevetia peruviana is also being researched for its potential uses in biological pest control, as the plant's toxins have shown antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-termite properties when made into a seed oil 'paint.' Despite its toxic nature, Thevetia peruviana remains a popular and hardy choice for ornamental planting.

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