Ming Fern - Asparagus myriocladus

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Likes bright but indirect light; the heat of direct sun can cause bleaching or scorching.


Allow the top third of the soil to dry out in between waterings. Dropping needles is a common symptom of under-watering, while yellowing of the foliage points to over-watering.

Normal household humidity is perfect for this plant! Just make sure it's not too close to a radiator as this can cause scorching.


Likes loamy soil; a mix of sand, silt and clay will create the right conditions. Repot every two years; when repotting, hydrate 24 hours in advance to protect the roots.

Feed every four weeks with water in the growing season, reducing to every six in autumn and winter.

Room temperature conditions of 12-26°C are ideal for this plant.

No, this plant is toxic to pets and small humans.

Sprouts Top Tips
The stems and roots of the asparagus fern grow from a tuber at the top of the soil; when multiple of these form, they can be separated to propagate your plant!