Anethum graveolens, 'Mariska'

Florist's Dill

Anethum graveolens, 'Mariska'
Anethum graveolens, 'Mariska'
Price: £2.25
Attractive to pollinatorsPerfect for cuttingBest SellerRecommended
    We are often asked about this particular variety of Dill, often known as Florist’s Dill, because it is particularly good for cutting, being more robust with tighter umbels of flowers than others. We visited a local flower farm where they love using it in their arrangements. It is compact and hardy and like other varieties, is easy to grow and beautifully fragrant. 2ft (60cm)

    Genus: Anethum

    Species: graveolens

    Variety: 'Mariska'

    Family Name: Apiaceae/Umbelliferae

    Seed Catalogue No.: 102Q

    English Name(s): Florist's Dill

    Hardiness: Half Hardy

    Lifecycle: Annual, Perennial

    Suitable for: Cut Flowers

    Colour: Green, Yellow/Orange

    Flowers: June, July, August, September

    Lighting Conditions: Full Sun, Partial Sun

    Soil Type: Clay, Chalk, Sand, Loam

    Soil Acidity: Alkaline, Neutral, Acid

    Moisture: Well-drained

    Customer Reviews - Anethum graveolens, 'Mariska'

    Average Rating: 5 (5 of 5 based on 2 reviews)

    Anethum graveolens, 'Mariska'

    Flower arranger’s dream

    Reviewed by Marty on

    Tall plants with long stems make these perfect for cutting and adding to flower arrangements. Needs staking. Better grown in the ground than in pots. Goes with any colour, enhances any kind of bouquet.

    Rating: 5/55

    Anethum graveolens, 'Mariska'

    Elegance to your border

    Reviewed by Tim Ward on

    This is ridiculously easy to grow and made my border look like a bouquet all summer long. Despite being tall, it withstood strong winds and rain. Really lovely plant.

    Rating: 5/55


    Customer Review - Anethum graveolens, 'Mariska'


    Germination Instructions

    Sow indoors any time of year. Sow outside successionally from spring. Sow seeds in clumps in 8cm pots. Surface sow onto moist well-drained seed compost, just cover with soil. Keep well watered. Light is required for germination. Transplant to larger pots when 15cm tall. Place in a bright position out of direct sunlight. Can be sown directly into well prepared soil which has been dug to 45cm depth with added bonemeal. Sow thinly and cover with a fine layer of soil. Germination takes 14 days approx. Thin to 25cm.

    Growing Instructions

    May require staking. Needs full sun, even partial shade will reduce the yield. Once established it should only require watering in very dry conditions. Easy to grow.

    Cultivation Instructions

    This Dill is grown primarily for its ornamental value however the plant can still be used for culinary purposes. To harvest the leaves/ fronds simply snip the fronds at the point where they are coming from the stalk. For foliage production remove any flowers as these will cause leaf production to cease. If growing for seed allow flowers to open and brown before trimming off and drying seed.

    When to Sow

    • Sow Under Cover/Plant Indoors
    • Direct Sow/Plant Outdoors
    • Flowers/Harvest

    Approximate number of seeds per packet: 1290

    Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.