Rauwolfia Serpentina Or Indian Snakeroot Plant Health Benefits

The roots of Rauvolfia serpentina or the Indian snakeroot plant are used to treat many health issues. 

Tanya Malik
rauwolfiaserpentina plant indian snakeroot plant india health benefits

Rauvolfia serpentina or the Indian snakeroot is a plant native to the Indian subcontinent and East Asia. This one is commonly found in moist deciduous forest and shady areas at the height of 4000 feet above sea level. Indian snakeroot is a shiny undershrub with small pink and white flowers.

The plant holds great importance in Ayurveda. The roots of the plant are used to treat various diseases in Ayurveda.

Rauwolfia Serpentina Plant In Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, Indian snakeroot plant helps balance both the Vata and the Kapha doshas. The chemical constituents in the plant are reserpine, ajmaline, ajmalicine, indobine, serpentine, yohimbine, yohimbine, and rescinnamine. The plant is known to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-hypertensive properties.

Health Benefits Of Rauwolfia Serpentina Plant

As per Ayurveda, this plant has numerous health benefits.

Controls High Blood Pressure

Do you know, Indian snakeroot is widely used in the preparation of hypertension medications? That's because the plant has a chemical compound called Resperpine which helps control high blood pressure.

Relieves Stress And Anxiety

Another amazing health benefit of this plant is that it has anti-hypertensive properties. Chewing the root of the Indian snakeroot or sarphgandha plant helps soothe the mind, reduce stress and anxiety. Consuming it is also very helpful in treating insomnia.

Manages Stomach Issues

indian snakeroot plants

Rauwolfia Serpentina is also useful in treating menstrual problems. It helps cleanse the stomach and promotes its normal functioning. Consuming it helps treat common issues like constipation, diarrhea among others.

Treats Skin Issues

In Ayurveda, the plant is also used to treat skin issues like acne, boils, eczema among others. Rauwolfia Serpentina has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which helps reduce the severity of skin infections.

Treats Asthma

It is believed that consuming juice prepared using Indian snakeroot or the powder made from the dry roots is used to treat asthma. This is commonly done by South Indian tribes.

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Good For Heart

The plant is used as a common remedy to treat many cardiovascular disorders. Heart diseases are quite common today due to unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits. The plant is also known to control high blood pressure and cholesterol, thus further prevents in heart issues.

Helps You Sleep

Insomia is a sleep disorder where a person is unable to fall asleep. It is usually accompanied by symptoms such as lethary, fatigue, mood swings. One can fight insomnia by consuming the Indian snakeroot. However, one must consult a doctor before adding the dosage to diet.

Effective In Managing Menstrual Issues

A lot of women suffer from menstrual problems. The anti-inflammatory and mood-changing properties in the plant help treat them. The plant is effective in treating menstrual cramps, bloating, mood swings and also helps remove toxins from the uterine cavity.

Sarpagandha or Rauwolfia Serpentina plant is easily available in the form of powder, tablets and capsules. However, it should be only consumed after consulting your doctor, especially if you are undergoing a medical treatment.

Dosage And Uses Of Rauvolfia Serpentina

rauwolfiaserpentina plant indian snakeroot plant benefits

A aforementioned, one must consult a doctor before making using the herb for treating any of their issues to prevent any health problems. Especially if you are under medication, it is advised you consult a doctor or it can interfere with some of your medicines and lead to health issues.

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According to a lot of studies, along with the many benefits of the Indian snakeroot, it has many side effects too. Some common ones are -

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Skin Rashes
  • Itching
  • Nasal Congestion

It is advised to not make the plant a part of your routine without consulting a doctor. For more such stories, stay tuned!
