BOTANICAL NAME: Pilocarpus jaborandi, Holmes

FAMILY: Rutaceae

COMMON NAMES: English: Pilocarpus, Indian Hemp, Jaborandi.

DESCRIPTION: A small branched shrub, having a smooth, grey bark spotted with white dots. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, having 3 pairs of leaflets and a terminal leaflet, short stalked, leaflets coriaceous, and many pellucid glands, when crushed odoriferous. Flowers small pinkish-purple and in racemes.




HYPERSECRETION OF ALL GLANDS: Profuse and copious sweating, starting on the forehead and space and then spreading all over the body. Profuse salivation, free flow of tears, at the same time there is increased secretion of Schneiderian membrane with increased activity of the mucous glands of the pharynx, the trachea and the bronchi. Abnormal sweats, especially at night in tuberculosis. Watery copious diarrhea.

EYE: A good remedy for hyperopia ( far sightedness ) , choroiditis, asthenopia, hypermetropia, and cataract. Vision becomes dim, and object at a distance look hazy. The eyes tire soon. Eye strain from whatever  cause. White spots before the eyes. Pupils contracted, do not react to light.  Sometimes  nausea is brought on by looking at a moving object.

GOITER: It is a remedy for exopthalmic goiter with increased heart’s action and pulsation of arteries. Other symptoms are –tremors, nervousness, heat , sweating and bronchial irritation.

MUMPS: Limiting the duration of mumps.

UREMIA: It is of great service in kidney disease, especially with uremia, eliminating both water and urea. Urine increased during the sweat.

HAIR: A good hair restorer and blackens white hair. Hair loss. Baldness. For premature graying of hair. Light hair turns black.

POTENCY: Mother tincture, 6 and higher. 

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