Rhamnus purshiana

Rhamnus purshiana seeds with a mm ruler on top.

Rhamnus purshiana seeds with a mm ruler on top.

Rhamnus purshiana immature (yellow to red) and mature (dark purple) fruits.

Rhamnus purshiana fruits. 

Rhamnus purshiana immature (yellow to red) and mature (dark purple) fruits.

Rhamnus purshiana immature (yellow to red) and mature (dark purple) fruits. 

Rhamnus purshiana seedling with 2 seed leaves (cotyledons) surrounding an apical meristem.

Rhamnus purshiana seedling with 2 seed leaves (cotyledons) surrounding an apical meristem. 

Rhamnus purshiana seedling with a few true leaves.

Rhamnus purshiana seedling with a few true leaves. 

Rhamnus purshiana barerooted seedling.

Rhamnus purshiana barerooted seedling. 

Rhamnus purshiana growing in 4-inch containers at the Berry Seed Bank research nursery located in Portland, Oregon.

Rhamnus purshiana growing in 4-inch containers at the Berry Seed Bank research nursery located in Portland, Oregon. 

Rhamnus purshiana with rootball for plant grown in a 4-inch container at the Berry Seed Bank research nursery located in Portland, Oregon.

Rhamnus purshiana with rootball for plant grown in a 4-inch container at the Berry Seed Bank research nursery located in Portland, Oregon. 

Rhamnus purshiana growing in 1-gallon containers at a nursery near Seattle, Washington.

Rhamnus purshiana growing in 1-gallon containers at a nursery near Seattle, Washington. 

Rhamnus purshiana leaves viewed from above (left) and below (right).

Rhamnus purshiana leaves viewed from above (left) and below (right). 

Rhamnus purshiana flowers.

Rhamnus purshiana flower buds and flowers beginning to bloom (bottom right).