Hoheria angustifolia

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Hungere (Hoheria angustifolia), a large evergreen, summer-flowering shrub or small tree up to 6m tall, native to New Zealand where it occurs over much of the country. Its leaves are smaller than those of other. Hoheria species and when not in flower it could be mistaken for the Ribbonwood (Plagianthus regius). hoheria-2055htm'>Hoheria.

Hungere (Hoheria angustifolia), a large evergreen, summer-flowering shrub or small tree up to 6m tall, native to New Zealand where it occurs over much of the country. Its leaves are smaller than those of other. Hoheria species and when not in flower it could be mistaken for the Ribbonwood (Plagianthus regius). hoheria-2055htm'>Hoheria.


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