Pixelated icons (Linux)

Hello there! I have installed Linux Mint (20.03), and I my icons look like they’re 16x16 pixels and enlarged… very ugly and I suppose it’s not intended this way.

It’s the default icon set (Tango), but changing it to Colibre makes no difference. In the options I have a setting for hardware acceleration. Makes no difference if I turn this on or off. I read elsewhere that deleting the icon cache might help, but the instructions were for Windows. Does anyone know how to do that in Linux?

Thanks for your help!

Build ID: 1:6.4.7-0ubuntu0.20.04.2

I guess it is this known bug:

But still existing in 7.2? I really would like to know if there is anything I can do to make it somewhat better… I have a custom DPI setting of 130 because otherwise items would be way too small.

Just updated LO to 1.7.2. Initially icons looked the same, but I noticed that SVG icons (Yaru) were available too. These scale well!!!