Commodore Amiga CDTV product design vol 2

I started this project almost half a year ago with the CPU unit only. After re-discovering it recently I added a few new elements: monitor and remote, both items very interesting to model :slight_smile: Still a few elements to go.

And the remote itself:

Wonderful, sigh, aah the nostaliga.

Really well done … thx :slight_smile:

Wonderful 90’s… lost in time, like tears in the rain…

I like the old stuff. Is the text on the remote and stuff a UV unwrapped image? I’ve only been in Blender a year so i’m not too advanced. : p

Very clean render!

Wow I used to dream of owning one of these when I was young … Thanks for the memories and its a great piece of work too.


The text on the remote is all geometry, there are no textures. This way you can make massive close-ups without losing quality due to visible pixelating or blur.