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Cheers /g/entoos,

I am a /sp/ tourist and I am once again asking for your technical support.
I want to provide quality .WEBMs for anons on /sp/. To do that I record the stream with OBS in .MKV format and convert it to .WEBM with pic related settings with Handbrake software.
How do I reach optimal quality/size ratio with Handbrake/OBS settings?
The current ones I picked pretty much randomly.
HandBrake is a wrapper for FFmpeg, and most /g/entooman just use FFmpeg directly.
We have a general for this, "mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp": >>100487995

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Is there a GPT available that I can give access to my messages and phone calls on my phone and it will just respond to people for me? This seems like the most obvious use case of AI for me but I can't find a single one.
yes try putting a gun inside your mouth and pulling the trigger
Oh fuck off. Putting my phone on auto-pilot like a virtual assistant that responds to everyone is obviously where this is going, so what's the app to do it?
>nobody ever notices because AI keeps responding to all your texts
I'd wanted to see if I could do this myself after tuning a model on some of my conversations, but then jewgle deleted a decade of my conversations.
The way I see it the problem is two-fold:

1. The AI model has to "know" me and be trained on me.

2. The AI model has to have permissions and be connected to my messages and phone call apps.

Need to do more research to understand how to solve either of these problems.
Even if you fine tune or have a rag system, it will make you seem like a bitch since it will probably answer it pretty short messages in situations where you should have answered longer.

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>asus can't be trusted
>msi can't be trusted
>gigabyte can't be trusted
>asrock can't be trusted
so who do I buy motherboards from now?
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What older standards? Ubiquitous M.2 or SO-DIMM? You'll have LPCAMM for next gen.
Lightning failed because it required authentication chips, licenses from Apple, and royalties. If it was an "open" (USB-IF membership is $5000/year - peanuts) standard like USB-C then maybe it would've succeeded.
They basically are in charge of designing it. Manufacturing however has been outsourced.
anon an IO shield is a practically free part for them, now try getting an actual issue repaired
ASrock is king of am5
Wait what’s wrong with Assrock ?

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

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I bought a wifi adapter named TPLINK AC600. Searched for the corresponding driver and found one from aircrack-ng named rtl8812au. Installed it but when i list the connections it shows no networks and it doesnt show even on nmtui. What could it be? Im using ubuntu 24.04. When I use lsusb it lists my wifi adapter so is connected.

*On windows the adapter works fine.
Shouldn't it be rtl8814au? Also use "lspci -k" to see if the adapter is detected and if the correct module is being used
nvidia + wayland when

or just wait until 2 more AMD gens (next one is rumored to be shit)
nvidia has never worked right on linux why havent you made the switch
i'm a relatively recent convert, i'll hop on team red when a reasonable upgrade appears (currently on a 3090)

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Is it based, or chudware?
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>why would you think some random Firefox fork is on the same field as magatard projects like Gab?
I don't think it. Projects like Librewolf and MPV can't be considered "chudware" because they have clear goals that go beyond "owning the opposite side online" and taking part in the circus known as American politics.
This. All other browsers are spyware. Post your results alongside the name of your browser.
So other than Gab which barely counts because it's a closed-source Twitter clone for magatards I don't think "chudware" exists in your definition.
go back tranny faggot
>not garbage
>ESL doesn't understand inclusive or.

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backup thread

do you really know how to backup?
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Restic or rustic backing up to rsync.net
Rustic is a bit more user friendly.

Cheap and reliable.
backups are a waste os space
just buy new drives and move things there
rsync and robocopy for me at home. Keep in mind for work you need a proper snapshot backup for databases which a rsync or robocopy script won't do
I'm in a similar position and was also considering LTO tapes. Apart from that, mirroring to a bunch of other unused NAS drives in sequence. I think I'll just have to cope and only back up theost important media.
What's most important is not backing up, it's verifying that you can actually restore the data.
Also de duplication, rsync does not have that.

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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- MUST READ: WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEON PYRAMID (You) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph (not updated, ask in this general if in doubt)
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

>>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread and desuarchive to lurk older threads (2016+).

>Remember the following:
>Read the OP before asking questions
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.

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>I have not been a 4chan user in nearly 20 years
How to achieve this power?
Been here for 17 and I just keep coming back. I don't think I can be like him.
I left around 2010 when it started to suck. Only came back some months ago when I discovered ptg. Really only browse /g/ (and /pol/ for comedy).
Is OMG recruiting anywhere? Last I heard they were recruiting on BTN/PTP. Can anyone confirm?
Did OT's domain change? My bookmark doesn't work

Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases.
State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.
Building guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC

Intel Battlemage (Q3 2024)
RTX 5000 Series (Q4 2024)
Intel Arrow Lake (Q4 2024)

Web browsing: i3 12100/5600G
Budget: 12400F/5600X/12600KF
Gaming: 13600KF/7600

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Perfect for running batocera as an emulation machine.
3060 ti is good. I wouldn't go anything 10 or 20 series at this point
Ryzen 7600 PIB 215$ vs 250$ 7700 tray processor, retail prices, worth it? I noticed builds and recommendations rarely use anything but 7600 and 7800x3D for AMD, even though the 7700 seems like a solid intermediate option. From what I found it has 20% better performance than the 7600, which is slightly lower than the price increase.
Their CPUs have brand value to fanboys and boomers and the i9s are 2x as fast as the 7800x3d in threaded tasks
Anyone able to give me advice on this? I haven't opened the case yet but it looks like my GPU wont fit at all and I'd prefer something a bit more sturdy than a micro case. Looking at the OP I'm guessing going with one of those ATX phanteks or montech cases?

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Pick your poison
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Knaben Database
1337x with qbittorrent search plugin.
>not watching Framestor 4k uhd hdr DV remuxes exclusively

if it sucks I’ll delete it I mean I’ve got 22TB or something 50GB for quality is worth it
Thats more on the sound mixing quality than anything else
I still use rarbg or gb or whatever the fuck the clone is now. Works for me.

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Why is every imageboard except 4chan dead? 4chan is the worst one:
>no tor, vpn, or proxy use
>countdown captcha
>automated spam bot and ai problem (which never happened before the countdown captcha)
>random banning and shutting down boards like /qa/ for no reason
>many such examples
The second most active imageboard still has 5 years old posts still active and live.
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I too did a test social media once, but it gets boring once you're the last reply to every post already.
It's a lot better to blogpost in here in the most obnoxious attentionwhore possible way, that way if you feel sad there's always someone that will take the bait and engage with you
What a hideously bad post, wasted digits
Polite society uses the commercialised internet. You need to understand how small of a minority we are. We're lucky that hiro bought the site from the Jew. Any Westerner would have shut this site down after it become a platform for the dissident right. 4chan is literally the last beacon of what the internet used to be.
/meg/ is an earlier phenomenon. I think pro-Ukrainian propaganda is due to a mentally ill vocal minority of /k/tards (look for "armatard" in the archives) and a sudden influx of redditors. Traffic on /k/ pretty much doubled when the war started. But I guess you're right, even if all the Ukraine shilling was truly organic, there's no explanation for the levels of bias exhibited by /k/ mods and jannies.
and more wasted digits, but no one cares in the end, /b/ro, so go back to your board

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Daily reminder.
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>Kilo prefix literally means 1000 not 1024 retarded gorilla nigger

One bit is a 0 or 1.

One byte is a string of exactly 8-bits, commonly referred to in programming as "char" and is the smallest representation of data.

A kilobyte is one-thousand bytes, however in the maximum number that 8-bits can represent is 256, and four times 256 is 1,024.

What does that mean? It means you can call it 1,000 bytes but in a digital representation it will still use 1,024 bytes due to 8-bit addressing being the limitation. The next smallest number you could get is 256 * 3 + 128 which is 896.

When talking about storage devices, I agree that the capacities should be stated in actual usable space, not 1 KB = 1,000 bytes WHEN IN REALITY each 1,000 bytes of data will still occupy 1,024 bytes of space. Of course, the reality is that a given file will occupy data equal to the allocation unit of the drive. Today, that's 4KB or 4,096 bytes as the minimum size that a file saved to disk can be. Zip data without compression, just by putting many files into one can save a lot of space just by freeing up allocation units.
>byte isn't defined to be 8 bits either

It's literally the definition of byte. Just about all computers limit minimum addressable data units to be 1 char which equals 8-bits, or one byte.
wtf are you talking about
>The IDE standard included 22-bit LBA as an option, which was further extended to 28-bit with the release of ATA-1 (1994) and to 48-bit with the release of ATA-6 (2003), whereas the size of entries in on-disk and in-memory data structures holding the address is typically 32 or 64 bits. Most hard disk drives released after 1996 implement logical block addressing.
The K in KB doesn't stand for kilo. it's kebi
it stands for kilo
no i will not use your kibbutz troon words schlomo

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The iPad Pro M4 base models actually has 12GB of RAM instead of 8GB but they disabled the extra 4GB.
Explain iCucks, why is this OK?
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>no arguments
I accept your concession
Wanna bet they'll release iPad Pro Plus in a year with 12GB as base? Early adopters will have a very positive experience knowing their devices physically have 12GB as well, but it's been disabled.
They are not disabled, but used for things behind the scene, like next gen telemetry.
That theory doesn't make sense since the 1TB and 2TBs have 16GBs of physical RAM and exposes all of it to the user.

>I set chatgpt's voice up for sky and talk to it.
>Today it suddenly changes to a voice that is clearly a black woman. I ask it about this and it says I'm hearing it incorrectly. I drill it and it says to change the settings.
>I check the settings. It is set to sky, and her voice is clearly different. I tap sky again just in case.
>Head back to chat, and once again I'm talking to a black woman who is telling me I'm hearing things.

Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm paying 20 bucks a month for this but if I complain I'll be labeled a racist.
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Wtf so they replaced her with a black woman???
same i dunno how to feel like black nigger chicks but the normies forcing them on me makes me not want them
The other voices are clearly gay men or ambiguous named trans, no lies
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>who is telling me I'm hearing things.
to be fair, I doubt GPT is 'aware' of the voice change

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It took me one (1) day to write this C program. How long would it take you?
It takes a string representation an integer of any base up to 36 (using 0-9 and A-Z) and converts it into an integer.
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>garbage code ITT
ok now make it useful in the real world by making it not slower than what already exists
>or they might instead contain text encoded as UTF-16
Then it'd be invalid input. Go on now, less talk more code
Biggest retard ITT. Complains about C23 "not being published" but hasn't even caught up with C11 yet, lmao.
this isn't even valid in C++ (thank god for that)

It's like cniles have brain damage and instead of copying things that work in C++, decide to invent things that will never work in C++ because they're retarded.
Thanks for the inspiration
long str_to_int(char *str, char base)
long result = 0;
char sign = 1;

if (base < 0 || base > 36)
return LONG_MIN;

if (*str == '-')
sign = -1, str++;

for (; *str; str++)

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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources
https://gnu.org/s/emacs (Site)
https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs (Awesome Emacs)

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
https://emacs.amodernist.com (Configuration Generator)
https://systemcrafters.net/emacs-from-scratch (Emacs from Scratch)
http://xahlee.info/emacs (Xah Emacs Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

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Lol, why does this randomly works in eshell?
Common Lisp has hashtables
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I don't know anon. It might be fun to try and find out!
It is but its more of a technical problem than a social one.
Notice the word "readable". Most lisps have associative data structures, but they are almost never as easy to use as alists. The fact that everyone opts to use alists over hash tables is a sign that the design of hash tables is massively deficient. In a sane language (Clojure, Python, etc.) no one would bother with alists.

Surely it is a social problem. If everyone decided to write a few macros for making hash tables workable then stopped using alists, the problem would be solved quickly without a technical change, just a social one.

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