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study asks


since I’m on break and haven’t had much to post, I thought I’d make some study themed asks for you guys x have fun, babes!

  1. Favorite subject?
  2. Describe your favorite study space.
  3. Who’s the best teacher you’ve ever had?
  4. The worst teacher you’ve ever had?
  5. What’s a project you’ve been really proud of?
  6. When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  7. What do you want to be now?
  8. Do you need silence to study? Music?
  9. What are your favorite study snacks?
  10. Do you like your school?
  11. How do you deal with a bad grade?
  12. What motivates you to study?
  13. Have you ever skipped one class to study for another?
  14. What made you decide on the university you (want to) attend?
  15. Are you a morning person?
  16. Do you study on weekends?
  17. Are you a part of any clubs?
  18. What’s something you wish you could write an essay on?
  19. What is your favorite type of homework?
  20. Did you like school when you were younger?
  21. Do you like school now?
  22. What do you carry in your backpack?
  23. What’s your backpack look like?
  24. What class would you teach?
  25. If money, distance, or admissions weren’t issues, where would you go to university?



hail to my history professor who posted a video lecture that included the typical slides and lecture we would have in class but also a full transcript. if only my other professors did the same thing, this whole no in person classes thing would be a lot less stressful. but no i just get pages and pages of text.

12 new year month-long challenge ideas


don’t buy “extra” stuff for a month 💸 - that means no shopping for clothes, no starbucks, no restaurant dates, no random pretty stationery. buy only what you truly need.

learn a language every day for a month 🌍 - there are tons of apps and recources out there meant to help you learn a new language. don’t give up after a week long streak, make it a month!

read (x) pages every day for a month 📖 - looking at my not-even-half-done goodreads challene makes me sad, so working on reducing my tbr list is one of my top priorities this upcoming year

watch a (short) documentary every day for a month 📽 - make a new folder on youtube and add all educational videos you think you’d find interesting to it. there are countless channels out there - crashcourse, it’s okay to be smart, kurzgesagt, ted-ed (…) with variety of amazing videos

study for (x) hours every day for a month 🧠 - it’s easy not to do anything school related when you have an exam-free week, but when the time comes, you might find yourself overwhelmed with work. try to study every day, but be mindful of your mental health.

meditate every day for a month 🧘 - find a good youtube meditation coach or install an app and use it. even if it’s only three minutes a day, it could make a big difference.

work out every day for a month 🏃 - other than working on your mental health, you need to take care of your physical health as well. a workout can be anything from a simple 5-minute stretch, to a 2-hour long gym session!

reach 10k steps every day for a month 🚶 - a lot of phones have pedometers pre-installed, but if your phone doesn’t, i truly recommend getting a step counting app. go out and get some fresh air! if it’s too cold outside, you can walk around in circles in your house

drink (x) liters of water every day for a month 💧 - pure water might not be everybody’s cup of tea (hah), but an actual cup of tea might be! if you don’t like drinking plain water, make sure to get enough of it via tea, coffee, soups…

eat vegeterian/vegan every day for a month 🥗 - if you decide to do this, make sure to get informed beforehand and see if this could cause you any health problems. if it’s safe for you, prepare to be met with a lot of advantages of this lifestyle!

no chocolate/added sugar for a month 🍫 - i had a bad habit of over-snacking on sweets, but cutting just chocolate or just added sugar led me to far healthier eating habits! you don’t have to give up both at the same time!

go to sleep early & wake up early every day for a month ⏰ - or at least get no more and no less than eight hours of sleep every night! but, for example, going to sleep at 10pm and waking up at 6am is what this challenge is aiming for.