Destron23's Tumblr

A blog devoted to my art
In an era where we’re getting remakes and HD re-releases, would REALLY love to see Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg on Nintendo Switch! Loved that game so much growing up! I realize it would probably never happen in a million years, but feel like...

In an era where we’re getting remakes and HD re-releases, would REALLY love to see Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg on Nintendo Switch! Loved that game so much growing up! I realize it would probably never happen in a million years, but feel like Billy would be such a great character for smash bros too!

Really “scrambled” to get this one done for today. XD

Also plan to participate in inktober this year again, so if if you’re interested, please keep an eye out! :)

  1. natarisaru reblogged this from destron23
  2. pkpanta reblogged this from destron23
  3. tiredlilmiracle reblogged this from destron23
  4. shinovii reblogged this from destron23 and added:
    I keep asking for it, but SEGA just doesn’t get it!
  5. bitburglar reblogged this from destron23
  6. kechiarts said: this game was so underrated and unpopular, we can dream, but it will probably never happen *sigh*
  7. destron23 posted this