Anybody been using MSFS since the beginning aka1980s.?

My first steps towards perdition was through him … you can imagine on which version of fs this masterpiece of technology worked… in my eyes at the time it was like the best of the homecockpits .
Although it is nothing sensational (even for its time), I have always kept it with affection and nostalgia.


I think it was SubLogic. Before MS purchased the product for further development. It came on an Audio Cassette Tape and I used a Tape Recorder to play the data into the ZX81, which took a while.

The ZX81 only supported rudimentary sounds, so it sounded pretty bad. My next encounter with FS was with the Apple II+, which was much better.


I played Psion Flight Simulator on a friends ZX81 and had the Psion version on the ZX Spectrum. Then Sublogic FS II on the Atari ST, and then the first MS FS I had was FS5.1 which I still have, followed by 2002, 2004, FSX and now FS2020. Many other flight sim games inbetween as well through. I remember playing many hours on Falcon on the ST


Hahaha. Some great posts in this thread!

I too had dabbled with one or two early flight sim offerings - Sinclair and PC based - But as everyone in this thread well knows, the hardware and software was so primitive that those early offerings were less
flight simulator and more mind stimulator than anything else!

The first flight sim of any kind to really capture my imagination, then, was the mighty Commache 3.
With it’s splendid Fort Rucker training circuit, this combat helicopter sim was released in 1997 so it’s now twenty four year vintage makes it a relative newcomer. However the graphics were so much more capable by this time.

After this then I spent about a decade on MS 2004 A Century of Flight before finally latching on to
Prepar3d, which was my simulator of choice until MSFS 2020 launched [no pun intended] last year.

So what a journey many of us have been on!
The ever improving hardware drives the development of ever more sophisticated software.
This engenders an ever greater fidelity with reality which in turn ramps up the immersion and the
shear thrills and spills of the current [home at least] state of the flight simulators art.

And thanks OP for conjuring up the memories.

I don’t know if it counts but does anyone remember Elite?
I played this wire framed graphics, space opera classic for a long time.

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1984 on a green monitor… I was 11

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Mine was on a MacPlus. I remember being overwhelmed by such technology. lol
was so cool then! So strange that it came with a thick manual…don’t see those anymore.

Jeez! If my foggy memory serves me right then “Jetflight” was certainly among my first “flight simulator experience”:

Rendered with the most beautiful PETSCII characters :slight_smile:

And IIRC it even came with proper (= printed ;)) flight charts in the box! Oh, and you were asking about FPS? Probably around a solid 1 FPS :wink:

Very off-topic here! But appropriate :slight_smile:

1986: Sublogic FS on Amiga 2000 (back then, a PC way ahead of it‘s time)

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I started with Chuck Yeager’s Advanced Flight Trainer, a computer aircraft simulation game published by Electronic Arts in 1987.

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FS4.0 on Mac for me, so it was around 1991/1992. I’ve had every version since. :slight_smile:

I believed I started with Flight Simulator II on Commodore back in 1987 when I was twelve. Then got FS3.0, FS4.0, so on.

I was so loyal to Microsoft Flight Simulator that I didn’t try others, but just Microprose F-19 Stealth and Microprose F-117A Nighthawk.

This was my first sim, and I thought it was amazing that my BBC model B could run such a program, it got me wondering what could the computers of tomorrow be capable of, MSFS is the sim I dreamed of in the early 80’s.

I started with FS 4.0 back in the days. Also flew with Flight Assignment: ATP and a whole bunch of military sims… but always stuck with FS. From 5.0 and 5.1 to 95, 98, 2000, 2004 and a little bit of FSX but that last one didn’t run well on the hardware I had back then. Now switched back to MS FS 2020 and loving it.

you must be after someone slightly over their 60’s…

Started in the mid 80’s, we had the commodore 64 with FS II and Chuck Yeager Advance Flight Trainer. That was my favorite game. Later moved to a IBM 386 with FS 4.0 flying with the arrow keys on the keyboard. Another fun simulator we had around that time was Up Periscope, a submarine simulator. I have had every version since then including all 3 of the the combat flight simulator titles.

Mine were Skate or Die and California games.

LOL Yeager was good, but not as good as Jane’s Battle of Britain, or some of the other Janes stuff before they went to hell! And dont forget Flight of the Intruder A-6 / F-4 simulator…I miss the yellow brick road. LOL

I no longer have the first title, but here is FS2. I ran it on the Apple 2e. And you want charts? Here you go.


Memories …