Viviana Patti

Viviana Patti

University of Turin

Viviana Patti ( is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Turin with national scientific habilitation as Full Professor in Computer Science, and part of the scientific board and executive committee of the Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition. Her main research interests are in the areas of NLP, Computational Linguistics and Affective Computing, and include sentiment analysis, emotion recognition and irony detection, with a focus on social media texts and the relation between language and social structure. She is applying her research in the field of hate speech monitoring, with a special interest on hate speech against migrants, populist rhetoric and automatic misogyny identification. She has been and is involved in funded projects on fighting hate speech and stereotypes against immigrants. She leads the development of Twitter corpora and models for multilingual hate speech detection and sentiment analysis exploited in shared tasks and international evaluation campaigns for different languages. She coordinated the pilot project “EVALITA4ELG: EVALITA Italian language reference resources, NLP services and tools for the ELG platform” funded by the European Language Grid H2020 project. She has (co-)authored 100+ peer-reviewed-publications, and serves regularly on boards and committees in NLP/AI journals and conferences. Since 2016 she is a member of the board of directors of the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics (AILC), and she serves in the role of vice-president in the new board 2022-25.