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White or pink guava: Which is healthier?

Guavas are also a good source of iron, calcium, and phosphorus, said Tanvi S Chiplunkar, senior dietician

white pink guavaHere's the difference between the two (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock/Wikimedia Commons)

Experts always suggest that seasonal fruits be added to one’s diet. But, it must be noted that some fruits have many varieties, each having its own set of health benefits. One such fruit is the guava — which comes in pink and white varieties. Taking to Instagram, dietitian Shikha Kumari listed the benefits of having guavaand also the differences between the two.

Some of the health benefits of the light green, mildly sweet, and tangy fruit are:

*Helps to lower blood sugar levels.
*Boost heart health.
*May help relieve painful symptoms of menstruation.
*Extremely good for the digestive system.
*Good for weight loss.
*May have an anti-cancer effect.
*Helps to boost your immunity.
*Is good for your skin.


Besides these benefits, guavas are also a good source of iron, calcium, and phosphorus, said Tanvi S Chiplunkar, senior dietician at Bhatia Hospital Mumbai, adding that guava is a “good source of dietary fibre” which is useful in maintaining blood sugar levels in diabetic people.

Now, let’s find out which one should you pick

“Pink guava has more water content, less sugar, less starch content and vitamin C, and less seed or is even seedless. On the other hand, white guava has more sugar, starch, vitamin C and more seed. The white-fleshed guava is high in antioxidants, but the red-fleshed variety has even higher,” said Kumari.

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She added that pink guava contains naturally occurring class of organic pigment called carotenoid, which gives carrots and tomatoes their distinct red colour. The concentration of caroteniod vary from species to species depending upon which the colour of guavas also range from light pink to deep pink. The carotenoid content of white guava, on the other hand, is insufficient to impart colour to its pericarp (pulp). Apart from above mentioned reason, white and pink guava also slightly vary in their taste, said Kumari.

Agreed Chiplunkar and added that ripe guava or the pink ones should be avoided if you are suffering from regular cold and cough. On the other hand, raw ones are recommended to be taken to reduce mucous formation.


Pink guavas are frequently marketed as ‘super fruits’ as they are high in vitamins A and C, as well as omega 3 and omega 6 poly unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fibre. It is high in fibre and is beneficial to diabetics, said Dr Archana Batra,  nutritionist, and certified diabetes educator.

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What is the best way to consume them?

It is best to have vitamin C-rich fruits as a whole so that you do not leave a cut piece for a long time in the open, advised Dr Rohini Patil, nutritionist, MBBS, and CEO of Nutracy Lifestyle. “Otherwise, its vitamin C content starts to decrease,” she said.

What should you keep in mind when buying guavas?

Best to buy small to medium-sized guavas such that you can eat one guava completely in one sitting, said Dr Patil.


Look for a guava that is free of blemishes, cuts, or bruises, as these can affect the flavour. “When purchasing guava, consider its quality and also know that many types of adulteration occur in guava, such as hard guava, green guava, desi guava, and so on. So, try to buy guava from a reputable store and pay attention to its quality. Use your fingers to gently squeeze the fruit to check for ripeness. You can also smell the fruit to get an idea about its sweetness,” said Dr Batra.

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First uploaded on: 19-09-2022 at 09:10 IST
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