Tactical Urbanism Now

Elephant Springs is a new water landscape in London by Gillespies and artist Mel Chantrey of The Fountain Workshop
Elephant Springs is a new water landscape in London by Gillespies and artist Mel Chantrey of The Fountain Workshop for Lendlease

Source:  Image by Charles Emerson

An open international ideas contest – featuring a €7,000 prize fund – is seeking ‘lively and attractive’ public realm interventions which could yield long-term benefits for cities around the world [Deadline: 18 March 2022]

The competition – organised by TerraViva Competitions – invites designers to draw up ‘innovative strategies, original ideas and unconventional concepts’ for new inclusive and accessible public spaces such as parks, streets, playgrounds and squares.

The project aims to identify a range of tactical short-term solutions which could be deployed to achieve long-term urban aims such as encouraging well-being, resilience, sustainability and a sense of community.

According to the brief: ‘The challenge of this competition is to reinterpret what is commonly known as traditional public spaces, such as parks, streets, playgrounds and squares, with a strategical vision capable of providing them with new features of multifunctionality and flexibility.


‘Tactical design can be considered as an instrument for carrying out experimental projects of high communicative value, aimed at improving public spaces or even creating new ones from scratch. Today, the challenge is to design inclusive and accessible spaces, capable of reflecting the diversity of the infinite categories of potential users and encouraging citizens to "Live Together".’

The latest competition comes shortly after TerraViva held an earlier contest to transform a disused Italian hydroplane base into a new community centre. Paulina Pawlikowska and Paulina Górecka from Poland won the €3,000 top prize with a glazed concept featuring a series of internal terraces.

The Tactical Urbanism Now competition invites students, architects, designers, urbanists, engineers, artists, makers and activists to ‘think out of the box’ and imagine new urban spaces of any scale which guarantee ‘permanence, interaction and variety of uses.’ Submissions must include two digital A2 panels and up to 250 words of written description.

Judges will include Arturo Mc Clean of Barcelona-based Miralles Tagliabue EMBT; Sojung Lee | from Seoul-based OBBA; Francesco Garofalo of Openfabric in Rotterdam; and Nathalie Eldan Paris’ Atelier Nea.

The overall winner will receive a €3,000 top prize while a second prize of €2,000 and third prize of €1,000 will also be awarded along with four ‘golden mentions’ each worth €250.


The deadline for applications is 18 March.

How to apply

Visit the competition website for more information

Contact details

Email: info@terravivacompetitions.com

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