Perfil de Andrea Camurani

Inconscio, automatismo psichico, il perturbante

Inconscio, automatismo psichico, il perturbante
I risvolti psicanalitici nel cinema e nella fotografia surrealista

The book aimed at researching the psychoanalytic developments and implications in the field of surrealist photography and cinema. This avant-garde movement in photography was the very first real, conceptual and formal outcome, which made it possible to investigate the existing relationships between freudian thought and surrealist aesthetics.
In 1924, Breton defined the movement as a “psychic automatism in its pure state, by which one proposes to express verbally, by means of the written word, or in any other manner the actual functioning of thought. Dictated by thought, in the absence of any control excercised by reason, exempt from any aesthetic or moral concern”.
In the field of cinema, the main ways in which this form of art has been involved with psychoanalysis were the production inspired by psychoanalytic themes, the psychoanalytic theory of cinema and the psychoanalytic interpretation of films.

Art direction, research and photography
Andrea Camurani


150mm x 210mm
Lenza 120gsm and Sirio Pietra 210gsm

Printed in Italy by 
Tipografia Reali 
Binding by Legatoria Borghi

Politecnico di Milano
BA Communication Design


Inconscio, automatismo psichico, il perturbante


Inconscio, automatismo psichico, il perturbante
