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How to Keep Your Hawaiian Lei Fresh

Image may contain Plant Flower Blossom Ornament Petal Flower Arrangement and Lei
Getty Images/iStockphoto

While many ancient Hawaiian customs have faded from memory, the tradition of lei-giving is one that has remained strong; some might even argue that leis are the main thing they think about when they think about arriving in Hawaii.

In Hawaii’s gorgeous island, everyone wears leis as a symbol of honor, celebration, affection, peace, compassion, greeting, friendship, and love. It’s a symbol of Aloha, the Hawaiian word for both hello and goodbye. If you got lei’d you were visiting the Aloha State, odds are you want to remember the occasion by bringing back your traditional lei and preserving it in the fridge. And thanks to Samsung’s Stainless Steel 4-Door Flex French Door Refrigerator with Cool Select Plus, keeping your leis preserved has never been cooler — or more chic.

While the blooms are still firm and crisp, put the leis in a clear, dry plastic bag, and store them in one of the fridge’s two humidity-controlled clear crispers. Not only will the drawers keep your souvenirs fresh for as long as possible, they’ll also provide enough storage space for any other fruits and veggies you might have on hand. If your lei contains vanda orchids, don’t moisten them before refrigerating, but if it contains carnations, dunk it in lukewarm water, shake it, and put it in a plastic bag before keeping it in the fridge.
