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z/OS Compatibility Matrix

The following table reflects

  • The current release of each CSI product in General Availability (GA).
  • The earliest release of CSI products that work under a specified version of z/OS. This second point means that all releases of a CSI product, from the previous specified version to the current version, work under the specified version of z/OS.

Where further clarification is required, a note is provided at the bottom of this Web page. These clarifications are reflected in the table by hyperlinked numbers in parentheses, like so: (1)


  1. The module BIMGETOF must be reassembled when migrating to another z/OS system.
  2. The RECOV component requires a fix for z/OS 1.12+.
  3. VSHARE 3.0C is required for z/OS 1.12+.
  4. For TS 3.1+ support, VSHARE 3.0B+ is required.
  5. VSUM 5.1A supports VSAM extended addressing datasets.
  6. VSUM 5.0x verified for z/OS 1.09-1.12.
  7. The JRNL component requires a fix for z/OS 1.12+.
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