Shrimp & Vegetable Kakiage Tempura

Kakiage, which means "gathered and deep-fried" in Japanese, is a tempura made with sliced vegetables and sometimes seafood. This light and crispy tempura combines shrimp, onions, carrots and herbs and looks similar to a fritter. I serve it with sea salt and lemon wedges or with soy sauce, with rice and pickles on the side and fruit for dessert. Read more about this tempura recipe.

Shrimp Kakiage Tempura
Photo: Rick Poon
Active Time:
1 hr
Total Time:
1 hr


Shrimp & Vegetables

  • 1 pound medium shrimp (preferably wild), peeled and deveined

  • 1 medium carrot, peeled

  • ½ medium onion, peeled

  • 3 tablespoons roughly chopped parsley, shiso, cilantro or dill leaves

Tempura Batter

  • 1 large egg

  • ¾ cup ice-cold water, plus more as needed

  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons cake flour, divided

  • 1 tablespoon potato starch or cornstarch

Frying & Serving

  • 3 cups grapeseed oil

  • 1 cup sesame oil

  • Lemon wedges, flaky sea salt and/or soy sauce for serving


  1. To prepare shrimp & vegetables: Cut each shrimp crosswise into 5 pieces. Blot with paper towels to dry. Julienne carrots into thin matchsticks about 2 1⁄2 inches long. Slice onion into similar-size matchsticks.

  2. To prepare tempura batter: Whisk egg and ice-cold water in a medium bowl. Set aside 2 tablespoons cake flour in a small bowl. Sift the remaining 1 cup cake flour and potato starch (or cornstarch) into another bowl. Add the sifted flour mixture to the egg mixture. Using a whisk, draw the number 8 in the batter to lightly combine the egg and flour mixtures. Repeat a few times but do not overmix, because you will wake up the gluten and the batter will turn heavy. It is OK to leave a few small lumps of flour in the liquid. Test the thickness of the batter with a pair of chopsticks or a spoon: Scoop a little batter and let it drip off the chopsticks or spoon. If it does not drip easily, the batter is too thick; adjust by adding 1 or 2 more teaspoons of water. Place ice cubes in a bowl or basin; set the bowl of batter on the ice so it remains cold while frying the fritters. Keep the batter away from the heat.

  3. Combine the sliced shrimp, vegetables and herbs in a medium bowl. Add the reserved 2 tablespoons flour; toss to coat the shrimp and vegetable pieces evenly.

  4. To fry tempura: Line a sheet pan or large plate with paper towels. Combine grapeseed oil and sesame oil in a 2-quart Dutch oven or a deep heavy-bottomed 9- or 10-inch frying pan (see Tip). You should have enough oil in the pan to reach about 1¼ inches in depth. Clip a deep-fry or candy thermometer to the side of the pan. Heat the oil to 335°F. It's crucial to keep the temperature of the oil stable and hot. To find the right temperature, drop a pinch of batter into the hot oil. If it falls halfway down and sizzles up, it is a little too hot, but still good for frying most seafood and vegetables. If it falls to the bottom and then sizzles to the top right away, it is right for all foods. Test again, until the optimum temperature is reached.

  5. Place about 1/4 cup of the flour-coated shrimp and vegetable mixture in a small (teacup-size) bowl. Add about 2 tablespoons of the chilled tempura batter to lightly coat the vegetable mixture. Slide (do not drop!) the mixture into the hot oil from the side of the pan. Quickly spread the mixture with a pair of chopsticks to make an oblong or round fritter. Add only 1 or 2 fritters to the pot at a time to allow movement and maintain the optimum temperature while frying.

  6. When the fritters turn slightly crisp and the bubbles nearly subside, flip them over. Fry until lightly golden on both sides. Remove the fritters with a slotted spoon or chopsticks, letting excess oil drip off before transferring to the prepared paper-towel-lined pan. The kakiage will continue to cook a little while resting, so be careful not to overcook it. Repeat the procedure with the remaining shrimp, vegetables and batter.

  7. Serve the tempura immediately with sea salt, lemon wedges and/or soy sauce, if desired.


Deep-fry or candy thermometer


Use a heavy pot or pan; thin aluminum pans do not work. It should be about 3 inches in depth to hold the oil; shallow and thin pans will result in initial high temperature and sudden lowering of temperature when frying.

Originally appeared:, June 2021

Nutrition Facts (per serving)

515 Calories
29g Fat
35g Carbs
28g Protein
Nutrition Facts
Servings Per Recipe 4
Serving Size 2-3 pieces
Calories 515
% Daily Value *
Total Carbohydrate 35g 13%
Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
Total Sugars 2g
Protein 28g 56%
Total Fat 29g 37%
Saturated Fat 4g 20%
Cholesterol 229mg 76%
Vitamin A 2852IU 57%
Sodium 167mg 7%
Potassium 442mg 9%

Nutrition information is calculated by a registered dietitian using an ingredient database but should be considered an estimate.

* Daily Values (DVs) are the recommended amounts of nutrients to consume each day. Percent Daily Value (%DV) found on nutrition labels tells you how much a serving of a particular food or recipe contributes to each of those total recommended amounts. Per the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the daily value is based on a standard 2,000 calorie diet. Depending on your calorie needs or if you have a health condition, you may need more or less of particular nutrients. (For example, it’s recommended that people following a heart-healthy diet eat less sodium on a daily basis compared to those following a standard diet.)

(-) Information is not currently available for this nutrient. If you are following a special diet for medical reasons, be sure to consult with your primary care provider or a registered dietitian to better understand your personal nutrition needs.

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