Washington Map | WA State Map

Map of Washington (WA) State

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Washington map showing state counties
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*Washington map shows all the counties along with state capital.

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The state of Washington is situated in the Pacific Northwest of the country. Olympia, which is found in the state's southwest, serves as Washington's capital. With a total area of over 184,827 km2, the state ranks as the 18th largest in the nation. Washington was the 13th most populated state in the union as of the 2020 census, with an estimated population of approximately 7.7 million. Seattle, the largest city in Washington, is well-known for its thriving music and arts scenes as well as for having the headquarters of numerous significant technology firms, such as Amazon and Microsoft.


Several Native American groups, notably the Coast Salish and the Nisqually, first occupied Washington state. The region was initially discovered by European explorers in the late 18th century, and the Hudson's Bay Company built the region's first long-term European settlement in 1825. Later, in 1889, Washington was joined to the Union as the 42nd state. In particular, the state contributed significantly to the growth of the timber, mining, and shipping sectors of the American economy.


Washington state's history, geography, and population have all had an impact on the state's distinctive and varied culture. The state is renowned for its thriving music and arts scenes, especially in Seattle, as well as its outdoor recreation activities, including hiking, skiing, and fishing. The state also has a long history of agriculture, and today, the production of apples, cherries, and wine grapes contributes significantly to the state's economy. Numerous Native American tribes reside in Washington, and they have a sophisticated culture that has been affected by centuries of contact with European settlers.


Like the rest of the United States, English is the language that is most often spoken in Washington. Spanish and Chinese are the next most widely used languages after English in Washington, which also has a diversified population of non-English speakers. In addition, the state still has a large number of Native American languages, such as Nisqually, Salishan, and Lushootseed.


The region is renowned for its varied topography, which includes craggy mountains, thick woods, undulating farms, and a significant portion of the Pacific Ocean coastline. Mount Rainier, an active volcano and the tallest mountain in the Cascade Range, is the most well-known feature in the state. Several significant rivers, notably the Columbia and the Snake, are located in the state and are crucial for both transportation and the production of hydroelectric power.

Official NameWashington
Area184,827 km2
CurrencyUS Dollar
Major CitiesSeattle


Q1: What is the climate like in Washington?

The climate in Washington varies depending on the region. The western part of the state has a marine climate with mild temperatures and precipitation throughout the year. The eastern part of the state has a more continental climate, with hot summers and cold winters. The Cascade Range creates a rain shadow effect, causing the eastern side of the mountains to be much drier than the western side.

Q2: What is the capital of Washington?

Olumpia is the capital of Washington.

Q3: What is the currency of Washington?

Washington’s currency is the US dollar (USD).

Q4: Which is the largest city in Washington?

Seattle is the largest city in Washington.

Last Updated on: August 23, 2023

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