Purchased in 1967 by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Natural Tunnel State Park today serves more than 200,000 visitors annually, producing a $3.1 million economic impact, according to Robert Chapman, park manager at Natural Tunnel State Park.

With a history dating back to 1750, Natural Tunnel has an illustrious story, which is best chronicled in Tony Scales’ book, “Natural Tunnel: Nature’s Marvel in Stone.” The Commonwealth purchased Natural Tunnel from the Natural Tunnel and Caverns and Chasm Corporation, which incorporated in 1928. Over the years, the company made numerous improvements to the area including construction of the Natural Tunnel Lodge in 1939. The Lodge included a restaurant, gift shop and eight guest rooms. According to Scales’ book, the rooms were “fitted with the latest style and designs in furnishings. Each room had a Beautyrest mattress, individual tile bath and circulating hot water for the comfort of the occupant.”

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