Anonymous asked:

If Finn is 17 now, why does he still so short?

Finn seems to gradually get taller throughout the series.

Episode 1, “Slumber Party Panic”
Episode 179, “The Pajama War”

Finn has definitely gotten taller since the series started.

But Finn’s nearing adulthood.  Let’s compare Adult Finn and present-day Finn from Episode 120, “Puhoy!”

Ideally, I would use production models to make this comparison.   I took these Finns and resized them so that their faces/hats would be roughly the same size in order to make this comparison.

unedited screen caps: (adult) (teen)

Clearly, at this point in the series, Finn had some ways to go before he reached adult height.

However, he also would have been 15 when “Puhoy!” aired (April 2013)

And “Pajama War” aired January of this year—so Finn was nearly 17.

Because we can’t compare the heights of adult Finn and Princess Bubblegum, and because there are some style and model variations per episode, we can’t say for sure how much Finn has grown between 2013 and 2015.

BUT, we can say that he is growing, and maybe by now he is full grown.

So to answer your original question:

If Finn is 17 now, why does he still so short?

Short compared to who or what?  

The only way we can know if Finn is still growing is if we can compare 17 year old Finn to grown up Finn, and it is hard to do that unless they appear in the same episode.  Heck, there are height variations WITHIN THE SAME EPISODE»

I just mentioned that there are variations episode to episode, but I will make a 2015 comparison to grown up Finn, just to see what will happen…



Caveat: more evidence of same episode height inconsistency (featuring the 2 screencaps I’ve used from “The Pajama War”)

Nothing’s perfect but

At least we know Finn has grown since the series started, and he’s probably full grown by now.

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