Diane Keaton Brings Her Viral Instagram Style to the Street

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Hat Coat Jacket and Pants
2019 Bauer-Griffin
Photo: Getty Images

Yesterday in Los Angeles, en route to a taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Diane Keaton took her very Instagrammable style to the street. The 73-year-old actress was spotted in a weather-worn brown leather trench with a cheerful polka dot pocket scarf tied around her neck. All the hallmarks of her ingenious personal styling were on display, starting with the deft play on proportion. The wide-leg dark wash jeans were straight out of Annie Hall!; the oversize leather belt was so large its width equaled roughly three stacked belts! Some other notable Keaton touches? A pale olive hat—the actress is known for her excellent taste in millinery—and, of course, a turtleneck, which in this instance came in crisp white.

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It’s thanks to these experimental outfits like these that Keaton has amassed a cult following on social media in the past few months. She is even more fearless with her uploads than she is IRL, often inviting fans to weigh in on her daring fashion ideas. In a recent Instagram taken by her son Duke, Keaton appears to be chilling on a suburban, tree-lined street in Colorado wearing one of her many quirky hats and a cinched cropped jacket with a skirt layered over checkered skinny jeans. “YES, I AM WEARING PANTS UNDER A SKIRT,” she notes in the caption. (Keaton always writes her captions in all caps.) In one mirror selfie, she opts for a particularly outré silhouette that includes an elongated tiered Victorian-era style coat layered over a dress with platform boots. Keaton, who typically wears a steady palette of black, poses this question to her audience: “ARE YOU GETTING BORED WITH THE WHITE AND BLACK AND BLACK AND BLACK AND WHITE AND WHITE? WELL HERE'S BLACK AND GRAY!” Other standouts? The dress that she describes as a “TENT” and a statement pair of wide-leg Maison Margiela jeans. “NEVER RECEIVED MORE COMPLIMENTS ON ANYTHING I’VE EVER WORN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE,” she exclaims. In the flood of hyper-stylized #OTTDs on social media, Keaton’s Instagram is a reminder of just how fun and freeing getting dressed can be.

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