July 2019: Firework Safety


The Winter Springs Police Department is excited to celebrate Independence Day as it is a day that fills all of our hearts with great pride and patriotism. While we celebrate the Fourth of July, please keep the following safety precautions and rules in mind.

Firework Safety

Over the years, fireworks in our neighborhoods have increasingly become more dangerous. The latest Consumer Product Safety Annual Report stated that fireworks have caused four deaths and over 11,000 injuries nationwide over the last year. In addition, fireworks start an average of 18,500 fires per year, including 1,300 structure fires, 300 vehicle fires, and 16,900 outside and other fires. These fires caused an average of three deaths, 40 civilian injuries, and an average of $43 million in direct property damage. 

As a result of these statistics, the WSPD is very proactive in its enforcement of State laws and City ordinances listed below. All illegal fireworks are subject to confiscation, and fines levied on the possessor.

Florida Statute 791.02 (1) states: it is unlawful for any Person to use or explode any firework as defined in Florida Statute 791.01 4(a). Florida Statute 791.01 4(a)  defines fireworks that fly through the air or explode in any manner such as firecrackers, roman candles, bottle rockets, and mortars, etc. and are subject to confiscation under Florida Statute 791.05 http://www.leg.state.fl.us/STATUTES/

Additionally, Winter Springs City Ordinance 7-27 states: No person(s) shall discharge, detonate, or allow the discharge or detonation of any illegal fireworks, as defined by Section 791.01 Florida Statutes, dynamite or any other explosive at any time within the city limits without the express permission of both the fire and police departments.

Safety Reminders

If you are celebrating the holiday, please enjoy alcohol in moderation, make arrangements for a designated driver, and never drive or operate a boat or personal watercraft under the influence.

If you are traveling, be patient. The holiday can cause delays and traffic issues, so please be a courteous and safe driver.

We wish you a happy and SAFE Independence Day!